
Success: Florida Panther Remains on Endangered Species List

Florida_panther_(Felis_concolor_coryi)_at_Jacksonville_Zoo_(3)-By-Moe-EpsilonFlorida panthers are remaining on the endangered species list, despite some people arguing that they should lose much needed protections. Applaud efforts to keep these animals on the endangered species list in order to protect this suffering species.

Success: California Protects Rare Species From Extinction

Marten_with_Flowers_by_US_FishandWildlifeCoastal martens are now protected as candidates for the California Endangered Species Act. Help us thank the California Fish and Wildlife Department for taking action to save this species from extinction.

Success: Public Park Saved From Disruptive Development

crystal-springs-by-unknownThe Washington State Parks Department has dropped plans for a privately owned RV park that would have harmed local wildlife by driving them away from planned animal highway bridges. Applaud the director for choosing to keep animals safe.

Applaud Researchers Working Toward Replacing Animal Testing

Rat by Janet StephensResearchers have been working towards more humane methods of toxicity testing, moving away from using animal organs. Applaud their efforts and encourage them to continue their research and perfect the process.

Applaud Volunteers Who Saved Dog Destined to Die

Before After Petra Valia OrfanidouVolunteers rescued a dog dying on the side of the road in Greece. Now she is happy, healthy and ready to be re-homed. Read her story and show your support for the volunteers’ hard work and Petra’s recovery.

Hunter Shoots Family Dog For ‘Interfering With His Hunt,’ Say Police

A beloved pet dog was shot dead by a hunter because the dog interfered with his hunt, say police. Demand that this hunter is vigorously prosecuted for this alleged act of heinous cruelty.

Success: Woman Accused of Abuse Surrenders Dog to Animal Shelter

Dog Katie SalernoA woman accused of leaving her two elderly dogs outside in a New York blizzard finally turned one over to the Guardians of Rescue. Help us thank the rescue organization for providing special care to Prince who is old and extremely ill.

Success: New York Creates an Animal Abuser Registry

success_by_pleple2000New legislation will require convicted animal abusers to register with the county, leading to greater awareness in the community and preventing the sale or transfer of ownership of animals to these abusers. Applaud New York City for implementing this act and protecting innocent animals from further abuse.

Success: Dog Saved From Mud Hole

Noah Jeff MillerA neglected dog is getting a second chance at life after being saved from the barren mud pit he was confined to. Sign this petition and thank the local police department for taking this matter so seriously and for saving the dog.

Success: Whole Foods Stops Selling Rabbit Meat

rabbit-217012_960_720Major grocer Whole Foods Market has stopped selling rabbit meat. Thank the company for taking this reasonable decision and urge it to go further by decreasing its sale of other meat items.

Success: Ringling Bros. Will Retire Elephants Earlier Than Planned

Ringling Elise AmendolaIn 2015, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus announced that they would be retiring all their elephants in 2018. However, the plan has changed and now all the elephants will be retired in May 2016. Sign this petition and thank Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for recognizing that these highly intelligent animals deserve happiness sooner rather than later.

Success: Men Accused of Helping to Kill Cecil the Lion Will Likely be Prosecuted

Cecil-the-Lion-by-Vince-O'Sullivan-croppedTwo of Cecil the lion’s alleged killers will likely be prosecuted, as the court has refused to dismiss the case even though one of the accused requested that charges be dropped. Thank court officials for taking the investigation seriously and for doing their best to ensure anyone involved with this horrible and pathetic crime is punished.

Success: Lions in Africa On Endangered Species List

african lion namibia kevin pluckOne of two subspecies of African lions has been placed on the endangered species list, and the other on the threatened species list. Applaud the decision made to try protect and conserve these majestic animals.

Success: Baby Monkeys No Longer Tortured In Lab

NIH-Baby-Monkey-in-Cage1-1024x623Cruel experiments on baby monkeys that involved purposefully causing the infants psychological distress have finally ended after 30 years. Thank the congresswoman who helped it happen.

Success: Military Dogs Will be Sent Home

Nellis AFB officials host joint training exercise for local canine unitsMilitary service dogs will now be sent home upon retirement rather than being left overseas, thanks to a new law. Thank President Obama for improving the lives of these heroic animals by helping their former handlers adopt them easily and rapidly.

Texas Animal Shelter Killed Dogs in Time for Christmas

An animal shelter in Texas is accused of euthanizing all of their dogs because they didn’t have anyone to care for them during the holidays. Any shelter that kills poor innocent animals so people don’t have to work during the holidays must be held accountable.

Success: Woman Who Threw Dog Out of Car Convicted

puppy-by-JessicaGaleA woman who threw her dog from a moving car will serve time in prison. Her dog sustained life-threatening injuries and nearly died. Praise the judge for his decision to grant justice for an innocent dog.

Save Whales and Dolphins From Deadly Explosions

574302-1448038848-wideWhales and dolphins are being put at risk by deadly explosions set off during Navy training exercises in their habitat. Urge the Navy to safeguard marine life by staying out of these sensitive areas.

Stop All Arctic Oil Drilling

186364-1447111685-wideWalruses, polar bears, whales and other sensitive wildlife are threatened by Arctic oil drilling projects. Help protect the pristine Arctic from the drills once and for all.

Success: Wildlife Crossing to Be Built to Save Cougars

CougarOfficial planning has begun for a large wildlife crossing to benefit cougar populations. Thank state officials for moving forward with these plans and encourage them to secure funding for the rest of the project.

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