Animal Welfare

Stop the Sale of Abused Puppy Mill Dogs

118948-1442612151-widePuppies and dogs raised in horrifically cruel puppy mills are being sold at flea markets around the country. Help crack down on this loophole that allows puppy mills to continue to operate.

Success: Germany Bans Grinding Up Chicks Alive

Chicks Benjamin RondelMale chicks are either thrown into the trash or ground up alive in the egg industry because they’re considered “unprofitable.” Germany is now the first country to ban this practice. Applaud Germany and the German agriculture minister for this huge step in addressing this problem.

Success: County Bans Selling Commercially Bred Animals

Funny puppy and little red kitten isolated on whiteSalt Lake County has banned the sale of commercially bred dogs, cats, and rabbits at pet stores. Applaud the council members for taking a step toward ending inhumane puppy mills and improving animal welfare.

Success: Animal Abusers’ Names to Be Disclosed

dog-by-zizelenAnimal abusers will soon be easier to recognize thanks to a law that will reveal the names of such people through an online registry. Sign this petition to thank the Tennessee governor and activists like those in the ForceChange community for helping to make this much needed law a reality.

Success: Breeding of Orcas at SeaWorld Banned

Orca Whale Breaching Glacier Bay Composite SEThe California Coastal Commission has banned the orca breeding program at the San Diego SeaWorld. The 11 orcas currently held captive at this facility will most likely be the last to ever be confined in these tanks. Sign to applaud the ban on captive breeding of orca whales.

Success: Cat Killing Vet’s License Revoked

Kristen LindseyA vet who bragged on social media about shooting a cat in the head with an arrow will have her veterinary license suspended. Support justice for the innocent cat who was killed in this brutal manner.

Stop Cruel, Abusive Puppy Mills

415016-1441121263-wideDogs in puppy mills too often lead lives of horrifying suffering and abuse. Become part of the solution by pledging not to give your money to companies that support puppy mills.

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