Protect Monarch Butterflies From Chemical Threats
The monarch butterfly, a symbol of grace and beauty, faces a dire threat due to pesticide exposure. Act now to save them.
The monarch butterfly, a symbol of grace and beauty, faces a dire threat due to pesticide exposure. Act now to save them.
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake faces imminent extinction due to human encroachment and urban expansion. Act now to save their habitat.
The ground squirrel’s survival is hanging by a thread due to climate change impacts. Protect its habitat and save this vital species from extinction.
The salmon and the steelhead, two vital fish species, are on the brink of extinction due to rapid urbanization destroying their habitat. Act now to prevent a massive loss.
The stunning wilderness is in peril, its beauty and life under siege by reckless recreation. Defend it with responsible actions and strong regulations.
Honeycreepers, a once abundant and remarkable bird species, are now on the verge of vanishing forever thanks to habitat destruction and disease. Act now to protect them.
The bright lights along the coast disrupt nesting sea turtles and lure hatchlings away from the safety of the sea. Enforce strict light pollution regulations to save this species.
The Florida panther’s survival is in grave jeopardy as it teeters on the edge of extinction. Act now to protect their fragile habitat and ensure their future.
The continued existence of horseshoe crabs is essential for the survival of migratory shorebirds. Ensure their sustainable conservation.
Thousands of exotic animals are being slaughtered for the making of luxury wallets, purses, and watches. Demand companies halt the production of any further animal-containing products.
The Gunnison sage-grouse faces a life-or-death struggle due to the destruction of its habitat and breeding ground. Urgently act now to safeguard this iconic bird and its fragile home.
Tule elk are once again at risk of extinction as their habitat is destroyed for urban and agricultural development. Act urgently to safeguard these majestic creatures that are a vital part of the national heritage.
The red-cockaded woodpecker and its ancient pine forest home are disappearing due to logging. Act now to strengthen protections for these magnificent woodpeckers and their critical habitat.
The Sonoran Desert tortoise is in danger due to droughts and heatwaves, which are shrinking its home, disrupting its life, and harming the entire desert. Act now to save the species.
The Ozark hellbender salamander stands on the brink of crisis due to pollution, habitat damage, and shifting climates. Act now to protect this ancient species.
The Chukchi Sea, once a frozen haven, now faces alarming ice melt caused by climate change. Act urgently to protect Arctic wildlife.
The wilderness, celebrated for its beauty and wildlife, faces a grave danger: roadkill. Act now to implement wildlife crossings and protect our precious animals.
Proposed coastal development threatens the Alabama beach mouse, a critically endangered species. Take swift action to stop this perilous threat now.
The gopher tortoise, a vital keystone species in the ecosystem, faces a perilous future. Take action now to protect these slow-moving but crucial reptiles.
The roads have become death traps for wildlife. Let’s act now to protect precious landscapes and the diverse creatures that inhabit them by demanding wildlife-friendly road designs and crossings.