
Justice for Goats Beheaded and Brutalized in ‘Satanic Ritual’

Over a dozen goats were beheaded and butchered in a sick act of mass animal cruelty, possibly tied to a satanic ritual. Urge authorities to fully investigate this case and find those responsible.

Don’t Blame Lovable Beavers For Destruction of Towns

Beavers are targeted for following their instincts. They are blamed for destroying their surroundings and are threatened with eradication. Sign this petition to save beavers from unfair treatment.

Senior Toy Poodle Apparently Choked to Death by Groomers Deserves Justice

A 12-year-old toy poodle named Kobe reportedly died because groomers forcefully held him down as he struggled to get out of a choking harness. Demand the accused be punished if they mistreated this frightened senior dog.

Stop Paying Horse “Rescuers” to Send Animals to Slaughter

Ranchers are being paid $1,000 for every wild horse they vow to protect, but are actually selling the horses to slaughterhouses. Demand an end to this fraudulent rescue program that pays to kill horses.

Don’t Let Sea Turtles Die From Human Interference

Hundreds of newly hatched sea turtles don’t make it to the ocean each year because of light pollution and beach partiers. Now, volunteers who fearlessly rescue the hatchlings and release them are being banned from the beaches. Sign this petition and help return turtles to the ocean.

Save Majestic Bighorn Sheep From Poisoning

Bighorn sheep are being poisoned by toxic contaminants leaching into the environment from coal mines. This has been known for years, yet the government has failed to act. Demand these hazardous sites be cleaned up.

Save New Zealand’s Kiwi Birds From Extinction

Millions of kiwi birds once lived in New Zealand, but today less than sixty thousand of these beautiful animals survive. Help save kiwis from approaching extinction.

Help Return Macaws to the Wild

Juliet is the last bird of her species to be free flying in Rio de Janeiro. She has been alone for over 20 years and seeks company with other macaws in the zoo. Show your support for environmental groups who are working to reintroduce macaws back into the wild.

Beloved Bear Reportedly Shot by Prince Deserves Justice

Arthur, one of the largest brown bears in Europe, was allegedly shot and killed by a Liechtenstein prince. Ensure this shameful deed is punished.

Stop Lottery to Hunt Grand Canyon Bison

A lottery will select hunters to kill bison in the Grand Canyon as part of an authorized cull. Over 45,000 people registered to be approved to hunt this majestic animal. Sign this petition to stop this inhumane approach to population management.

Stop Doping Horses for Fame and Greed

The Kentucky Derby was wrought with scandal when a racehorse tested positive for illegal drugs. This is only the latest in a long line of allegations that racehorses are routinely drugged and endangered for entertainment. Urge accountability in a sport fueled by the pain and sacrifice of young animals.

Success: Protection for Migratory Birds Restored

Ex-president Trump removed the laws protecting migratory birds in the United States. President Biden has reinstated these vital environmental protection laws and honored the 1916 treaty between Canada and the US. Thank the Biden administration for their dedication to conservation.

Don’t Let Seahorses Disappear From Our World

Seahorses are being driven to the edge of extinction. Their dead and dried bodies are sold as ornaments, while their habitat is destroyed and polluted. Sign this petition to help protect these magical creatures.

Save Adorable Pygmy Sloths From Looming Extinction

The pygmy sloth is one of the most endangered mammals in the world, with fewer than 100 remaining. Help save these precious animals before it is too late.

Save River Wildlife From Agriculture Pollution

Agriculture toxins are apparently polluting a river in Northern Ireland. A recent incident has killed thousands of fish and left the water tainted. Urge the Irish government to shut down unethical farm operations and make sure this never happens again.

Ban Fake “Rescue” Videos That Endanger Animals for Profit

Helpless animals are put in life-threatening situations to stage viral “rescue” videos on social media. Urge Facebook to stop these deplorable acts witnessed by millions.

Save Bats From Brutal Slaughter

More than ten thousand fruit bats were slaughtered in a government-sponsored cull. They were shot and left to die from their horrible injuries while their species remained on the verge of extinction. Sign this petition to stop the Mauritian government from endorsing the death of thousands of bats.

Bring Back the Bison From the Edge of Extinction

The mighty bison that once roamed in the millions have been brought to devastatingly low numbers. New efforts are being made to reintroduce this animal into the wilds of Montana amid stiff resistance. Help these majestic creatures thrive once again.

Stop Advanced Technology From Threatening Fish

Fancy gadgets are giving fishermen an unfair advantage over their prey, and this has the possibility of threatening the survival of many species of fish. Stop technology from becoming mainstream in the fishing industry.

End the Barbaric Slaughter of Mother Seals and Pups

More than ten thousand seals meet a horrific death at the hands of hunters every year. Mothers and pups are brutally clubbed or shot dead for their fur. Stop the abuse of these beautiful animals.

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