Articles written by: Vincent Verse

Save the Eastern Hellbender Salamander From Water Pollution

The eastern hellbender salamander may soon be gone forever due to water pollution. Demand prompt intervention to save this unique species.

Don’t Let Climate Change Kill Off Native Brook Trout

Habitat degradation, climate change, and invasive species are all contributing to the pending extinction of brook trout. Demand leaders implement conservation measures to protect this species and their waterways.

Ban Harmful Pesticides Threatening Pollinators and Birds

Birds, bees, and butterflies are undergoing distressing declines due to detrimental pesticide use. Call for an urgent prohibition of the deadly chemicals and save these crucial pollinators.

Don’t Let the Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon Go Extinct After Survival for Millennia

Atlantic sturgeons are dying due to overfishing and habitat destruction. They have survived for millions of years, and now human activity could kill them off. Demand comprehensive measures aimed at safeguarding and revitalizing this endangered species.

Justice for Minnie, Cat Allegedly Sexually Abused and Burned

A cat named Minnie was found sexually abused and covered in burns. Take immediate action to address this animal cruelty and ensure justice for Minnie.

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