
Husky Reportedly Found With Chain Embedded in Neck Deserves Justice

A dog named Justice reportedly had to have an embedded chain surgically removed from inside his neck. Demand the suspect face real punishment if found guilty of this crime.

Stop Bulldozing Habitat of Critically Endangered Florida Panther

The Florida panther’s survival is in grave jeopardy as it teeters on the edge of extinction. Act now to protect their fragile habitat and ensure their future.

Close Sanctuary for Reportedly Abusing and Neglecting Animals

Animals were allegedly not provided with food, water, or proper shelter by a sanctuary that has been cited multiple times for animal cruelty. Demand this establishment be closed down and that the animals be moved to a reputable sanctuary if these allegations are found to be true.

Demand Justice for Cat Allegedly Beaten to Death With Wooden Back Scratcher

Two cats were reportedly beaten with a wooden backscratcher by their owner in a shocking case of animal cruelty. One cat died, and the other was severely injured. Demand the person reportedly responsible for this disgusting abuse be given the strictest punishment under law.

Puppy Who Allegedly OD’d on Fentanyl Deserves Justice

An eight-week-old pet puppy allegedly had to be revived after reported exposure to fentanyl. Call for maximum charges against the puppy’s caretakers if they are deemed responsible.

Save Migratory Shorebirds by Preserving Horseshoe Crabs

The continued existence of horseshoe crabs is essential for the survival of migratory shorebirds. Ensure their sustainable conservation.

Stop Using Exotic Animal Skins in Luxury Products

Thousands of exotic animals are being slaughtered for the making of luxury wallets, purses, and watches. Demand companies halt the production of any further animal-containing products.

Save the Gunnison Sage-Grouse From Human Encroachment

The Gunnison sage-grouse faces a life-or-death struggle due to the destruction of its habitat and breeding ground. Urgently act now to safeguard this iconic bird and its fragile home.

Don’t Push the Unique Tule Elk to the Brink of Extinction Again

Tule elk are once again at risk of extinction as their habitat is destroyed for urban and agricultural development. Act urgently to safeguard these majestic creatures that are a vital part of the national heritage.

Preserve the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker and Its Pine Forest Habitat

The red-cockaded woodpecker and its ancient pine forest home are disappearing due to logging. Act now to strengthen protections for these magnificent woodpeckers and their critical habitat.

Protect the Sonoran Desert Tortoise From Droughts and Heat Waves

The Sonoran Desert tortoise is in danger due to droughts and heatwaves, which are shrinking its home, disrupting its life, and harming the entire desert. Act now to save the species.

Protect the Ozark Hellbender Salamander From Water Pollution

The Ozark hellbender salamander stands on the brink of crisis due to pollution, habitat damage, and shifting climates. Act now to protect this ancient species.

Don’t Force Young Animals Into Yoga Poses for Entertainment

Puppies, kittens, and other young animals are reportedly being manhandled and forced into unnatural poses for yoga classes. Help end this apparent cruelty disguised in cuddly cuteness.

Save Arctic Wildlife From Melting Ice

The Chukchi Sea, once a frozen haven, now faces alarming ice melt caused by climate change. Act urgently to protect Arctic wildlife.

Safeguard Road Crossings to Prevent Death of Migrating Wildlife

The wilderness, celebrated for its beauty and wildlife, faces a grave danger: roadkill. Act now to implement wildlife crossings and protect our precious animals.

Preserve the Alabama Beach Mouse From Coastal Development

Proposed coastal development threatens the Alabama beach mouse, a critically endangered species. Take swift action to stop this perilous threat now.

Protect Gopher Tortoises By Saving Their Complex Underground Shelters

The gopher tortoise, a vital keystone species in the ecosystem, faces a perilous future. Take action now to protect these slow-moving but crucial reptiles.

Advocate for Wildlife-Friendly Road Design and Crossings

The roads have become death traps for wildlife. Let’s act now to protect precious landscapes and the diverse creatures that inhabit them by demanding wildlife-friendly road designs and crossings.

Save the Northern Long-Eared Bat From Going Extinct

The northern long-eared bat teeters on the edge of extinction due to habitat loss caused by human actions. Ensure the survival of this vital species.

Save Lobsters By Protecting Their Natural Habitats

Lobsters are in grave danger from rising temperatures, acidifying waters, and changing currents. Act now to protect this vital species.

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