Thousands of Animals Dead After Being Shipped in Cardboard Boxes Without Food or Water Deserve Justice

Target: Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transportation, People’s Republic of China

Goal: Improve and enforce animal transportation regulations.

China has some of the most lax animal welfare laws in the world. This insufficiency in animal rights has recently led to the death of thousands of animals that were left to die at transportation depots. Five thousand animals were shipped from a breeding farm in China in cardboard boxes where they were left without food or water for over a week until they starved to death in their cardboard coffins. Only 200 animals were saved and sent to a local animal shelter. Transporting animals in this manner is illegal, yet there is no enforceable penalty for perpetrators.

Sign this petition to urge the Chinese authorities to implement new animal transportation regulations and make sure they are enforced.


Dear Minister Li Xiaopeng,

Nearly 5,000 animals were left to starve to death at a shipping depot in China. The perpetrators of such a heinous act of animal cruelty will go unpunished as regulations in your country do not adequately protect animals. This is shameful and must not be allowed to continue. In this most recent tragedy, the thousands of animals that died were stuffed in cardboard boxes and left without food or water for a week. This intentional neglect and willful abuse must end.

I urge you to improve your current regulations governing the transportation of animals and ensure stiff penalties are enforced.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Voyagers 2010


  1. Minister Li Xiaopeng
    Have a heart!
    Where is the heart in so many Chinese people??
    Do you all forget that you have one?
    Have a heart!! All animals are conscious, sentient beings! How can you allow such cruel heartless behaviour? This makes such people utterly backward. If you want to be taken seriously in the world have a heart for animals. They are very close to us. We should be responsible for their wellbeing, not treat them like expendible trash! Have a heart!

    • Naila Johnston says:

      Absolutely! China sucks! The people in charge are dispicable!! God help these animals stuck in China!!
      The suffering those animals went through is undeniable…. CHINA, COME INTO THE 21st CENTURY AND HAVE A HEART!!

  2. Maria Bertrand says:

    The way CHINa has treated all animals for IONS is disgusting and infuriating. I f…ing HATE ALL THE CHIINESE RESPONSIBLE AND THOSE THAT TURN A BLIND EYE!!!



  3. I will sign but this will NEVER change.

  4. Fetia Faggiano says:

    Chinese are BARBARIC MFKRS!!
    I hope they All Go yo Hell !! Which they will Scumbags!
    Who the F does this to animals !! Can’t stand them !
    Disease carrying country ! Burn in Hell

  5. Does one forget about China, China doesn’t have a heart, they are soul less. do you all forget that China started the pandemic that killed over one hundred thousand people with the corona virus. China kills over hundreds of animals a day. they have the Yulin meat trade where they kill and eat dogs and cats. china should be severely reprimanded and punished for their actions of cruelty to animals.

  6. eleanor dunkavich says:

    I won’t ever buy Chinese food I hate the country and your ways are disgraceful People suck there Hope they all suffer like the animals

  7. What is wrong with the China they are so cruel please stop this

  8. Boycott everything Chinese

  9. Annette Harbor says:

    China is a f’in worldwide disease that needs to be wiped off the map!!! What a disgusting country!!! Don’t compare what goes on there to what goes on in the U.S.!!!!!! There just BACKWARDS AND THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE until the end of the world comes and they’re sent to HELL WHERE THEY BELONG!!!!!! They still have the Yulin festival they still have wet markets and they still CONTINUE TO DO THIS SH*T WITHOUT ANY REMORSE!!!!!!! NASTY!!!!!!!!!

  10. continued Animal abuse in China just proves to the world what a backward callous ignorantselfish society they truly are!!
    Chana has No regard for Animals whatsoever..and not even for their people!

  11. Christine Nuttall says:

    China and the Chinese are just to cruel. They are heartless and the way they treat animals is beyond barbaric but will it ever stop? I don’t think so. I hope all those responsible suffer and rot in hell because that’s what they deserve!!

  12. Veronique Peere says:

    Quel pays répugnant que la Chine et quel tas de brutes ! Pas la moindre loi de protection des animaux. Pas la moindre sanction.

  13. Shamona Phillips. says:

    Until you bomb China, keep expecting this bullshit.

  14. Sally Grant says:

    Maybe they should transport thousandd of chinese in plastic crateslocked shut and leave them for a month and see what it feel like!@

  15. Sally Grant says:

    Dizease carruing nation!

  16. Anne Quievreux says:

    L’ignominie de l’être humaine n’a aucune limite! J’ai honte d’appartenir à cette espèce, la pire que la terre subit!

  17. China – one of the worst countries for animal welfare, a hellhole for animals because of ignorance and greed. It’s all about money, pure greed, and no accountability. If China could show compassion and respect towards animals, they would be more respected by the countries of the world.

  18. Like for like punishment. All those people who shipped and all the ones who left those innocent animals to die a horrible death need to be put in a box and set in a warm room for a few days. Naturally we can’t kill them. A doctor Will need to monitor their sorry excuses for a human being and keep them alive. No more you lowlife pieces of crap..NO MORE.

  19. This is almost the worst animal neglect, I think I’ve ever heard of! There is NO excuse for this happening.
    You people are the worst at treating animals like there nothing. THINGS LIKE THIS NEED TO STOP!!!!! This was so Cruel !

  20. Sadly there are many reasons to dislike many of the Chinese ppl (not Chinese Americans) other than the start of Covid. This is one. And their dog meat fstival is another. This is DESPICABLE!

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  • Sheila Anderson
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  • Harald Sachsenröder
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