Animals Allegedly Slammed on Ground and Killed Deserve Justice

Target: Jaswant Kaur Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor, London, UK

Goal: Enforce strict legal action against the individuals involved in the alleged animal cruelty at the environmental college.

Over 20 animals fell victim to a harrowing incident of alleged cruelty and destruction at an environmental college in west London, sparking outrage and a plea for justice. Two youths, merely 11 and 12 years old, reportedly confessed to causing undue suffering to various animals including rabbits, snakes, and birds, as well as incurring significant damage estimated at £40,000. Their apparent admissions, however, reportedly faced scrutiny for seemingly minimizing their accountability in the tragic fates that befell these innocent creatures.

According to the prosecution, CCTV footage that has yet to be publicly disclosed purportedly shows acts of extreme animal cruelty. Allegations include throwing animals around, slamming them on the ground, and stamping on them, leading to the death of over 20 animals and extensive damage to their enclosures. This evidence challenges the young perpetrators’ apparent claims of diminished responsibility for the injuries and fatalities inflicted upon the animals.

This heart-wrenching scenario underscores an urgent need for legal intervention to ensure that such alleged acts of cruelty do not go unpunished. Holding those allegedly responsible accountable sends a clear message: acts of cruelty, particularly those involving vulnerable animals, will not be tolerated. Demand that the Chief Prosecutor take immediate, rigorous legal action against the individuals involved in this incident.


Dear Jaswant Kaur Narwal,

A deeply troubling incident has come to light, involving alleged extreme cruelty towards animals at an environmental college in west London. Over 20 animals reportedly suffered and perished in an act that not only stripped them of their lives but also inflicted considerable damage to the facility. Two young individuals have reportedly admitted to their involvement in this tragedy, yet there remains a pressing concern that their apparent admissions do not fully account for the severity and scope of the actions.

The prosecution’s dispute of the basis of these guilty pleas highlights a disturbing discrepancy between the seemingly confessed involvement and the horrific evidence suggested by CCTV footage. This footage reportedly captures the harrowing acts of cruelty, including the alleged throwing, slamming, and stamping of animals, leading to the deaths of more than 20 innocent lives. Such acts of barbarity against defenseless creatures call for a robust legal response to ensure justice is served and to deter similar acts in the future.

Therefore, we urge you to take decisive action in this case. A thorough investigation must be conducted to ascertain the full extent of the alleged cruelty and destruction. By enforcing strict legal consequences for such acts, we can honor the memory of the animals who suffered and demonstrate our societal commitment to compassion and justice.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ryan Hodnett


  1. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    I guess this is what colleges are doing now. Explains why so many college graduates are so stupid they can’t even hold down a job at McDonald’s.

  2. josie olive says:

    These two goons need to be tortured and see how they like it

  3. Throw them scumbags to the ground.

  4. These kids are on their way to the murderers hall of fame. There they can join the likes of The Zodiac Killer, Jeffrey Damer and Richard Speck.

  5. Burn these bastards up in a garbage dump. They aren’t even human to do something so sick. While you’re at it,burn the lax guards,etc who let this happen.

  6. The legal age of criminal responsability in UK is 10. These two POS are entirely responsable for what they have done. Also the damage they have caused needs to be paid by the parents no matter how long it takes. Actions have consequences,and these two wastes of space and their crapbag parents need a short sharp lesson in this

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