Animal Welfare

Dog Reportedly Beaten at Gas Station Deserves Justice

An man was reportedly caught on video beating his dog at a gas station. Demand authorities find and prosecute this person.

Dog Reportedly Locked in Apartment Closet and Left to Starve Deserves Justice

A dog was apparently shoved inside a closet and left behind by the owners before they moved from the residence. The poor animal was reportedly found malnourished, with severely matted hair. Demand justice now.

Deny Early Parole to Man Who Tortured and Killed Seven Dogs

A man who was found guilty of torturing and skinning seven dogs to make fur coats may be released from prison early. Demand he be required to serve his entire sentence to prevent other animals from being violently hurt or killed.

Stop Subsidizing Horrific Bull Fighting

European governments subsidize the slaughter of roughly 250,000 bulls annually. Urge them to stop their support of bull-breeding farms.

Protect Animals at Shelter Where Injured Puppy was Stolen

Cashew, a four-month-old puppy recovering from surgery, was stolen from a shelter by an unidentified man in a clown mask. Demand action to ensure this never happens again.

Stop Drugging Small Animals and Making Them Swim for Their Lives

Mice and other small animals are forced to swim until nearly drowned as part of a cruel experiment. They are drugged, dropped into water, and left to save themselves. Call for an end to the “forced to swim test.”

Stop Deliberately Killing Farm Animals With Heatstroke and Suffocation

Animals are being cooked and suffocated to death on America’s farms, and these heinous killings are justified as euthanasia. Urge an end to legal torture in the agriculture industry.

Dogs, Cats, and Other Pets Apparently Abandoned to Die in Apartment Deserve Justice

A dog and several other animals reportedly died in an apartment after being abandoned by their caretakers. Other pets were rescued from the same property. Demand justice.

Dog Who Allegedly Starved and Died in Her Own Waste Deserves Justice

Sugar the dog was allegedly starved in her crate before dying in her own urine and feces. Demand justice for this sweet dog if it is found she passed away due to such horrific abuse and neglect.

Dogs Reportedly Found Dead in Freezer in Filthy House Deserve Justice

Fifteen dogs were reportedly found dead and stuffed inside a freezer, while others were forced to live in their own feces in the same house. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Save Ukrainian Animals From Putin’s Barbaric War of Aggression

Pets and other animals are the forgotten victims of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Ask European leaders to do more to rescue these creatures from slaughter and starvation.

Mice Reportedly Starved and Scalded to Death at University Deserve Justice

Mice are allegedly being starved, abused, and neglected at University of Minnesota laboratories. An investigation claims that at least 47 violations of animal welfare laws occured. Call on the president of the university to ensure any employees responsible of abuse are fired.

Success: Bobcat is Healthy and Safe After Reported Theft

The bobcat that was reportedly stolen from a farm is back safe and sound. The farm itself released video of Blanche the bobcat looking happy as ever. Thank the farm owner who took measures to ensure the safety and security of their animals after the alleged theft.

Success: Transport of Monkeys for Experimentation Stopped

The flights that transport macaque monkeys to be used in experiments will be stopped, thanks to public outrage. Kenya Airlines will not be renewing their contract. Thank them for saving so many monkeys from cruelty and death.

Success: Dog Allegedly Abused at Training Center Now Rescued and Happy

After public outrage and demands, the dog who was allegedly abused at a training facility is now happy and healthy. The district attorney’s office released an uplifting new video of the dog happily running around. The reassuring video also came with a statement that the abuse is still being investigated. We are happy to see Mugshot the dog receiving proper care and looking happy again.

Success: Reportedly Neglected Animals Rescued From Defunct Roadside Zoo

A roadside zoo that reportedly left a bear without veterinary care for years in unsanitary conditions has had the remainder of its animals confiscated. Applaud the efforts of shutting this zoo down and sending the animals to a sanctuary.

Success: Infamous Big Cat Zoo Permanently Shut Down

The former zoo of alleged animal abuser Joe Exotic has finally been shut down once and for all. Applaud the closure of this sad chapter in big cat exploitation.

Success: Disgusting Dog Fighting Practice Targeted By Lawmakers

A particularly depraved form of dog fighting has been made a felony in New Jersey. Thank the leaders who took a stand against barbarity for profit.

Success: Major Biden Gets Another Chance After Biting Incident

President Biden’s dog Major was involved in two biting incidents that threatened his safety. Now, training sessions are to be held in Washington to correct Major’s behavior. Sign this petition to thank the Bidens for giving their dog another chance.

Success: Joe the Pigeon Saved from Death Sentence

Joe the Pigeon, once sentenced to death, has been spared. Thank the Australian government for listening to the public and saving the bird’s life.

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