Animal Conservation

Success: Shop Owner Held Accountable for Selling Endangered Animal Products

A San Francisco shop owner was sentenced to three years of probation, 500 hours of community service, and $3,599 in penalties for possessing and selling endangered animal products. Animals used included ocelots, jaguars, and snow leopards, which are endangered and threatened species. Thank District Attorney George Gascon for charging the offender and helping prevent more poaching.

Success: Hong Kong Bans Ivory Sales

Hong Kong has finalized a ban on all ivory sales, three years after announcing their intention to put a stop to the trade, closing all loopholes and ending grace periods. This is wonderful news that will hopefully put an end to the poaching of elephants across the country. Sign this petition to thank Hong Kong’s legislature for banning ivory for good.

Success: Kiwis Taken Off Endangered Species List

Two species of kiwis have been removed from the endangered species list. Sign this petition to applaud New Zealand’s Department of Conservation for its extraordinary efforts to protect kiwis.

Success: Trump Puts Hold on Importing Elephant Trophies

Following outrage about the announcement to lift the ban on elephant trophy imports, President Trump has announced a hold will be placed on allowing these imports. Support this step toward ensuring the protection of elephants, and demand that the vital ban on these cruel imports be maintained.

Justice for Baby Elephant Burned Alive

The back legs of a baby elephant are consumed in fire as she desperately runs to her mother, screaming in pain and fear. This was the scene captured by a photographer in India who witnessed an angry mob attacking a mother and child elephant with flaming tar balls and firecrackers. Demand authorities take immediate action to protect elephants.

Success: Sea Turtles Pulled Back from the Brink of Extinction

Sea turtles are no longer moments away from extinction thanks to the efforts made by the United States and Mexican governments. However, their numbers are still dangerously low. Sign this petition to thank the government for saving this species and to encourage their continued efforts.

Success: Snow Leopards No Longer ‘Endangered’

Snow leopard populations have increased, declassifying these beautiful animals from being endangered. Applaud that the conservation of snow leopards is heading in the right direction.

Cecil the Lion’s Cub Shot by Hunters – Stop the Continuing Slaughter

A cub fathered by the famous Cecil the Lion, who made headlines following his murder in 2015, has now met the same tragic fate at the hands of hunters. Sign this petition to urge the government of Zimbabwe to do more to protect these majestic creatures.

Success: Maximum Penalty Sought for Albatross Killer

A young man who plead no contest to charges that he helped butcher and slay over a dozen protected albatrosses could now face the maximum possible penalty for his crimes during his upcoming sentencing. Far too often, cases of animal abuse are ignored or given leniency in the justice system. Sign this petition to voice your support for the prosecutor’s actions in this case.

Success: Shark Fin Ban Approved By Senate

The import, export, and sale of shark fins has been banned in the U.S. Sign this petition to thank Congress for taking a stand against this cruel and unsustainable practice.

Success: Apartment Complex Stops Cruelly Killing Squirrels

An apartment complex took down the cruel “body-gripping” traps it was using to control the squirrel population. Sign this petition and praise the apartment complex for making this compassionate change.

Success: Orangutans Gain More Protections

Thanks to the Indonesian president, orangutans are getting a helping hand. These special primates have received further protection from habitat loss due to palm oil companies in the Leuser ecosystem and other parts of Indonesia. Sign this petition to praise the dedication to the preservation of this species.

Success: City Halts Plans to Kill Coyotes

A city had plans to trap and kill coyotes as a means of population control. Thankfully, concerned citizens spoke up and now these animals will no longer be senselessly killed. Sign this petition and praise the city for ending its plan to kill these innocent animals.

Success: New Technology Helps Capture Poachers

Rangers have successfully arrested numerous poachers thanks to new technological devices that they received from the World Wildlife Fund. Thank the WWF for helping to put an end to this horrific crime and for further doing whatever possible to ensure that animals continue to thrive.

Success: Cruel Hunters Will No Longer Get Away with Hurting Sharks

A prison sentence for shark finning and shark spining, a violent practice of dismembering sharks to use their body parts in soup, has been handed out for the first time in Costa Rica. Applaud this victory for the protection of sharks.

Success: Rusty Patched Bumblebee Granted Endangered Species Protection

The rusty patched bumblebee has officially become the first bumblebee to be protected under the Endangered Species Act. This move could save the species from the brink of extinction, and is a major victory for pollinators. Sign our petition thanking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Success: Park Service Plans to Relocate Grizzly Bears to North Cascades

Grizzly bears may soon be relocated to Washington to revitalize the state’s nearly extinct grizzly population. Currently, there are fewer than 10 grizzly bears in the state. Thank the National Park Service for working to bring grizzly bears back to one of their native territories.

Success: China Bans Ivory Trade

elephants-by-benh-lieu-songHelp is on the way for endangered elephants, thanks to the Chinese government announcing that all ivory trading will be banned in the country by the end of 2017. Sign this petition to thank China for putting an end to the cruel ivory industry in their country.

Success: Endangered Wolves Allowed to Remain Wild

captured-red-wolf-by-hillebrand-steveA plan to capture or kill most of the remaining wild red wolves in North Carolina because of complaints from landowners has just been thrown out. Applaud the judge for upholding protections for endangered wolves and not bending to the will of vocal landowners.

Success: Endangered Yellow-Legged Frog Recovers

rana-sierrae-yosemite-by-devin-edmondsYosemite’s population of the endangered yellow-legged frog has shown astounding rates of recovery. The protection of this species under the Endangered Species Act gives very real hope for the safety and resilience of the frog and the ecosystem it is a part of. Thank the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its efforts to preserve this species.

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