Protect Animals From Drowning in Tragic Floods
Hundreds of dogs, injured or sick from floods, require urgent care. Demand increased support for animal rescue efforts.
Hundreds of dogs, injured or sick from floods, require urgent care. Demand increased support for animal rescue efforts.
A distressing incident reportedly occurred involving the mistreatment of a defenseless dog. Demand a thorough investigation and legal action.
Videos have surfaced showing an employee allegedly beating dogs at a daycare. Demand legal action for these seemingly cruel acts.
One cat died following a tragic house fire. Demand accountability and proper safeguards.
Companion animals are being abandoned at alarming rates, and affordable spaying and neutering services could make all the difference. Demand better access to low-cost companion animal sterilization that will save lives.
A disturbing video has surfaced appearing to show a dog being swung around by the collar. Demand action to protect this pet and prevent future cruelty.
Thirteen dogs were reportedly rescued from dire, unsanitary conditions, requiring urgent care. Call for stringent legal actions against those apparently responsible.
A bull was allegedly shot in the head twice in a disturbing video. Call for immediate legal action against the accused perpetrator.
A dog was brutally beaten and thrown in a sack while another was mowed down by a car, according to reports. Seek justice and accountability for these alleged atrocious acts.
A pet rabbit was reportedly harmed and thrown into a storm drain. Demand accountability and justice.
A disturbing incident reportedly involved an animal control officer dragging a dog. Demand accountability and appropriate legal consequences.
Buttercup, a frightened puppy, was apparently beaten, kicked, and cruelly yanked by the leash by an enraged man. Demand justice for Buttercup.
Reported animal hoarding has apparently led to the death of multiple animals. Seek stringent legal action for the suffering inflicted.
Numerous animals were reportedly discovered malnourished and in a state of severe neglect at a residence. Demand immediate legal action against those allegedly responsible.
Monkeys were reportedly subjected to horrific torture methods in an online abuse ring. Call for legal action.
In a harrowing case, two dogs were allegedly left to die of starvation. Call for accountability and legal action against the responsible party.
A dog was found dead in a creek, allegedly killed in a shocking act of cruelty. Call for justice for this innocent animal.
Two Chow Chows were reportedly altered by zookeepers to mimic pandas, sparking cruelty concerns. Demand urgent legal inquiry to assess the situation.
A man convicted of going on a serial cat killing spree will serve time in prison. Applaud legal action taken in a case that may help broaden protections for all the nation’s animals.
A stray dog was reportedly painted to mimic a tiger, causing public panic. Demand accountability and legal action for this apparent cruelty.