
Cats and Dogs Reportedly Found Covered in Maggots and Living in Filth Deserve Justice

Thirty-three dogs, cats, and puppies were reportedly found covered in maggots and with broken bones, mange, and parasite infections. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Stop Recreational Hunting, Trapping, and Terrorizing of Big Cats

An attempt to ban the recreational hunting of mountain lions, bobcats, and Canada lynx failed, leaving these species at risk. It’s time to take a stand. Demand Colorado protect thousands of beautiful cats from being trapped, poisoned, and slaughtered.

Five Guys: Add Vegetarian and Vegan Options to Your Menu

Five Guys is one of a few fast-food chains to not include vegan and vegetarian meal replacement options on their menu. Demand Five Guys choose compassion and inclusion and start offering plant-based alternatives to their popular menu items.

Banish Agonizing Bow and Arrow Assaults Against Wildlife

Bears and other animals are being subjected to horrific injuries and slow, painful deaths because of bow hunting. Urge a state where this gross practice freely thrives to put a clamp on the cruelty.

PetSmart: Stop Apparently Letting Sick Animals Languish Without Care and Die by the Hundreds

PetSmart has been accused of denying sick animals access to veterinary care and stuffing hundreds of dead rodents, reptiles, birds, and fish in freezers. Demand PetSmart stop selling live animals at their retail locations.

KFC: Stop Misleading the Public With Animal Welfare Claims

Footage taken by undercover investigators at a KFC supply farm appears to show the horrific conditions chickens are kept in. Demand KFC stop misleading the public, and instead focus on actually upholding the high standards of animal welfare they claim to have.

Success: Ban on Retail Sale of Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits Receives Support

New York is attempting to prevent the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits from pet stores throughout the state. This is also a major step in shutting down puppy mills. Thank lawmakers for prioritizing animal welfare and encourage further support.

Protect Giraffes From Poachers Before it’s Too Late

Giraffe populations have declined by an estimated 35% over the past three decades, but officials still refuse to grant these animals the protection they deserve. Demand efforts to restore giraffes before it is too late.

Success: New Mexico County to Stop Funding Federal Wildlife-Slaughtering Agency

Grant County, New Mexico commissioners recently voted against funding a federal agency responsible for killing millions of wildlife each year. Sign this petition to thank commissioners and to encourage other counties throughout the nation to do the same.

Protect Endangered Animals From Climate Change Induced Catastrophes

Record-breaking floods have destroyed precious Australian forests, threatening thousands of already endangered species. Demand the US reduce their carbon footprint and to help ease the impact of global flooding.

Don’t Let Poachers Steal Lions’ Limbs

Poaching continues to threaten critically endangered species that are killed and dismembered in the name of profit. Demand the U.S. increase funding for international anti-poaching agencies and do our part to help conserve global biodiversity.

Stop Offering Cash Bounties for Killed and Mutilated Beavers

Hunters have been incentivized to kill beavers and cut off their paws for money due to recent mass flooding caused by their dams. Animal mutilation or death should never be encouraged. Demand an end to this gruesome practice.

Stop Subjecting Millions of Animals to Torture for “Research”

Tens of millions of animals are subjected to torturous research experiments, despite the many viable, non-animal testing methods that exist. Demand Congress pass pending legislation to promote the use of these alternative measures and reduce the number of animals used in testing.

Success: City to Lift Discriminatory Pit Bull Ban

A city recently lifted its antiquated, decade-long ban on pit bull ownership. This gives the millions of dogs a better chance at finding a forever home. Thank the Excelsior Springs City Council for speaking up for pit bulls across the U.S.

Don’t Abandon Animals in Need During Natural Disasters

Animals are in danger of being left behind during devastating disasters made worse by climate change. Demand that Congress take action to protect pets and other living creatures from harm.

Save Thousands of Vulnerable Species From Extinction

An estimated one third of all plant and wildlife species in the U.S. are vulnerable to extinction, with 12,000 in need of immediate conservation action. Demand the Senate act to protect endangered species before it is too late.

Prevent Millions of Birds From Dying in Collisions With Buildings

Each year, an estimated 1 billion birds die from collisions with manmade infrastructures. A new bill would require that buildings be “bird-proofed,” drastically reducing the number of fatalities. Demand the Senate act now to protect our nation’s avian biodiversity.

Stop Stabbing, Decapitating, and Skinning Animals Alive

Animals are reportedly being stabbed to death, skinned alive, and decapitated with saws at slaughterhouses exempt from cruelty inspections. Call for an end to this barbaric practice.

Don’t Declare Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers Extinct

Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers are on the verge of being declared extinct, despite repeated sightings of them. To ensure their continued protection, this must not happen. Call on officials to delay declaring extinction and to protect these vulnerable birds.

Stop the Legal Stabbing to Death of Innocent Sharks

A recently released video shows two men dragging a shark from the water and stabbing the innocent animal in the head with a knife. According to conservation officials, this violent act is totally legal and the perpetrators will not face any charges. Demand changes to laws that permit the senseless killing of these amazing creatures.

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