
Stop Marine Habitats From Becoming World’s Trash Bin

Beaches the world over bear the scars of plastic pollution. Bottles, wrappers, and other trash kill countless marine animals every day. Demand global leaders commit to wide-scale plastic reduction.

Stop Imprisoning Pregnant Pigs in Tiny Metal Cages

Female pigs on factory farms are referred to as “breeding machines,” and are kept in tiny metal cages known as gestation crates where they are repeatedly artificially impregnated. Demand an end to this abusive practice.

Horse Disfigured by Chemical Attack Deserves Justice

A horse named Bitsy was discovered with severe chemical burns on her face. The image alone is enough to break your heart. Ask authorities to find and capture the person responsible for this heinous attack.

Owner of ‘Smell of Death’ Home Where 30 Dead Animals Reportedly Found Must be Prosecuted

The “smell of death” reportedly attracted police to a home where they apparently found 30 caged animals dead from starvation. The local sheriff has described the scene as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty he’s ever seen. The woman accused of this atrocity must be fully prosecuted.

Dog Slammed Onto Sidewalk and Kicked by Unknown Perpetrator Deserves Justice

A dog was attacked on-camera in a vicious act of animal cruelty. The suspect has yet to be identified. Demand vigilance in pursuing this disturbing case.

Captive Orcas Reportedly Chewing Teeth Off and Banging Heads Into Walls Must be Freed

Despite years of efforts to free SeaWorld’s orcas, this amusement park chain is still imprisoning these majestic animals for the entertainment and profit of humans. Demand SeaWorld release its remaining orcas into the wild or an accredited sanctuary.

Dogs Apparently Killed by Police Officer and Buried at Training Facility Deserve Justice

The bodies of ten deceased dogs were reportedly found buried at a training facility run by a police officer. Demand that he face real consequences if guilty of causing these deaths.

Captive Elephant Apparently Tortured With Bullhooks and Ridden by Humans at Roadside Zoo Must be Freed

Asha the elephant has been imprisoned under torturous conditions her whole life. She is apparently forced to give rides to zoo visitors and is abused by painful bullhooks, all for the zoo’s profit. It is time to rescue this poor elderly elephant.

Dogs Reportedly Shot in Face and Beaten Until Their Bones Snapped Deserve Justice

At least three men accused of crimes like shooting a dog in the face and beating another until the animal’s ribs broke have gotten off with probation. Demand that this injustice be reversed.

Black Bear Mother Shot to Death Deserves Justice

Bobbi, a beloved black bear mother with two cubs, was fatally shot in a senseless act of violence. Demand justice for Bobbi.

33 Dogs and Two Children Reportedly Found With Guns, Drugs, Dog-Fighting Equipment, and No Food Deserve Justice

Thirty-three pit bulls, including multiple puppies, and two children, were reportedly rescued from a terrifying home that had guns, drugs, and no food. The man accused of this horrible abuse has been arrested and is facing possible prosecution. We are asking the prosecutor to pursue the maximum penalty in this case.

Man Accused of Violently Beating Dog For Eating His Lunch Must be Punished

A man was caught on video appearing to violently beat a dog named Sheeba in the back of his car. According to reports, the man attacked his dog because the animal ate some of his lunch. Demand justice for Sheeba.

Puppy Who Apparently Endured Bone-Breaking, Head-Busting Assault Deserves Justice

A puppy sustained broken bones and other serious injuries after reportedly being thrown forcefully across a room. Call for justice in this case.

Cat Reportedly Trapped in Cage and Shot in the Head Deserves Justice

Two people accused of killing a caged cat with a shot to the head have not faced any meaningful punishment. Demand that reported animal abusers be held fully accountable.

Stop Plastic Pollution From Killing Elephants

Elephants are dying tragically after eating toxic plastic from landfills. Call for action to combat this deadly crisis.

135 Puppies and Horses Reportedly Found Underweight, Injured and Living in Feces Deserve Justice

Countless underweight and injured dogs with matted fur, living in their own feces in outdoor kennels, were reportedly found at a horrific puppy mill. Demand the woman accused of these crimes receive the maximum penalty.

Dogs Reportedly Found Starving and Emaciated in Feces-Filled Pen Deserve Justice

Two dogs nearly died after they were reportedly found starved, dehydrated, and imprisoned in a tiny enclosure. Demand justice in this case of apparent sadistic cruelty.

Dolphins Impaled and Reportedly Fatally Harassed Deserve Justice

A pair of defenseless dolphins died in two unrelated acts of apparent animal cruelty. A stranded dolphin took her last breaths as bystanders seemingly harassed her, while an unknown assailant impaled a nursing mother dolphin. Urge the most severe punishment for all involved parties.

Puppy Reportedly Beaten for Defecating on Floor Deserves Justice

Chowder, a golden retriever puppy, was reportedly picked up and callously thrown for pooping inside his home. Now, the pup may need to have one leg removed. Demand justice for Chowder.

Cat Hunted Down and Attacked at His Own Home Deserves Justice

Figaro, a helpless cat, was reportedly hunted down and attacked at his own home by two assailants. Demand justice for Figaro.

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