Articles written by: Tiffany White

Do Not Give Football Star Accused of Deadly Neglect Slap on Wrist

A Super Bowl champion stands accused of severely neglecting two dogs to the point of death. Demand prosecutors seek full charges and punishment in this troubling case.

Donkeys Allegedly Neglected and Sickened Deserve Justice

A farmer who allegedly neglected his equine charges to the point of death and near-death has a long record of complaints, most of which have been reportedly swept under the rug. Demand the nation’s top agricultural agency honor its pledge to protect domesticated animals.

Find and Punish Suspect Accused of Leaving Dog to Die

A German Shepherd was found zip-tied and in distress in the wilderness. Demand justice for this sweet animal.

Stop Marine Mammal Strandings From Turning Into Mass Tragedy

A mass dolphin stranding event brought renewed attention to a serious danger for marine mammals. Demand more funding for study and preventions of these aquatic tragedies.

Success: Suspect Apprehended in Case of Chickens Reportedly Brutally Killed on Church Property

A suspect has been identified and apprehended in a shocking alleged act of violence against four hens. Applaud the swift legal action unfolding in this disturbing case.

Allegedly Abused Dogs Trained to Become Killers Deserve Justice

A cat and a badger were the known victims of a convicted animal abuser. This man also allegedly inflicted great harm on the dogs he used as instruments of torture and death. Demand the maximum punishment for these reported multi-pronged crimes.

Animals Reportedly Killed and Endangered En Masse Deserve Justice

At least 47 animals were allegedly subjected to life-endangering cruelty….and these only represent the alleged victims that are still alive. Urge vigorous prosecution of a case described by officials as heinous.

Stop Spread of Rodeos Promoting Culture of Cruelty

Rodeos are continuing to make bank at the expense of exploited and reportedly abused animals. Demand one major city make its first rodeo its last as well.

Use Rat Birth Control as Humane Alternative to Dangerous Overpopulation

Booming rat populations –and efforts to stop them — in cities are creating health risks for people and other animals. Demand investment in a contraceptive approach that’s more effective and more humane.

Animals Allegedly Left to Die in Deplorable Conditions Deserve Justice

Multiple animals reportedly nearly lost their lives as a result of alleged abandonment and endangerment. A dependent senior may have also been put in harm’s way. Demand justice for these apparent victims.

Stop Breeding Cats Burdened With Painful Defects

Some of social media’s most trending animals are living secret lives of suffering. Demand a prohibition on breeding painful defects into felines.

Don’t Make Cockfighting Victims Pay with Their Lives

Cockfighting survivors were allegedly shot and euthanized en masse despite reports that the rescued roosters were destined for new homes. Demand life-saving reforms that could save abused animals from more needless pain and suffering.

Punish Person Who Shot Cat with Arrow

A popular neighborhood car was struck with an arrow and nearly killed. The person behind this shocking act is still unidentified. Demand justice for the animal that barely survived this brutal assault.

Prevent Mass Die-Off of Federally Protected Pelicans

Pelicans are apparently starving and dying in large numbers along the California coast. Demand enhanced aid and answers for this mysterious and deadly event.

Help Protect Pet Population Through Affordable Spaying and Neutering

Companion animals are being abandoned at alarming rates, and affordable spaying and neutering services could make all the difference. Demand better access to low-cost companion animal sterilization that will save lives.

Protect Guardians of Food Supply

Earthworms play several pivotal roles in maintaining environmental wellness, yet their numbers are dwindling at a concerning rate. Demand better protections for these under-appreciated, vital organisms.

Success: Convicted Serial Cat Killer Receives Prison Sentence

A man convicted of going on a serial cat killing spree will serve time in prison. Applaud legal action taken in a case that may help broaden protections for all the nation’s animals.

Shame on Governor Noem for Killing Pet Puppy

A prominent governor has bragged about her shooting of a playful 14-month-old puppy. Call for this leader to set the right example and make amends for this horrific act.

Success: Endangered Black-Footed Ferret Clones Drive Resurgence

One of the planet’s most endangered mammals has a new lease on life thanks to scientific progress decades in the making. Celebrate the success of cloned black-footed ferrets.

Success: Endangered Black-Footed Ferret Clones Drive Resurgence

Sign the Petition Upgrade to sign 100’s of petitions with one-click and feed shelter animals. First Name* Last Name* Email* Address ZIP / Postal Code CountryUnited StatesUnited KingdomCanadaAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCabo VerdeCambodiaCameroonCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandCocos IslandsColombiaComorosCongoCongo, Democratic […]

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