
Don’t Let Whales Go Extinct for Human Delicacies

There are only an estimated 350 North American right whales living in the world today, and the use of deadly lobster nets only pushes them closer to extinction. Demand that all plans to certify a lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine be permanently halted in order to protect this vulnerable species.

Stop Cutting Open Greyhounds for Entertainment

Greyhound dogs are being cut open and artificially inseminated to produce more puppies for the abusive racing industry. Speak out against this cruel and unnecessary procedure.

Protect Animals From Physical and Emotional Pain and Suffering

Animals experience many of the same feelings, moods, and emotions as people and their wellbeing is equally as important. The U.S., however, has no legal recognition of this, putting them in danger of continued suffering. Demand the U.S. protect animals from physical and emotional cruelty.

Justice for 460 Exotic Animals Allegedly Confined in Tiny Cages Without Veterinary Care

A zoo accused of keeping tigers, monkeys, and other wild animals imprisoned without sanitary water or access to veterinary care has finally shut down–but not because of action on the part of authorities. Demand animals suffering in abusive settings receive greater protection under the law.

Stop Letting Cows and Sheep Suffer During Heat Waves

Farm animals exposed to excess heat and sun often suffer immensely and can even die from heat stroke. Demand farmers provide their animals with unlimited access to shade in the wake of increasingly frequent and extreme heat waves.

Don’t Destroy Grizzly Bear Recovery Zones With Logging

A vital recovery zone for grizzly bears has been threatened by the approval of a massive logging project. This would further endanger the grizzles’ population and release significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to the already devastating effects of global warming. Demand continued protections for this essential species.

Success: Animal Welfare Violations Must Now Be Reported

All instances of animal abuse on farms, roadside zoos, breeding facilities, and research institutions must now be fully reported. Thank Congress for upholding animal welfare standards and for helping to keep animals safe.

Don’t Let “Organic” Farms Keep Animals in Cramped, Tiny Cages

Meat and dairy products labeled as “organic” oftentimes falsely insinuate that farmed animals were treated with care. However, many “organic” farms still confine pigs to tiny cages and prevent chickens from going outside. Demand standards for organic products are heightened and animal welfare is improved.

Don’t Force Pregnant Pigs Into Cruel Confinement at High-End Meat Farms

Sows are reportedly being artificially impregnated at high-end meat farms and thrown into crates barely large enough for them to fit. This not only affects the sow, but her piglets as well. Demand a general ban on gestation crates and do better to improve the welfare of pigs on farms.

Don’t Let Convicted Animal Cruelty Offenders Continue Cycle of Abuse

Individuals convicted of animal cruelty pose an imminent danger to other living beings. Demand lawmakers enact tougher restrictions that will better protect at-risk animals.

Stop Spraying Family Pets and Wildlife with Poisonous Cyanide

A dog was senselessly killed and a 14-year-old boy scarred for life by a “cyanide bomb” that was put out to kill wild animals. Stop killing and maiming wildlife, pets, and children with these deadly and inhumane devices.

Don’t Evict Vital Bat Species From Their Nesting Sites

Bats are vital to American ecosystems, and yet they are flushed out of their natural habitats at an alarmingly high rate. While many end up roosting in manmade structures, there are no rules or regulations protecting them during eviction procedures and bats are often injured or stressed in the process. Demand more suitable alternative roosting sites to keep bats safe during hibernation and pup birth.

Defend What Remains of Our World’s Biodiversity

Sources have estimated that more than 1 million species are currently at the risk of extinction, with thousands of others threatened by continuous human activity. Now, the world’s top representatives are convening to take action. Demand they work together to preserve our world’s biodiversity–and fast.

Stop Capturing Whales and Implanting Them with Invasive Electrodes

Whales are being coerced into tiny cages and implanted with electrodes by the US Navy. These conditions are extremely stressful for the animals and have failed to produce meaningful data. Demand an end to this cruel research endeavor.

Promote Cruelty-Free Meat Alternatives

Functionally equivalent, cruelty-free meat alternatives are expected to hit national markets as early as 2023. Farmer coalitions, however, are advocating against labeling cultured-meat with the same terms used for meat harvested from slain animals. Demand equal labeling and help promote humane meat options.

Stop Caging Lab Animals in Tiny, Barren Cells

Laboratory animals are kept in barren, isolated cages and denied their natural instincts to forage, hunt, socialize, and play. Demand that labs are required to provide animals with environmental enrichment tools to better their mental and emotional welfare.

Stop Letting Animal Abusers Get Away With Their Crimes

Millions of animals who are suffering at breeding facilities, laboratories, and other regulated institutions fail to receive the immediate help they need. Demand authorities act on all reported welfare violations and do more to protect animals.

Stop Confining Chickens to Small, Filthy Cages

Chickens on battery-farms are forced to spend their entire lives in tiny, overcrowded cages with no access to sunlight and no room to stand. Australia has promised to phase out this cruel agricultural practice by the year 2036, but that’s not soon enough. Demand a ban on battery-cages now.

Stop Suffocating Millions of Terrified Animals on the Way to Slaughter

Millions of animals die stuffed inside transport vehicles without air or water before they even make it to the slaughterhouse. Call for an end to this horrific cruelty.

Return Formerly Threatened Species to Their Habitats to Restore Ecosystems

The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone had transformative effects. Now, scientists are suggesting similar steps be taken to reintroduce several select species into their former habitats. Demand the government fund these efforts and help to replenish entire ecosystems.

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