
Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Found Living in Their Own Waste

A woman was arrested after forty-four dogs were allegedly found living in disgusting piles of trash and their own feces and urine. Two of the animals reportedly did not survive. Demand this woman spend time in prison if it is discovered that any of these animals endured hardship or died while under her supervision.

Praise Clothing Brand For No Longer Using Fur

Fur-lined jackets are a trademark of the Canada Goose clothing line. Now, the company has made the promise to stop using new fur on all their clothes and save countless animals from death. Sign this petition to praise them for their efforts.

Don’t Let Man Charged With Dozens of Animal Cruelty Counts Adopt More Pets

A man charged with over 40 counts of animal cruelty has reportedly adopted more pets after being released from jail. Demand any animals on his property be taken away and that those he apparently starved and neglected receive justice.

Find Killer Who Shot Seven Horses to Death

A serial killer of horses is at large and dangerous. Law enforcement is seemingly doing nothing. Demand justice for the victims of this animal murderer.

Remove Lead Shot From the Environment and Save Waterfowl

Every year, over 300,000 waterfowl die horrific deaths from ingesting lead shot. Hunters carelessly deposit uncountable amounts of lead shot on the bottom of lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. Demand that this dangerous substance be removed from the environment.

Stop Catching and Torturing Whales in the Name of Science

Minke whales are going to be herded into tiny cages, where they will have probes inserted under their skin and be subjected to horrendous experiments. Help stop these majestic animals from being tortured.

Dog Reportedly Beaten and Run Over Deserves Justice

A dog named Russell was reportedly beaten and run over twice by a man in a pickup truck. Demand the person accused of this crime be required to spend time in prison if he is found guilty.

Don’t Euthanize Thousands of Grey Squirrels

Countless grey squirrels are slated to be unjustly slaughtered in a cruel effort to control the population. Wildlife rehabilitation centers cannot keep them, but they can no longer be released back into the wild. Sign this petition to save the animals and find another way to control the species.

Euthanized Dog Reportedly Found With Large Holes in Body After Boarding at Vet Deserves Justice

A dog named Jax was reportedly euthanized after he was found with large sores all over his body after being boarded at a veterinary hospital. Demand justice for Jax by prosecuting the accused veterinarian.

Don’t Let Pet Stores Reportedly Torture Animals in “Playgrounds”

A pet store chain is implementing interactive playgrounds that will seemingly become torture chambers for the poor animals on display. Stop these stores from reportedly traumatizing and exploiting animals.

Thousands of Animals Dead After Being Shipped in Cardboard Boxes Without Food or Water Deserve Justice

Thousands of animals were abandoned and left to die at a transportation depot in China. The people who are responsible will not be punished due to lax animal welfare laws. Sign this petition to end the abuse of animals in China.

Justice for Service Dog Burned and Blinded in Alleged Acid Attack

Cruel sadists allegedly threw acid on a service dog, severely burning him and rendering him blind. Authorities seemingly turned a blind eye to this horrific act. Call for accountability and punishment for these apparent abusers.

Stop Crabbers From Pushing Endangered Bird to Extinction

Red knot birds are facing extinction as their habitat and food sources disappear due to irresponsible crab harvesting. Sign this petition to help save the red knot shorebird.

Stop Torturing Monkeys in Laboratory Experiments

Thousands of innocent primates could soon be bred for cruel lab experiments on U.S. soil. Help stop this unethical torture factory.

Four Kittens Allegedly Beaten to Death by Teacher Deserve Justice

Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, and Parsnip: these names no longer just represent food; they embody four of the many vulnerable kittens apparently beaten to death by a teacher. Help provide these innocent animals with peace by ensuring future victims are protected from similar heart-wrenching deaths.

Don’t Slaughter Deer Living in City Park

Dozens of peaceful deer are about to be killed because they are living in a city park. Sign this petition to demand non-lethal methods be used to address this issue.

Success: Disgusting Dog Fighting Practice Targeted By Lawmakers

A particularly depraved form of dog fighting has been made a felony in New Jersey. Thank the leaders who took a stand against barbarity for profit.

Don’t Kill Bears for Protecting Their Homes

A grizzly bear has received a death warrant after having a fatal encounter with a human. There are often better ways to deal with bear-human conflicts, so please sign this petition to spare this bear’s life.

Stop Mass Extermination of Wild Boars

Thousands of wild boars are set to be ruthlessly slaughtered. Help save the lives of these persecuted animals.

Thousands of Dead Sharks Sold by Greedy Company Deserve Justice

A company imported thousands of illegally slaughtered shark fins for profit and was only given a slap on the wrist. Demand the government impose real penalties on those who support the massacre of sharks.

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