A detention center farm and animal rescue program allows inmates to contribute to their community, feel pride in their work, and have a better chance of leading successful lives after serving their sentences. Applaud Stock Island Detention Center for doubling as an animal farm and rehabilitation program for inmates.
Hundreds of dead or dying sea lions have been washing ashore due to starvation. Chile has recently implemented new laws that restrict overfishing practices in its oceans. Sign this petition to thank the government of Chile for protecting the delicate balance of marine life.
Fifteen starving and at-risk animals will be rescued from a zoo in a war-torn area. Show your support for sending these animals to new homes, and help raise awareness about the need to find them new caretakers.
A partnership geared toward ending the illegal wildlife trade has recently been announced by an alliance of major corporations. Praise these efforts to fight wildlife trafficking and cut off the supply of illegal animal products in the U.S.
Massive amounts of Arctic land, including polar bear habitat, will remain protected from oil and gas development thanks to a responsible court decision. Thank the court for saving polar bears and fragile habitat from harmful fossil fuel activities.
The sale of animals sourced from puppy mills is now banned in a New York town. Thanks to previous legislation, this local government could enact this new law. Applaud the fact that this town had the power to ban commercially bred animals from their pet stores.
An important wildlife crime unit has been saved from closure by government funding that will support its actions for at least four years. Sign this petition to thank the U.K. government for agreeing to fund this valuable police unit and urge them to continue taking steps to fight wildlife crime.
A zoo was recently brought to justice for its horrific conditions and animal abuse. Praise the Animal Legal Defense Fund for bringing a lawsuit against Cricket Hollow Zoo.
Iceland’s only whaling company just announced that they will not be hunting endangered fin whales this summer. Sign this petition to thank the company for cancelling this season’s hunt and urge them to continue taking steps to protect endangered whales.
A proposal to increase in the speed of chicken processing lines has been dropped, thanks to public outcry. Celebrate community action against this inhumane proposal and the USDA’s abandonment of it.
Every three months, angora rabbits on fur farms have their fur plucked or sheared from their bodies in order to be used in clothing. Many retailers have decided to end the use of angora fur. Sign this letter and thank this international fashion brand for ending its use of angora fur.
Florida panthers are remaining on the endangered species list, despite some people arguing that they should lose much needed protections. Applaud efforts to keep these animals on the endangered species list in order to protect this suffering species.
Coastal martens are now protected as candidates for the California Endangered Species Act. Help us thank the California Fish and Wildlife Department for taking action to save this species from extinction.
The Washington State Parks Department has dropped plans for a privately owned RV park that would have harmed local wildlife by driving them away from planned animal highway bridges. Applaud the director for choosing to keep animals safe.
Researchers have been working towards more humane methods of toxicity testing, moving away from using animal organs. Applaud their efforts and encourage them to continue their research and perfect the process.
Volunteers rescued a dog dying on the side of the road in Greece. Now she is happy, healthy and ready to be re-homed. Read her story and show your support for the volunteers’ hard work and Petra’s recovery.
A beloved pet dog was shot dead by a hunter because the dog interfered with his hunt, say police. Demand that this hunter is vigorously prosecuted for this alleged act of heinous cruelty.
A woman accused of leaving her two elderly dogs outside in a New York blizzard finally turned one over to the Guardians of Rescue. Help us thank the rescue organization for providing special care to Prince who is old and extremely ill.
New legislation will require convicted animal abusers to register with the county, leading to greater awareness in the community and preventing the sale or transfer of ownership of animals to these abusers. Applaud New York City for implementing this act and protecting innocent animals from further abuse.
A neglected dog is getting a second chance at life after being saved from the barren mud pit he was confined to. Sign this petition and thank the local police department for taking this matter so seriously and for saving the dog.