Dog Allegedly Beaten and Starved to Death Deserves Justice
A 12-year-old dog tragically died due to alleged abuse and neglect by her owner. Ensure a thorough investigation and prosecution to bring justice for this innocent pup.
A 12-year-old dog tragically died due to alleged abuse and neglect by her owner. Ensure a thorough investigation and prosecution to bring justice for this innocent pup.
A mini poodle was so matted due to alleged neglect that the poor animal couldn’t even walk. Incidents like this underscore the urgent need to strengthen animal welfare enforcement. Demand the governor address animal cruelty state-wide to protect all innocent pets.
A dog was reportedly sexually abused by a man in a shocking case of animal cruelty. Demand justice.
A dog was allegedly killed during a dog fight, igniting concern among animal rights activists in the community. Neighbors stated that this dog, as well as other pets in the house, suffered ongoing abuse for a year. Demand justice for these animals and strengthen animal welfare enforcement.
Twelve horses and 24 dogs were reportedly found dead after suffering agonizing starvation. Demand justice for the innocent lives lost now.
A two-year-old horse was reportedly impaled on a fence until its intestines spilled out. Demand a thorough investigation into this disturbing case.
Appalling conditions and mistreatment of dogs were reportedly found at an animal rescue. Demand immediate investigation and justice for the innocent animals.
Four horses were reportedly starved to the point that their bones showed through their skin. They also suffered from eye, hoof, and dental ailments due to an alleged denial of medical care. Demand justice for these innocent animals.
Two dogs were reportedly left unattended in a hot car during a heatwave. Demand a thorough investigation so that the person responsible will face justice and all animal welfare laws will be upheld.
Dozens of dogs were reportedly kept in filthy cages and denied medical care in an apparent puppy mill operation. Demand prompt legal action to hold those responsible accountable for these inhumane actions.
Greyhound trainers reportedly kicked, punched, and dragged multiple dogs while the poor animals cowered in fear. Demand a thorough investigation into this apparent animal cruelty and swift justice for those found responsible.
A photo of a tiger seemingly trapped in a tiny cage, posted on social media by a famous actress, raised concerns about potential mistreatment and abuse of animals at a tourist facility. Demand she take a strong public stance against animal cruelty and expose this apparent abuser.
A miniature poodle was reportedly beaten with a leather belt by two football players as an act of “discipline.” Demand justice for the allegedly abused dog.
A dog was reportedly starved to death and lived amongst garbage and feces. The owners’ children apparently suffered the same abuse. Demand a thorough investigation to protect the vulnerable and help hold those allegedly responsible accountable for their actions.
A stray dog was reportedly brutally killed in a shocking act of animal cruelty. The suspects are in police custody. Demand swift justice for this innocent animal.
A puppy was allegedly disemboweled to death as part of a sadistic threat against the animal’s owner. Demand justice.
Six stray dogs and their puppies were allegedly poisoned to death. Demand justice for these innocent animals.
Dogs and birds were reportedly forced to perform against their will at a circus. This alleged abuse could injure or even kill these animals. Demand appropriate action to protect them from exploitation and harm.
A BBC TV show, Countryfile, featured the use of snares to capture wildlife. This apparent normalization of animal cruelty sparked outrage. Demand the BBC prevent the inclusion of content that promotes inhumane practices in the future.
A dog was set on fire and died at the hands of an unknown perpetrator. Demands immediate investigation and swift justice for this innocent victim.