Success: 77 Animals Allegedly Caged, Killed, and Neglected Receive Justice

Target: Joe Holder, Police Chief of Middlesboro County, Kentucky, United States

Goal: Thank the Middlesboro County Police Department for their investigation surrounding the alleged neglect and abuse 77 animals endured.

Dozens of animals, ranging from dogs, rabbits, and a cat, were allegedly severely neglected in a Middlesboro County home. Owners of the home, Woodrow and Althea Wyatt, were reportedly keeping dogs in cages without food or water. Furthermore, other dogs were allegedly kept in pens filled with urine, feces, and mold. After Middlesboro County Police investigated these seemingly horrifying conditions and saved the animals the best they could, nine dogs had to be euthanized automatically. Receiving justice for these poor animals was of top priority as mentioned in this ForceChange petition.

The homeowners were charged with 77 counts of animal cruelty after police searched the home. The Bell County Animal Shelter and their supporters are currently trying to find homes for the animals to stay at. Currently, friends of the shelter reported that P.E.T Sake and Noah’s Ark took in a portion of the animals. It is planned that the rest will be taken in too. It’s horrifying that these animals reportedly had to live in such a sickening environment, and officials have given justice to each and every animal through the individual charges indicted. Each animal deserved their own charge, and the justice system needs to use this case as an example for how future animal cruelty charges should be navigated.

The charges placed on the suspects of this case accounted for every animal that was impacted by these allegedly horrifying living conditions, which is how every animal cruelty case should be handled. This case should serve as an example for future cases. If the suspects are found guilty, they should receive the full sentencing permitted to fully face the consequences for what they put these helpless animals through. Sign this petition to thank the Middlesboro County Police Department for their diligence in bringing justice to the 77 animals reportedly neglected and/or killed.


Dear Police Chief Holder,

Thank you and the rest of the Middlesboro Police Department for your work on this disturbing case. The lives of 77 animals were permanently altered, and some were even lost. No living being should have to face what these animals allegedly had to, and because of the thorough investigation of this case, the suspects received 77 animal cruelty charges that accounted for every animal reportedly harmed and/or neglected. This case is heartbreaking, but the best the justice system could have done to prevent further animal cruelty cases was to highlight the seriousness of these actions. Each individual charge provides justice to the animals and sets a new precedent for how these cases should be handled.

This case was shocking, disturbing, and tragic all in one, but thanks to you, animal cruelty rates may decrease based on how this case was handled. Nothing can bring the animals lost back, but hopefully, this case can prevent further animal abuse from occurring. With the proper care, the remaining animals may be able to live better lives and receive the care they deserve. Your contribution to this case was needed to make it as moving and eye-opening as possible. Thank you for saving these animals and giving them the chance to thrive in safe conditions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Irish83


  1. I would only claim this to be a “success” if this vile pair were taken out and shot. They will get a pathetic sentence, if they actually get a sentence at all, and we all know they will have every opportunity to do exactly the same again. Only one way to make sure they don’t…just destroy them, job done.

  2. Shelly Blazich says:


  3. Thank you to the entire police department!!! Because of how this case went forward and having each animal have justice is a giant step in the right direction. People can not do such cruel things and get away with it. Thanks to you I hope the couple responsible will, after trial, get the punishment they deserve.
    Hopefully seeing this case and the wain which it was handled will show others they, too, won’t get a slap on the wrist but will receive the punishment their crimes should receive. Both people and animals lovers are appreciative to your efforts on behalf of the poor animals who suffered so greatly.

  4. Now it’s up to the judge to make all the changes stick and fir each animal these people should go to prison 77 years for each animal and if that judge was smart 77 years for each dog 🐕 that would make it 5,929 years for all these 🐕

  5. Manitou CalmStorm says:

    Stop the insanity! Hunt down every animal abusers, regardless of age, and do to them what they do to those innocent animals! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

  6. Pamela Plambeck says:

    Thank you to everyone on the Middlesboro Police force for your hard work in charging the alleged suspects in this case with 77 counts of animal cruelty after searching their home. May the serious manner in which you are approaching this case set a precedent for others who abuse animals or somehow think animal neglect let alone…severe) is okay.

  7. Cheryl Meehan says:

    Thank you thank you thank you. So tired of abusers getting away with hurting or killing critters! This means alot to alot of people…so thank you with all my heart!

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