After public outrage and demands, the dog who was allegedly abused at a training facility is now happy and healthy. The district attorney’s office released an uplifting new video of the dog happily running around. The reassuring video also came with a statement that the abuse is still being investigated. We are happy to see Mugshot the dog receiving proper care and looking happy again.
A roadside zoo that reportedly left a bear without veterinary care for years in unsanitary conditions has had the remainder of its animals confiscated. Applaud the efforts of shutting this zoo down and sending the animals to a sanctuary.
The former zoo of alleged animal abuser Joe Exotic has finally been shut down once and for all. Applaud the closure of this sad chapter in big cat exploitation.
A particularly depraved form of dog fighting has been made a felony in New Jersey. Thank the leaders who took a stand against barbarity for profit.
President Biden’s dog Major was involved in two biting incidents that threatened his safety. Now, training sessions are to be held in Washington to correct Major’s behavior. Sign this petition to thank the Bidens for giving their dog another chance.
Joe the Pigeon, once sentenced to death, has been spared. Thank the Australian government for listening to the public and saving the bird’s life.
A man who beat his dog until she suffered a broken skull and then stabbed her to death has been convicted of animal cruelty. He could receive a sentence of up to three years in prison. Applaud the justice delivered in this tragic case.
People found guilty of animal cruelty in Scotland will now be subject to stricter legal penalties. Thank First Minister Sturgeon, other Parliament members, and animal advocates who fought hard to bring about this needed change.
Mississippi’s convicted animal abusers will now be treated with the condemnation and punishment they deserve. The state has toughened its standards and penalties for cruelty. Applaud this important reversal of fortune for vulnerable animals.
One man runs an operation that kills 300 foxes each year for the fur trade. This is made possible because of a legal loophole. Ban this sickening animal cruelty.
An innocent chicken was allegedly shot with a speargun by a man also accused of endangering others by breaking mandatory quarantine rules. Demand the suspect be justly punished if found guilty of these inexcusable crimes.
An animal rights organization succeeded in rescuing 1,000 chickens from mass euthanization at an Iowa egg farm. Animals across the country are being put to death because of the coronavirus, many of them having lived their entire lives in cramped, inhumane conditions. Praise the animal rights activists who fought back against this cruelty.
A second city in China recently banned consuming the meat of cats, dogs and other pets. Thank the Mayor of Zhuhai for his help, as well as other activists for fighting hard to try and make sure this practice ends. If we keep fighting to try and ensure that eating these animals is outlawed, this practice may one day be banned in all of China.
Donald Trump is considering pardoning notorious animal abuser and attempted murderer Joe Exotic in an abuse of his power and a clear public relations stunt. Demand this infamously cruel man be left to complete his just sentence.
The consumption of dog and cat meat has officially been banned in Shenzhen, China, as part of a larger ban on the eating of wildlife following the coronavirus outbreak. This could save millions of innocent animal lives. Thank those responsible for this groundbreaking animal rights success.
A man accused of killing or starving dozens of cattle received his day in court and did not escape legal justice. He was found criminally responsible for multiple counts of animal cruelty. Applaud the prosecutors who never gave up on justice for these fallen victims of inexcusable negligence and abuse.
A convicted animal cruelty offender will serve jail time after he beat a rabbit with a stick and then beheaded the innocent animal at a shelter. Thank Iowa’s rescuers for fighting tirelessly for this beloved rabbit to receive justice and for their continued work in protecting animals.
A man who was found guilty of tying his dog to a basketball post and leaving him there to die was given a harsh sentence under law. Thank those responsible for doing what was necessary in order to ensure that Walter the dog received due justice.
A veterinarian accused of beating animals to death in his care for forty years has been allowed to continue his practice, potentially putting countless pets in danger. Sign this petition to demand that his license be revoked.
India has become ground zero for a rash of dog poisonings. The latest slaughter took the lives of 30 stray dogs. Urge involved police action in this disturbing mass execution.