Animal Welfare

Young Pit Bull Hacked to Death Deserves Justice

A four-month-old pit bull was hacked to death and those responsible are still at large and unidentified. Demand justice for this poor pup.

Justice For Dog Who Had to be Euthanized Due to Alleged Neglect

A dog had to be euthanized due to alleged neglected. Demand justice now.

Justice for Numerous Animals Allegedly Starved and Left in Filth

An epidemic of harrowing animal abuse allegations have recently surfaced. Act now to ensure accused abusers are held accountable.

Justice for Defenseless Cat Allegedly Sexually Abused

A cat was reportedly lured with food and sexually abused, enduring an ordeal no animal should experience. Demand justice in this case.

Pit Bull Reportedly Punched in the Face Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly punched many times in the head and face after behaving aggressively toward another dog on a walk. Demand justice.

Dogs Allegedly Imprisoned Inside Death Crate Deserve Justice

A dog allegedly died desperate, starving, and thirsty trapped inside of a crate. Another dog reportedly narrowly escaped the same bleak fate. Call for true justice in this disturbing case.

End Alleged Mishandling and Killing of Rare Wildlife During Smuggling Operations

Rare wildlife creatures were allegedly killed due to mishandling while they were being smuggled. Act now to protect these innocent animals.

Stop Torturing Innocent Pigs in the Name of Entertainment

Pigs are being forced to race at a popular fair, raising concerns about their safety and well-being. Stop torturing these innocent animals under the guise of entertainment.

Dogs Allegedly Left in Locked Vehicle for Four Days Deserve Justice

Three dogs, allegedly left in a locked car for four days, were saved only by rescuers breaking a window. Demand action now.

Justice For Snakes Allegedly Abused For Entertainment by YouTuber

Venom was allegedly taken from endangered snakes and used for entertainment purposes. Take a stand to protect these innocent creatures.

Stop Filming Perilous Stunts That Endanger Wild Animals

A 22-year-old was bitten by a snake and died while filming a stunt for the internet. These reckless acts not only endanger people, but the animals as well. Demand regulations to prevent such tragedies.

Justice For Dog Allegedly Found Burned in a Dumpster

A dog was allegedly found burned and abandoned in a dumpster. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Justice for Animals Allegedly Severely Neglected by ‘Most Wanted’ Man

Six goats were reportedly severely neglected in a shocking case of animal cruelty. Demand justice now.

Justice For Defenseless Poodle Allegedly Choked to Death by Groomer

A defenseless poodle was reportedly choked, punched, and dragged to death by a groomer. Demand justice now.

Terrier Who Reportedly Suffered Multiple Bone Fractures From Attack by Owner Deserves Justice

A small, helpless dog reportedly suffered fractures and a collapsed lung after being violently thrown and kicked by his owner. Demand justice.

Animals Reportedly Burned on Camera for Personal Fetishes Deserve Justice

Disturbing videos reportedly showing animals being tortured have surfaced as part of a fetish operation. The suspected ringleader is facing charges. Ensure stringent prosecution and uphold animal protection laws.

Dogs Reportedly Abused by Former Cop Turned Pet Sitter Deserve Justice

Multiple dogs were reportedly mistreated at a pet sitting business owned by a former police officer. Demand a thorough investigation to ensure accountability.

Dog Reportedly Abandoned Inside Filthy Dumpster Deserves Justice

A sweet dog named Malea was reportedly ruthlessly thrown inside a dumpster in a shocking case of abandonment. Demand the person allegedly responsible for this crime be thoroughly investigated and held accountable for their actions.

Justice for Horses and Dogs Allegedly Victimized by Serial Abuser

Dozens of dogs and horses were allegedly severely neglected, leading to multiple reported deaths. Demand the twice-charged suspect face a full legal reckoning.

45 Animals Reportedly Horrifically Abused Deserve Justice

A staggering 45 animals have reportedly suffered at the hands of two people who also face accusations of child abuse. Demand an immediate, unflinching investigation to ensure justice is served.

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