Animal Welfare

Dead Pitbulls, Alleged Victims of Dogfighting, Deserve Justice

Pitbulls and mixed breed dogs, many reportedly abused and malnourished, have been found dead in a shocking pattern that some attribute to dogfighting. Put an end to this horrifying trend.

Horse Allegedly Dragged By Four-Wheeler Deserves Justice

A young horse was allegedly dragged by a four-wheeler, and another was reportedly sprayed in the face in a shocking case of cruelty. Other horses on the farm were also thought to be abused. Demand the suspects be held accountable for their actions if they are found guilty.

Dog Reportedly Killed by Non-Licensed Veterinarian Deserves Justice

An innocent dog named Sugar lost her life, apparently due to a botched unlicensed surgery. Demand justice for Sugar.

Beloved Neighborhood Peacock Killed By Arrow Deserves Justice

A beloved peacock was shot twice by arrows and tragically lost his life. Demand officials take action and find the culprit of such a despicable act of animal cruelty.

Animals Allegedly Abused to Death on Farm Deserve Justice

Animals have been reportedly severely abused on a midwestern farm, apparently leading to their death in some cases. Demand a thorough investigation to protect these animals from further suffering.

Justice for Puppy Who Allegedly Overdosed on Owners’ Fentanyl

A pit bull puppy reportedly nearly lost its life to a fentanyl overdose for the second time. The drug apparently belonged to the owners. Demand further investigation of the case for the puppy to receive justice.

Justice for Over 30 Dogs Reportedly Killed or Malnourished in Unsafe Living Conditions

At least 30 dogs died or became ill after reportedly residing in a home with unfit living conditions. An innocent child was also removed from the allegedly toxic environment. Bring justice to this troubling case by demanding a thorough investigation.

Justice for Puppy Allegedly Thrown From Car Window at Shelter

A puppy was reportedly thrown from a car window outside an animal shelter. Demand prosecutors seek the maximum penalty in this case.

Puppies Reportedly Found Dead Inside Freezer Deserve Justice

Five puppies were reportedly found dead in a freezer and dozens of dogs were apparently kept in inhumane conditions at an animal rescue. Let justice prevail for the alleged victims.

Dog With Legs and Face Reportedly Bound With Tape Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly found in dire condition inside a plastic bag during a routine refuse collection, suggesting intentional cruelty. Demand a thorough investigation and accountability for this horrific act now.

Dogs Allegedly Tortured to Death and Sexually Abused by Animal Expert Deserve Justice

Almost 40 dogs reportedly suffered unimaginably before finally being killed. Demand swift and just legal action in this case.

192 Animals Reportedly Abused By Dog Trainers Deserve Justice

A staggering 192 animals were reportedly neglected and abused by dog trainers at their private residence. Demand an immediate and thorough investigation into these allegations.

Woman and Her Dog Allegedly Assaulted Deserve Justice

A woman and her dog were reportedly assaulted in a potential case of domestic violence and animal cruelty. Demand justice for these victims.

Cat Killed in Apparent Domestic Violence Incident Deserves Justice

One cat was reportedly beaten to death with a back scratcher, and another severely harmed, in an apparent case of domestic abuse. Demand a thorough investigation to ensure accountability.

Dog Who Had Been Shot in Back and Then Reportedly Neglected Deserves Justice

A paralyzed dog was reportedly starved and kept in inhumane conditions at an animal “rescue” facility. Demand justice now.

Stop Reportedly Abusing Animals for Views on Social Media Platforms

Animal abuse videos have reportedly been surfacing on TikTok, resulting in users making money in a despicable manner. Demand TikTok ban such videos to prevent further animals from losing their lives for the sake of profit.

Husky Reportedly Found With Chain Embedded in Neck Deserves Justice

A dog named Justice reportedly had to have an embedded chain surgically removed from inside his neck. Demand the suspect face real punishment if found guilty of this crime.

Close Sanctuary for Reportedly Abusing and Neglecting Animals

Animals were allegedly not provided with food, water, or proper shelter by a sanctuary that has been cited multiple times for animal cruelty. Demand this establishment be closed down and that the animals be moved to a reputable sanctuary if these allegations are found to be true.

Demand Justice for Cat Allegedly Beaten to Death With Wooden Back Scratcher

Two cats were reportedly beaten with a wooden backscratcher by their owner in a shocking case of animal cruelty. One cat died, and the other was severely injured. Demand the person reportedly responsible for this disgusting abuse be given the strictest punishment under law.

Puppy Who Allegedly OD’d on Fentanyl Deserves Justice

An eight-week-old pet puppy allegedly had to be revived after reported exposure to fentanyl. Call for maximum charges against the puppy’s caretakers if they are deemed responsible.

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