
Jail Time for Teen Who Savagely Beat Cows

A teen has been convicted for punching, kicking, and beating cows with a metal gate. Demand that he is sentenced to jail for this inexcusable cruelty.

Dog Found Starving in ‘House of Horrors’ Deserves Justice

A woman is accused of starving and denying medical care to a dog named Nikki, in a shocking report of animal cruelty. Apparently, Nikki was found with zero body fat, weighing only 20 pounds, and one of her paws was only a stub. Demand justice for poor Nikki.

Find Criminals Who Stuck Puppies to Ground With Hot Tar

Hot-Tar-by-Karel-SiedlFour puppies are in critical condition after being stuck to the ground and covered in hot tar. Someone is intentionally torturing puppies since this is the second case. Demand that authorities find the criminal engaging in this horrific torture and bring them to justice.

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Texas Animal Shelter Killed Dogs in Time for Christmas

An animal shelter in Texas is accused of euthanizing all of their dogs because they didn’t have anyone to care for them during the holidays. Any shelter that kills poor innocent animals so people don’t have to work during the holidays must be held accountable.

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