
Animals Covered in Oil and Lit on Fire, Smashed by Rock, and Drowned in Trash Can Deserve Justice

A squirrel was sprayed with oil and set on fire, another squirrel was stomped to death, and a possum was drowned in a trash can, according to reports. Apparently, a 19-year-old man recorded himself performing these acts of abuse and then posted the videos online. Sign this petition to demand justice.

Save ‘Animals on Fire’ From Climate Change Driven Devastation

More than 2,000 farm animals have been burned alive by out-of-control wildfires in Turkey. The fires, driven by climate change induced heat waves, are the worst Turkey has seen in modern times. Sign this petition to demand action.

Kitten Apparently Shot and Swept Into Street Deserves Justice

A man reportedly shot a kitten, then had his friend sweep the animal into the street to be run over. The innocent victim died from her injuries. Urge full accountability in this shocking and deeply disturbing case.

Punish Tiger King Successors Accused of Abusing and Exploiting Wild Cats

Dozens of wild animals were seized from the private zoo featured in the controversial series Tiger King, and the new owners now face accusations of trafficking and animal cruelty. Call for punishment that truly fits the alleged crimes.

Dogs Mutilated, Burned With Chemicals, and Strung Over Fence Deserve Justice

A dog was so horrifically cut-up and mutilated that the images cannot be shown without being blurred. Another dead dog was found with chemical burns across its body, while another dog was discovered strung up over a fence. Authorities must devote more resources to finding and prosecuting these horrific crimes.

Dogs Mutilated, Burned With Chemicals, and Strung Over Fence Deserve Justice

A dog was so horrifically cut-up and mutilated that the images cannot be shown without being blurred. Another dead dog was found with chemical burns across its body, while another dog was discovered strung up over a fence. Authorities must devote more resources to finding and prosecuting these horrific crimes.

Over 30 Maimed and Killed Pelicans Deserve Justice

A brown pelican was found with its humerus bone protruding through its skin, and its wing had been twisted several times around. There have been over 30 attacks of this nature in the past year. Demand authorities devote more resources to finding the attacker.

Cat Found With Arrow Through Chest Deserves Justice

A cat was shot with an arrow and left to die. The arrow penetrated the cat’s chest, breaking numerous ribs, but miraculously missed the animal’s heart. Sign this petition to find and prosecute the monster responsible for this attack.

Man Accused of Throwing Puppy Into Building He Lit on Fire Must be Punished

A 9-week-old puppy was burned alive when an arsonist threw her into the flames he lit, according to reports. Sign this petition to demand the stiffest punishment possible for this alleged crime.

Chihuahua Used as Bait for Dog Fights and Dozens of Imprisoned Pit Bulls Deserve Justice

Dozens of pit bulls used in fights, a Chihuahua used for bait, testosterone boosting supplements, animal skins, sticks used to pry open a dog’s mouth when it has bitten and held, and a contraption designed to “immobilize” female dogs for coerced breeding were reportedly discovered at an alleged dog fighting house.

Dog Tied to Bumper and Dragged Down Road Deserves Justice

A dog named Marley was tied to the bumper of a car and dragged a half mile down the road. The individuals who did this to Marley are still at-large. Demand authorities devote more resources to finding and prosecuting those responsible for this horrific abuse.

Dog Reportedly Shot and Killed in Dispute Deserves Justice

A dog and his owner were reportedly shot in a dispute. Unfortunately, the dog did not survive the alleged attack. Sign this petition to ask for the strictest penalty under the law if the accused is found guilty.

Don’t Pay Hunters to Kill Reptile Species and Trample Protected Land

Snakes are being rounded up and killed in a cruel slaughter disguised as a friendly competition. In the process, hunters are invading protected habitats. Urge an end to this killing for sport.

Stop Agriculture Industry’s Free Pass for Animal Abuse

Abused and exploited livestock could soon be granted greater protections in Oregon. The agriculture industry may finally have to answer for its seemingly rampant cruelty. Demand needed action to shield farm animals from humanity’s worst impulses.

Save Songbirds From Deadly Epidemic

America’s songbirds are succumbing to a deadly mystery disease at an alarming rate. Act to save our birds while there’s still time.

Woman Accused of Trying to Decapitate Dog With Sword Must be Prosecuted

A dog narrowly survived an alleged attack by her owner, who reportedly attempted to decapitate her with a sword and left her to bleed to death. Demand justice for this innocent dog.

Crippled and Emaciated Dog Deserves Justice

A “severely malnourished” dog was recently found abandoned. The dog was so underfed that his ribs were clearly visible through his skin and he was unable to walk on his own. Demand justice for this poor animal.

Monkeys Reportedly Left to Die in Oven-Hot Car Deserve Justice

Two weeks-old monkeys were reportedly found baking to death in a hot car parked outside a water park. Demand they receive justice.

Stop Shooting Innocent Rabbits at Airport

Rabbits running free at an airport are being mercilessly hunted and systematically shot. The airport has turned down all offers to humanely relocate the colonies. Sign this petition to stop this slaughter and find a non-lethal solution.

Stop Cruel Scientific Testing On Horses

Thousands of horses are subjected to torturous scientific experiments every year. Take action to stop testing on horses and put an end to an unethical era in science.

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