Abused Dog ‘Cemented’ to Sidewalk by Own Feces Deserves Justice

Target: Boca Raton, Chief of Police Michele Miuccio
Goal: Find person responsible for the horrific abuse of a dog found glued to sidewalk by his own feces.

Cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots,” is how Trooper the dog was discovered. Trooper had faced terrible abuse prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place.

“It took them about an hour to pick him up off the sidewalk,” said Dr. Julia Sheehan with Tri-County Animal Rescue. “He was stuck.”

According to Sheehan, when Trooper arrived at the rescue shelter, “he looked like he was dead.” In addition to the most obvious abuse, Trooper also has a heart murmur, ear infections, ulcers in his eyes and a slipped disk in his back. The slipped disk was so severe that Trooper was unable to walk.

Instead of euthanizing Trooper, rescuers committed themselves to saving and rehabbing him. Trooper has been responding well to the treatment, as well as the love and affection, and rescuers are hoping he will be ready for adoption within a month or so.

Despite the hopefully positive outcome of this case, the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper is still walking the streets. We are asking police to devote more resources to finding and capturing the person responsible for Trooper’s terrible abuse.


Dear Chief Miuccio,

Trooper the dog was found cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots.” The abuse that Trooper had faced prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place, is hard to imagine.

“It took them about an hour to pick him up off the sidewalk,” said Dr. Julia Sheehan with Tri-County Animal Rescue. “He was stuck.”

According to Sheehan, when Trooper arrived at the rescue shelter, “he looked like he was dead.” In addition to the most obvious abuse, Trooper also has a heart murmur, ear infections, ulcers in his eyes and a slipped disk in his back. The slipped disk was so severe that Trooper was unable to walk.

Despite the hopefully positive outcome of this case, the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper is still walking the streets. We are asking you to please devote all resources necessary to find and capture the person responsible for Trooper’s terrible abuse.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tri County Humane


  1. It should be a painful and certain execution for anyone who would participate in such vile disgusting animal abuse. And it should be done as soon as we find these human monsters because as long as they are living among us we are in a Despicable land.

    • Exactly. 100% right.
      We DO NOT need or want these waste of space callous and arrogant shitbags in our world.
      And the sooner fired up mobs or vigilante groups can muster and track down these sick bastards the better it will be.
      The only use these sods will be (really no bloody use at all) is when the murdering fuckers are six feet under the ground.
      Although that would be much too good for these arseholes. Thrown on a rubbish tip and left to rot.
      Could be a bit of use though as the crows and inland seagulls could have a good feast for a good few days.
      Job done and dusted!!

    • Find it, then take it to a landfill, put one in the back of its head and kick some garbage over it.


  2. There simply is no words for what these low life scum bags deserve.. I say take them to alligator alley and let them be the judge and jury.. done with worthless trash!!!

  3. Michelle Stewart says:

    The bastard that put poor Trooper though all that cruelty and pain must be found and charged severely. Real justice would be to shoot him/her dead. Since that won’t happen, the person must serve 15 years in prison with no early parole, must pay a $400,000 fine, and must be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again

  4. Every day there is some demented bastard torturing and abusing animals.
    The law will not stop this as it is of no consequence to them.
    Only a dog or cat so no matter!
    And if the useless fucking law and even more useless old washed out Judges will not do anything, then it is up to us as normal living humans to do something about it!
    I am sure there are animal activist groups and suchlike waiting for their chances to take these arrogant and nasty pieces of shit off of our planet!
    I expect the supposedly knowledgable psychiatrists would say that it was from when being young, they maybe saw their Mother being ‘screwed’ by the milkman or someone running down the street naked and has turned their minds.
    But I say bullshit!
    They are just nasty shitbags who have grown up enjoying inflicting pain on innocent animals and creatures.
    These fuckers should know that they are no doubt on ‘borrowed time’ as we, the normal living humans are not going to tolerate this abuse from a minority of arrogant bastards who think they can do what they bloody well like with no remorse.
    Well think again you wankers if you read this site and know that people could be watching you, because you could, quite possibly be next on the list for a very painful termination.
    Death to all of these animal torturing and abusing bastards everywhere. And yes, it is going to happen. Not by the stupid judicial system but by PEOPLE POWER.
    And this will be a warning for any of these callous and supposed ‘hard bastards’
    who can only take out their pitiful frustrations on innocent animals.
    Useless tossers all of them.

    • Agree Makes my heart break what dogs and other animals go through .

    • Jaime Perez says:

      You hit it right on the head!! I totally agree with everything you said.

    • Just an addendum to my comment.
      This is not strictly about animals but depicts what is needed to happen and WILL happen to any animal torturing bastard when hunted to ground by a fired up mob!

      Please google ‘Pan horror book 20’ which should be at the top of the search.
      Then scroll down until you come to the contents and find a story entitled ‘THE LAW IT’S ADMINISTRATORS’ towards the end of the titles.
      As I said, read the story to the end (about a ten minute read) and I am sure you will agree with me that this particular action is needed and IS going to happen to these arrogant, non – caring bastards who take pleasure in inflicting pain and torture upon innocent animals and creatures!!
      Thanks – Jonny W.

      • Addendum 2.
        If anyone does find and read this story mentioned above, maybe you could leave a reply as to your views on the punishment given!

        Best regards – Jonny W.

    • Julia Edinger says:


  5. Absolutely unacceptable. Dogs are here to make people happy not for MFu’s to torture and kill . Person or persons hopefully will be apprehended and given jail time . Anybody that tortures and kills animals needs their name made public , jail time , pay all vet care for the animal, never have or be around any animal again and should be a Class A FELONY .

  6. Jaime Perez says:

    There is no excuse for this heinous and appalling treatment of an innocent animal!! Whoever did this needs to be found and punished severely. Poor sweet Trooper did not deserve this. It gets so sickening to hear what people do to animals.


  8. Maggie Danbury says:

    Lock this evil piece of shit away and throw away the key

  9. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry for the abuse and neglect Trooper endured. I’ll never understand how people can be so mean and cruel to animals. I hope Trooper’s abuser is caught and severely punished. I’m glad he was rescued and I wish him a speedy recovery.

  10. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally AGREE with Debra R. Simons
    “ It should be a painful and certain execution for anyone who would participate in such vile disgusting animal abuse. And it should be done as soon as we find these human monsters because as long as they are living among us we are in a Despicable land. “ !!!!!

  11. What a grotesque piece of humanity . Do people really have to explain what needs to be executed to deal with this crime. Sorry to say it continues due to lack of action time and time again.

  12. OH NO, NO, NO, this abuse rom a vile low-life excuse for a human being is straight out of Deliverance.


    An evil, wicked, cruel thing to do to a defenceless little animal. YOU ARE TRULY DISGUSTING AND A WORTHLESS BEING ON THIS EARTH.

  13. THANK YOU to wonderful Rescuers who love life & Animals & decided to heal Trooper — GOOD Decision! — Find PSYCHOS who abandoned little Doggie Trooper & make them PAY for depraved cruelty — they will Repeat if NOT stopped NOW

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