
Dog Reportedly Thrown Out of a Moving Car and Nearly Killed Deserves Justice

A dog nearly lost his life after reportedly being thrown out of his owners’ car and hit by another. Demand justice for Morti by encouraging the investigation and prosecution of his alleged perpetrators.

Dog and Pig Allegedly Abandoned and Starved Deserve Justice

A dog tragically died from apparent starvation and a pig nearly met the same fate after they were allegedly abandoned by their caretaker. Demand the punishment fit the reported crime.

Cat Reportedly Thrown From Moving Car Deserves Justice

A helpless cat was reportedly thrown out of a moving car and off a bridge by a 15-year-old girl. Demand justice for this apparent appalling act of cruelty.

Defenseless Puppies Reportedly Cruelly Mutilated Deserve Justice

Six puppies suffered horrifically when a man allegedly amputated their legs or paw. This reported cruelty cannot go unpunished. Demand justice for these innocent animals now.

Street Dogs Reportedly Thrashed and Thrown From Roof Deserve Justice

A man allegedly brutally thrashed and threw dogs from the roof of his house. This is reportedly part of a disturbing pattern of animal cruelty for this individual. Demand a full investigation so that these apparently reprehensible acts can be rectified in court.

Kitten Reportedly Mercilessly Killed by Nurse Deserves Justice

The reported cold-blooded killing of a kitten by a nurse in Bali has sparked outrage. Demand justice for this apparent act of sadistic animal cruelty.

Success: Man Who Allegedly Dragged a Dog to Death Faces Justice

A man who reportedly dragged a dog to death behind a truck has been identified and is soon to be charged with animal cruelty. Thank Florida’s law enforcement for bringing justice to this poor animal.

Pigeon Ruthlessly Killed for No Reason Deserves Justice

A woman allegedly threw a pigeon to its death. Sign the petition demanding justice and punishment for this alleged act of animal cruelty.

Dog Allegedly Kicked and Hung Deserves Justice

A dog was allegedly kicked violently and hung from his leash by the very person who should have taken care of him. Demand a punishment be sought befitting the reported crime.

Ban Graphic Animal Abuse Videos on Twitter

A video of a cat trapped inside of a blender circulated on Twitter and caused widespread outrage. It is far from the only video to display such devastating animal cruelty. Take immediate action to combat the dissemination of violent content and strengthen moderation practices.

Dog Who Reportedly Had Word Carved in Head With Machete Deserves Justice

A man reportedly cut into a dog’s scalp with a machete in order to try to spell the word “Hi.” Demand justice for the victim of this apparent sick prank.

Dog Apparently Killed for Taking Food From Man’s Daughter Deserves Justice

A dog appears to have been brutally killed by its owner. Demand justice in this case and stricter animal cruelty laws.

Protect Honey Bees by Instating More Bee Farms

Honey bee populations are drastically declining and pesticides, disease, and modernization will continue to kill them off. Bee shelters are a viable solution to this detrimental problem. Demand new shelters be made for the benefit of bees and their environment.

Punish the Man Who Allegedly Dragged a Dog Behind a Truck

A dog was reportedly dragged behind a pickup truck, causing the poor animal immense pain and suffering, and inflicting emotional distress on concerned witnesses. Demand justice for this innocent victim.

Don’t Let Deep-Sea Mining Destroy Unique Ocean Ecosystems

The vibrant world deep within the ocean teems with otherworldly and beautiful life. Demand leaders protect this biodiversity from the dangers of deep-sea mining.

Investigate YouTuber Who Reportedly Tortured a Dog

A popular YouTuber has reportedly admitted to abusing her childhood dog in a video that has sparked outrage. Demand a full investigation so that she will face accountability, if found guilty.

Keep Stray Cats From Being Born into Lives of Misery

Millions of stray cats suffer lives of terror and deprivation, without ever receiving the care they need. Meanwhile, their populations decimate native wildlife. Support an ethical solution to the stray cats crisis.

Dog Found With Muzzle Bound Shut by Rubber Bands Deserves Justice

A dog named Marigold was abandoned in a park with rubber bands tightly wrapped around her muzzle. Struggling to breath and suffering from maggot-filled wounds, she barely survived. Demand justice for Marigold

Keep Handsy, Careless Tourists From Endangering Park Animals

Several wildlife in one of the nation’s most prominent national parks have died or been endangered as a reported result of reckless tourists. Demand America’s leading national park agency do more to safeguard these at-risk animals.

Beloved Swan Reportedly Beheaded and Eaten Deserves Justice

A mother swan was apparently decapitated, eaten, and her offspring stolen by three teenagers. Demand real justice in this case.

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