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Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

Zoo owners threw a live donkey in the tiger enclosure as a protest against a court decision they didn’t like. The owners are not facing charges and have threatened to throw a sheep into the enclosure. Demand authorities arrest and prosecute the zoo owners for this sick act of abuse.

Success: Coast Guard Stops Killing Animals for Training

For years, animals have been tortured and killed for military trauma training.Thankfully, high-tech simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition and praise the Coast Guard’s decision to end this brutality.

Success: Apartment Complex Stops Cruelly Killing Squirrels

An apartment complex took down the cruel “body-gripping” traps it was using to control the squirrel population. Sign this petition and praise the apartment complex for making this compassionate change.

Stop Dog Fighters From Owning More Dogs

A man with a prior conviction of animal cruelty was charged yet again when officers found 13 pit bulls, who had injuries consistent with forced animal fighting, in his home. He was also convicted of illegal possession of animals. Sign this petition to demand that this man receive the maximum punishment and a lifetime ban from owning animals.

Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

A man was caught on video punching his dog repeatedly in the head before slamming her to the ground. The vicious attack occurred in broad daylight on a public street. Demand that the poor dog be rescued and her violent attacker brought to justice.

Success: Live Animals No Longer Used for Trauma Training

For years, animals were being tortured and killed for trauma training. Thankfully, human simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition to praise the decision to end this unnecessary abuse.

Cancel Rodeo Event That Rips Tails Off Bulls

A rodeo event where the tails of bulls are ripped and pulled by cowboys has taken place in Colorado and may happen again soon. Bulls typically experience broken tails or even dismemberment during this sick event. Sign this petition to demand that the cruel event is permanently banned.

Success: Taiwan Bans the Sale of Dog and Cat Meat

Taiwan has recently issued a ban on the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat in addition to stronger general animal protection laws. This is a huge step forward for Asia’s understanding of animal welfare. Sign this petition to thank the president of Taiwan for helping to make this possible.

Success: City Halts Plans to Kill Coyotes

A city had plans to trap and kill coyotes as a means of population control. Thankfully, concerned citizens spoke up and now these animals will no longer be senselessly killed. Sign this petition and praise the city for ending its plan to kill these innocent animals.

Dog Found Starving in ‘House of Horrors’ Deserves Justice

A woman is accused of starving and denying medical care to a dog named Nikki, in a shocking report of animal cruelty. Apparently, Nikki was found with zero body fat, weighing only 20 pounds, and one of her paws was only a stub. Demand justice for poor Nikki.

Success: Government Bans Captive Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

After mother and daughter beluga whales passed away within two weeks of each other, the public and animal activists spoke up about their concerns for the animals trapped within the aquarium. Thankfully, the local board decided to ban cetacean captivity at the aquarium. Sign this petition and praise the board for making the compassionate choice.

Success: Cruel Hunters Will No Longer Get Away with Hurting Sharks

A prison sentence for shark finning and shark spining, a violent practice of dismembering sharks to use their body parts in soup, has been handed out for the first time in Costa Rica. Applaud this victory for the protection of sharks.

Success: State Bans All Elephant Circus Acts

elephant-mister-eAcross the nation, many elephants are imprisoned within the entertainment industry and forced to perform tricks and give rides. New Jersey has now become the first state to ban all circus acts that use elephants. Sign this petition to thank the New Jersey Senate for passing this law.

Success: Nation Bans Trophy Hunting

kodiak_brown_bears_by_lisa_huppThe Romanian government has announced a ban on the annual killing of thousands of large carnivores through the closing of a legal loophole. Applaud this progressive effort to save innocent animals from a senseless death.

Success: African Grey Parrot Protected

african_grey_parrot_by_l-_miguel_bugallo_sanchezInternational trade of one of the most commonly traded birds on the planet–the African grey parrot–has just been banned due to fears of extinction. Applaud this commitment to saving this parrot’s dwindling wild population.

Success: Major Retailer Ends Sale of Fur and Angora Hair

fox-john-leffmannA major international retailer has finally ended its use of fur and angora hair in its clothing. Fur and angora farms are notorious for raising animals in poor conditions and hurting or killing them in horrific ways. Sign this petition to thank the retailer for ending its support of this cruel industry.

Success: Thousands of Wild Horses Saved from Unnecessary Slaughter

Wild_Horses_by_BLMThousands of wild horses will be spared due to a government decision to cancel a plan that would have needlessly massacred them. Applaud the effort to work towards a more humane solution to control wild horse populations rather than simply exterminating these precious animals.

Success: California Bans Captive Orca Breeding

Orcas Robert PittmanThe cruel captive orca breeding industry has finally been banned in California. Applaud this groundbreaking move and help get all orcas out of captivity.

Success: Duck Strangling Festival Canceled

Duck Brandon WeeksFor years, a festival where revelers would fight to rip off a duck’s head has been allowed to continue. Thankfully, government officials have finally put an end to this savage event. Sign this petition and thank officials for sparing innocent ducks from unnecessary pain and death.

Success: Giant Panda No Longer Endangered

Baby_Giant_Panda_by_fortherockThe giant panda population is recovering at a rapid rate thanks to government protection of the animals’ habitat. Commend the preservation of these valuable creatures and encourage further protection.

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