Animal Welfare

Success: Animal Cruelty To Become Federal Crime

Victims of animal cruelty will soon receive real justice following the passing of national safeguards for animal victims. In the process, the worst acts of animal cruelty will receive federal condemnation. Applaud an important cause that united all political leaders and will bring justice to these innocent victims.

Success: Man Who Callously Murdered Dog Gets Jail Time

Benji the dog died brutally and painfully when he was slammed into the ground. Now, the man found guilty of this cruelty has been sentenced to a year in prison and a year of probation. Thank those who fought hard to ensure that justice was served for Benji.

Success: Sale of Inhumane Foie Gras Banned

Foie Gras has officially been banned in New York City, prompting celebration amongst animal rights activists. The cruel culinary practice, involving force-feeding ducks until their livers are painfully engorged, will no longer garner profit in one of the country’s largest fine-dining cities. Thank those involved in this monumental decision.

Success: South Korean Capital Now Dog-Meat Free

The last dog slaughterhouse has been shut down in Seoul, South Korea in response to public pressure from animal rights activists. Thank the mayor of Seoul for bowing to such pressure and saving the lives of many dogs.

Success: California Bans Wild Animal Circuses and Fur Industries

Animal rights took two monumental steps forward in California. Now, the living beings most victimized by circuses and by the blood-money fur trade have new hope. Applaud these encouraging wins for abused and exploited animals.

Success: TripAdvisor Stops Peddling Marine Mammal Exploitation

TripAdvisor will no longer be selling tickets to marine parks where whales and dolphins are bred in captivity. This is an important step forward in not only the company’s animal welfare policy, but in pushing for better treatment of marine mammals. Thank TripAdvisor for no longer enabling the support of marine mammal cruelty.

Success: Butcher Shop Employees Allegedly Responsible for Calf’s Public Slaughter Charged with Animal Cruelty

A scared calf was allegedly cruelly butchered in public view. This poor animal’s accused killers must now face not only the court of public opinion but the court of law. Support just punishment for seemingly unremorseful accused animal abusers.

Success: Wild Animal Circuses Banned

The use of wild animals in traveling circuses will finally be banned across England. Show your support for animal welfare by thanking the UK Parliament for outlawing the cruel practice.

Success: Abused Animals Given Advocates in Court

Court representation will be provided to mistreated animals in Maine, reducing the number of abusers walking free. This means that justice can finally be granted to animals who have suffered or died needlessly. Support this commitment to animal welfare.

Success: Cruel Cat Declawing Banned

The declawing of cats could soon become illegal in New York, making it the first statewide ban of the inhumane practice. This is the biggest step any state has taken in outlawing the unnecessary surgery. Praise this decision that will protect cats from this cruelty.

Dog Beaten and Burned to Death Deserves Justice

A dog was beaten and burned to death in a disturbing case of animal cruelty. The animal’s battered body was discarded on a sidewalk for local residents to find. Demand justice for this poor pup.

Success: Exotic Animal Circuses Banned

Exotic animals will no longer be allowed to perform in circuses, thanks to a citywide ban. This is a life-changing decision for many exotic animals who live their lives in cages and are subjected to abuse and neglect. Thank council members for their dedication to animal welfare.

Success: Inhumane Euthanasia Banned

Inhumane euthanasia is now considered animal cruelty, following the recent allegations of a shelter freezing four kittens to death. This means that anyone who tortures an animal in the name of mercy can be prosecuted and punished. Praise this advancement that will bring justice for innocent animals.

Dog Tied Up and Set on Fire Deserves Justice

A small dog suffered burns over 15-20 percent of his body after he was doused in flammable liquid and set on fire. Left for dead in a wasteland, he endured horrific pain. Demand justice for this innocent pup.

Success: Captive Whales Freed

Nearly 100 whales will be freed from a “whale jail” in Russia, thanks to demands from the Kremlin. The whales were slated to be sold to aquariums or Chinese buyers after having been illegally captured and kept in deplorable conditions. Thank the Kremlin for stepping in to save these creatures.

Success: US Government Sued For Experimenting On Kittens

An animal welfare advocacy group has filed a lawsuit against the USDA, demanding a stop to their horrific experiments that kill at least 100 kittens and cats per year. While this is only the first step in stopping the experiments, it is an important one. Sign this petition to thank the White Coat Waste Project and to support their fight to protect innocent animals.

Success: Animal Testing Banned in California

Animal testing has officially been banned in California, thanks to a unanimous vote by the State Assembly. This will be the fourth state to ban the unethical and dangerous practice that has harmed animals for years, even leading to deaths. Thank the California State Assembly for taking this important step.

Success: Owner of Animal House of Horrors Sentenced to Jail Time

An animal cruelty offender will serve jailtime after she kept dozens of dogs and a cat in a feces-ridden house. Three dogs died due to neglect and others were emaciated and covered in urine. Thank the prosecutor who gave these animals a voice.

Success: ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Punishing Animal Rights Defenders Struck Down

They recorded some of the worst atrocities committed against animals, and Iowa law once called them criminals. But no more. Applaud the abolition of a destructive law that protected and enabled animal abusers.

Success: Breeder Convicted of Animal Cruelty Gets Jail Time

A breeder will serve jail time after he starved and denied veterinary care to sick dogs. The animals were severely emaciated and they suffered with painful and debilitating health problems. Thank the prosecutor for seeking the maximum punishment for this animal cruelty offender.

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