Dog Tortured and Shot with Pellet Gun Deserves Justice
A stray dog was tortured with a shoelace and shot with a pellet gun in a horrific case of animal cruelty. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for this innocent dog.
A stray dog was tortured with a shoelace and shot with a pellet gun in a horrific case of animal cruelty. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for this innocent dog.
Turbo the police dog died after reportedly being left in a car for six hours on a 94 degree day. Demand the officer accused of this crime be fired and then arrested.
Wild mares living in the western United States will no longer be subjected to dangerous sterilization procedures following a university’s decision to withdraw its participation from this government proposal. Sign this petition and applaud this institution for not agreeing to carry out these inhumane and experimental surgeries.
The inhumane dog and cat meat trade that has brutally slaughtered thousands of innocent animals will soon be banned in Indonesia. Thanks to the newly proposed ban, these animals will no longer have to endure lives spent in captive abuse only to be killed to satisfy consumer demand. Sign this petition to thank Indonesian officials for calling for this important and life-saving ban.
From kittens slaughtered by a government agency to baboons tortured with exploitative surgeries, cruel testing procedures bring terror to scores of animals every day. Applaud a progressive Belgian region for saying ‘no more’ to these atrocities.
Kylo the dog heroically saved his owners’ lives from a violent mob, but now he may be put down by police. Demand that this brave dog’s life be spared and he be returned to his family.
A dog was allegedly stabbed and disemboweled in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The suspect became violent while at home, police stated, and attacked both his acquaintance and his Yorkshire Terrier. Demand justice for this innocent dog.
Abusers are often master manipulators, and a favorite weapon of choice for these perpetrators is a victim’s much-loved pet. Every year, animals by the thousands are collateral damage in violent domestic disputes. Applaud legislation that will better shield all victims from controlling criminals.
Starting January 2019, the fashion brand ASOS will no longer sell clothing made from mohair, cashmere, silk or feathers. Applaud ASOS for no longer contributing to the suffering of animals in these industries.
Despite countless petitions and protests from animal welfare activists, the Yulin dog meat festival is approaching for the ninth year in a row. This festival relies on the kidnapping, torture, and slaughter of up to 15,000 dogs per year, many of which are beloved pets. Sign this petition to cancel this inhumane festival for good.
A puppy died after a group of children kicked her into the air like a football. Those responsible are still at large. Demand justice for this innocent puppy.
The teacher who fed a dog to a snapping turtle was charged with animal cruelty. Sign this petition to praise the attorney general’s office for charging him with a crime in the cruel death of this innocent dog.
A puppy was allegedly beaten over the head in a sad case of animal cruelty. The 4-month-old pit bull was reportedly left by the side of the road to die. Demand justice for this innocent puppy.
Horrific experiments that forced monkeys to breathe diesel exhaust will no longer be conducted by Volkswagen, nor will any other animal testing unless required by law, according to an announcement by the company. Support this victory for compassion and animal welfare.
Imagine walking through a neighborhood and seeing dead dogs swinging from tree branches, or claw marks beside a freshly drug grave, or canine carcasses mixed in with the trash. For one Indian region, these stark images are reality. Demand an end to the allegedly sanctioned slaughter of stray dogs.
A mink farm in southwestern Ontario faces 14 counts of animal abuse after an undercover investigation revealed ¨filthy¨ living conditions. Footage appeared to show distressed minks with neglected open wounds in maggot-ridden environments. Sign the petition to congratulate the animal welfare organization for initiating the formal charges and bringing justice to the victims of the global fur industry.
Spanking, time-out, grounding…. murder: in the realm of parental punishments, the last should never be uttered in the same sentence. Yet an Oklahoma man allegedly used murder as a weapon by killing his daughter’s pet dogs. Demand justice for innocent animals caught in the crossfire of domestic disputes.
Thousands of animals will be spared a needless death as Indiana withdraws proposals for new rules, including one that would have forced animal control workers to kill wildlife. Support this move toward humanity and compassion.
More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.
Lagertha the dog nearly died after she was shot twice in the head and abandoned in the woods. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for Lagertha.