
Stop the Senseless Killing of Gentle Giraffes

Countless giraffes are brutally slaughtered every year by hunters seeking a “trophy.” Hunting these majestic and already vulnerable animals puts them at great risk of extinction. Sign this petition to protect giraffes from blood thirsty hunters.

Stop Animals From Being Killed, Tortured, and Eaten Alive on YouTube

Thousands of animals are eaten alive, run over by cars, or put into dangerous situations for human amusement on YouTube. Help end this horrific abuse for profit.

Save Livestock From Endless Torture and Tragic Death

Livestock could soon gain the same protections against neglect, abuse, and cruelty as traditional pets. Demand Colorado make welfare for all animals the law of the land.

Don’t Slaughter African Elephants for Money

Zimbabwe is selling the lives of critically endangered elephants to fill its coffers. Within the year, trophy hunters will slaughter hundreds of these animals to increase revenue in the country. Sign this petition to stop this shameful decision.

Demand Justice For Decapitated Seals

Twenty-one seals were found decapitated off the east coast of Canada. The limited evidence points towards mal-intent, but some authorities suggest otherwise. Urge the government to investigate the matter, and dole out swift punishment, if required.

Stop “Pooch Perfect” From Abusing Dogs

The TV Show “Pooch Perfect” abuses dogs for human entertainment. The animals have their skin and coats dyed and painted and have objects glued onto them. Sign this petition to end this cruelty.

Dog Reportedly Pummeled and Beaten Repeatedly by Owner Deserves Justice

A dog named Jetta was apparently punched repeatedly by his owner outside of a veterinary hospital. Demand the accused be justly punished if found guilty.

Punish Criminals Killing Endangered Giant Clams

Two hundred tonnes of shells from endangered giant clams were seized in a raid. Punish the poachers who pillaged the oceans to the full extent of the law.

Save Canada’s Caribou From Extinction

Boreal woodland caribou are being driven to extinction by habitat loss and human disturbance. Sign this petition to urge the Minister of Environment to act upon their protection.

Emaciated Dog Apparently Shot, Abandoned, and Left to Die Deserves Justice

A starving dog was reportedly shot and left outside to die in agony after the owner refused to seek medical care for his distressed pet. Demand the suspect be adequately punished if found guilty.

Save Malaysia’s Sea Turtles From Extinction

Sea turtles in Malaysia are on the verge of extinction, with many populations already gone. Yet, sand mining and other devastating projects are progressing, destroying the vital habitats of these animals. Sign this petition to save the turtles of Malaysia.

Stop Creating Unethical Animal Hybrids

Scientists are creating a human-monkey hybrid with the intent of raising these perversions of nature for organ harvesting. Not only is this unethical, it is disgusting to raise a living creature for its parts. Sign this petition to stop this immoral scientific research.

Dog Allegedly Choked and Kicked on Video Deserves Justice

A sick act of alleged animal cruelty was caught on video for the world to see. A defenseless dog was apparently assaulted to such a degree that he needed medical treatment. Urge accountability for the accused abuser.

Protect Whales From Being Injured By Vessels

Whales are being grievously injured and killed by boat strikes in coastal waters. Humpback whales are particularly threatened, and current laws are insufficient to protect them. Urge the government to safeguard these magnificent sea creatures.

Do Not Penalize Wild Animals Following Bobcat Attack

A couple being attacked in their driveway by a rabid bobcat was captured on video and has gone viral. Sign this petition to ensure that the community does not retaliate or seek revenge on wild bobcats or other animals.

Stop Exploiting Horses for Carriage Rides

Horses, many of them emaciated and with injuries from moving heavy loads, are being forced to pull carriages as a tourist attraction. Demand justice for these heavily burdened animals.

Puppy Reportedly Locked in Car With Mouth Taped Shut While Owners Went Shopping Deserves Justice

A 9-week-old puppy was apparently left in a car with a lead tightly taped around the mouth, while their owners leisurely shopped at Walmart. Demand the accused be held accountable.

End the Cruelty of Confining Rodents in Tiny Cages

Thousands of pet rodents must endure poor living conditions due to inadequate housing standards. Crammed in tin cages, the animals cannot follow their instincts properly. Demand that this cruelty end.

Success: Major Biden Gets Another Chance After Biting Incident

President Biden’s dog Major was involved in two biting incidents that threatened his safety. Now, training sessions are to be held in Washington to correct Major’s behavior. Sign this petition to thank the Bidens for giving their dog another chance.

Stop the U.S. Military From Torturing and Killing Animals

Hundreds of thousands of animals are tortured and killed in the U.S. military. They are stabbed, shot, burned, and mutilated for testing that can already be done without the abuse of live creatures. Sign this petition to save the lives of these innocent beings.

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