In a shocking act of cruelty, three young puppies were reportedly thrown from a moving vehicle, leading to tragic consequences. Call for legal action against those responsible for this violence.
An eight-month-old puppy reportedly endured a horrific attack, captured on video. Demand accountability for this apparent cruel negligence.
A married couple faces charges for allegedly abusing their dog in a disturbing act. Call for stringent legal repercussions for such apparent cruelty.
An alarming number of animal abuse and bestiality images have been reportedly found. Demand stronger legal action.
In a distressing discovery, 124 animals were allegedly found in dire straits, suffering from neglect and open wounds. Demand accountability and stringent legal action.
Greyhounds face alleged abuse for entertainment and profit. Demand legal action against this reported cruelty.
A husky puppy was reportedly discovered dead, its mouth cruelly sealed with duct tape. Demand swift justice.
Multiple animals were removed from a home where they lacked basic needs due to reported severe neglect. Demand strict legal action against those allegedly responsible.
Innocent animals reportedly endured severe cruelty and neglect. Demand legal repercussions for those allegedly responsible.
Nearly 30 dogs were reportedly found malnourished on a property, allegedly neglected by an individual claiming to be an animal rescuer. Demand justice for these dogs.
Accused serial animal abusers are seemingly getting slaps on the wrist. Demand stronger legal repercussions in a case involving almost 60 alleged victims.
A distressing case involving alleged animal cruelty has come to light. Address this grave issue with immediate legal action.
An 11-week-old puppy reportedly suffered severe burns in a shocking incident. Seek accountability and justice.
A mother dog and her puppies were reportedly found injured, dumped on a roadside. Demand punishment for those responsible.
Two dogs reportedly lost their lives and more were allegedly injured under a pet groomer’s care. Demand strict legal consequences.
A man was reportedly caught killing a free-roaming chicken in Singapore. Call for legal consequences to protect wildlife.
A pitbull was reportedly thrown from a 9th floor, leading to its death. Call for stringent legal repercussions against the perpetrator.
In a shocking incident, a dog was allegedly attacked by pet clinic staff. Call for stringent legal action against the perpetrators.
A man accused of throwing bleach on an innocent kitten is escaping punishment because the animal is believed to have been a stray. Demand that all cats and dogs receive equal consideration under law.
An animal welfare activist allegedly faced repeated, life-threatening assaults while fighting against animal abuse. Demand swift legal action against those responsible.