
Save Victims of Domestic Abuse by Protecting Their Pets

Pets are targeted by domestic abusers and victims often return to their abusers out of concern for the safety of their animals, putting themselves at risk. Demand pets be better protected from acts of domestic violence and prioritize the physical and psychological welfare of animals and victims.

Dog Reportedly Hanged and Set on Fire by 12-Year-Old Deserves Justice

Buddy the dog was found with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burns. A 12-year-old child was apparently responsible for this cruel act, but couldn’t be charged. Demand all children who commit violence towards animals receive psychological treatment.

End Disgusting Practice of Killing Hundreds of Animals Per Minute in Slaughterhouses

Thousands of pigs, chickens, and other animals die cruel deaths on high-speed killing lines in slaughterhouses every day. Help end this brutal and inhumane practice.

Punish Man for Allegedly Dismembering, Flaying, Burning, and Drowning Wild Animals

A 20-year-old man allegedly waged a four-year campaign of cruelty against defenseless animals. This suspect’s reported crimes include drownings, burnings, and stabbings caught on video. Demand real and consequential punishment if the accused is deemed guilty.

Demand Justice for More Than 300 Dogs Rescued From Apparent Dogfighting Operation

More than 300 dogs were reportedly rescued from an underground dogfighting ring in South Carolina—the largest in the states’ history. Demand justice for these innocent dogs seemingly forced into a life of cruelty and demand legislators punish guilty parties to the fullest extent of the law.

Craigslist: Stop Allowing the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs

Puppy mills are extremely abusive breeding operations that treat their dogs like commodities to be bred and sold as opposed to living animals with feelings. While many states have begun banning the sale of puppy mill dogs in pet stores, operators of these mills use the internet in lieu of in person sales. Demand online platforms do more to prohibit the sale of abused puppies on their sites.

Success: Animals Will Be Protected From Natural Disasters

During natural disasters, animals are typically abandoned to face the harsh elements alone. In the wake of increasingly frequent weather events, certain animal care facilities are now required to develop escape plans for their animals. Thank Congress for saving the lives of thousands of innocent animals and for protecting them from the effects of climate change.

Stop Torturing Circus Animals With Whips, Electric Prods, and Sharp Metal Hooks

Elephants, big cats, and other wild animals used in circus acts are repeatedly whipped, beaten, and even electrocuted during training. Ban the exploitation of exotic animals in traveling circuses and carnivals.

Stop Injecting Rabbits, Mice, and Guinea Pigs With Toxins to Test Cosmetics

Cosmetic testing subjects lab animals to completely unnecessary pain and torture. The helpless victims have toxic chemicals dripped into their eyes and on their skin or are force-fed dangerous substances. End this cruel and outdated practice.

Don’t Let Animal Abusers Become Child Abusers

Tens of millions of animals face severe physical and psychological trauma from human-inflicted abuse. Such cruelty has even been connected to violence towards humans and a series of other illegal activities. Demand animals receive more federal protections and that alleged abusers be quickly investigated and prosecuted.

Don’t Fund Nuclear Power Plant That Will Kill Marine Ecosystem

A greenlighted nuclear power plant could kill 500 million fish, upend marine ecosystems, and cause a wide-scale environmental disaster with decades-long repercussions. Demand leaders rethink their reckless decision.

Protect West Coast Fishers From Extinction

West coast fishers are small, carnivorous mammals that have been threatened with extinction for the last 20 years. Still, these animals receive only limited governmental protections and it is still widely legal to hunt, trap, and kill them throughout certain regions. Demand these animals receive the protections they deserve.

Turn Exploitative Zoos Into Animal Recovery Centers

Animals in zoos and aquariums endure extreme physical and psychological trauma. Demand the U.S. ban these abusive institutions and, instead, convert them into animal conservation and recovery centers.

Justice for 100 Animals Rescued From Reportedly Severe Neglect

A hundred animals, including dogs, cats, and farm animals, were reportedly neglected, and kept in deplorable conditions. Demand justice for these rescued animals.

Stop Slaughtering Sea Lions for Our Mistakes

People are slaughtering innocent sea lions in the name of fish conservation. Sea lions, however, are not the cause of dwindling fish populations—humans are. Demand an end to this cruelty and a more effective plan that involves changing our own behaviors, not killing sea lions.

Stop Universities From Torturing Lab Animals

Duke University has reportedly underfed lab animals, denied them veterinary care, and did not give them adequate pain relief following experiments. This violates the most basic standards of animal care and treatment. Demand Duke and other research institutions across the country take better care of their animals.

Protect Zoo Animals From Abuse and Early Death With Mandated Reporting

Many animals held captive at zoos suffer severe physical abuse and psychological trauma, and they have minimal legal protection. Demand the government mandate reporting of animal death to reduce animal abuse in zoos and to hold abusive zookeepers legally accountable for their actions.

Use Science to Help Conserve Endangered Wildlife

Animal-tracking tags have long been used to better understand the behaviors of endangered species. However, the lack of public tracking data makes it difficult for conservationists to communicate and strategize. Demand all animal trackers be required to enter basic information into an accessible, online database to preserve animals.

Don’t Let Whales Go Extinct for Human Delicacies

There are only an estimated 350 North American right whales living in the world today, and the use of deadly lobster nets only pushes them closer to extinction. Demand that all plans to certify a lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine be permanently halted in order to protect this vulnerable species.

Stop Cutting Open Greyhounds for Entertainment

Greyhound dogs are being cut open and artificially inseminated to produce more puppies for the abusive racing industry. Speak out against this cruel and unnecessary procedure.

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