Animal Welfare

Success: New York Approves High-Tech Methods to Stop Animal Fighting

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has legalized the use of wiretaps and surveillance video in capturing those involved in animal fighting rings. Sign this petition to praise New York for this decision.

Success: Serial Cat Killer Given Maximum Punishment

A man who has pleaded guilty to torturing and killing over a dozen cats will now spend the next 16 years behind bars following a judge’s sentencing. Sign this petition to express your gratitude that justice has been finally been served for the cats of San Jose.

Success: Gajraj the Elephant Freed From Chains After 50 Years

After being chained and neglected for over 50 years, Gajraj the elephant is finally being treated for his ailments and brought to an accredited sanctuary. He will now be able to roam freely and play with other elephant friends. Sign this petition and praise those who have helped bring freedom to this animal once again.

Dog Buried Alive in Dirt Deserves Justice

A dog named Lulu was found buried up to her nose in dirt. She survived for three days underground but died shortly after her rescue. Demand justice for poor Lulu.

Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

Zoo owners threw a live donkey in the tiger enclosure as a protest against a court decision they didn’t like. The owners are not facing charges and have threatened to throw a sheep into the enclosure. Demand authorities arrest and prosecute the zoo owners for this sick act of abuse.

Success: Bestiality Banned in Nevada

Until recently, sexually abusing animals wasn’t illegal in the state of Nevada. Thanks to the work of animal rights activists, new legislation has been passed prohibiting bestiality. Sign this petition to applaud this important new law.

Success: Coast Guard Stops Killing Animals for Training

For years, animals have been tortured and killed for military trauma training.Thankfully, high-tech simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition and praise the Coast Guard’s decision to end this brutality.

Success: USDA Reposts Animal Welfare Information

Thousands of records of animal cruelty were removed from the USDA web site, impeding efforts to hold abusers accountable. The USDA has faced a huge outcry from concerned citizens and in response they’ve re-posted some of the records. Sign this petition to praise them for this step in the right direction.

Success: Dairy Farm Abusers to be Jailed

Three men who kicked, punched, and beat cows have been sentenced to jail. Applaud this move, which sends a message that animal abuse on farms will not be tolerated.

Justice for Puppy Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit

An eight-month-old puppy named Polo was found with debilitating burns all over his body after being thrown into a fire. Demand that Polo’s attackers are found and punished.

Success: Florida Black Bears Will Not Be Hunted

The 2017 black bear hunt has been cancelled. Sign this petition to praise those responsible for saving hundreds of Florida black bears.

Success: New Animal Abuse Registry Created

Thanks to the hard work of animal rights campaigners, Tallahassee, Florida has just created a publicly available registry of animal abusers. Let’s take a moment to welcome this victory.

Stop Dog Fighters From Owning More Dogs

A man with a prior conviction of animal cruelty was charged yet again when officers found 13 pit bulls, who had injuries consistent with forced animal fighting, in his home. He was also convicted of illegal possession of animals. Sign this petition to demand that this man receive the maximum punishment and a lifetime ban from owning animals.

Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

A man was caught on video punching his dog repeatedly in the head before slamming her to the ground. The vicious attack occurred in broad daylight on a public street. Demand that the poor dog be rescued and her violent attacker brought to justice.

Justice for Puppy Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit

An eight-month-old puppy named Polo was found with debilitating burns all over his body after being thrown into a fire. Demand that Polo’s attackers are found and punished.

Success: Live Animals No Longer Used for Trauma Training

For years, animals were being tortured and killed for trauma training. Thankfully, human simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition to praise the decision to end this unnecessary abuse.

Cancel Rodeo Event That Rips Tails Off Bulls

A rodeo event where the tails of bulls are ripped and pulled by cowboys has taken place in Colorado and may happen again soon. Bulls typically experience broken tails or even dismemberment during this sick event. Sign this petition to demand that the cruel event is permanently banned.

Success: Taiwan Bans the Sale of Dog and Cat Meat

Taiwan has recently issued a ban on the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat in addition to stronger general animal protection laws. This is a huge step forward for Asia’s understanding of animal welfare. Sign this petition to thank the president of Taiwan for helping to make this possible.

Jail Time for Teen Who Savagely Beat Cows

A teen has been convicted for punching, kicking, and beating cows with a metal gate. Demand that he is sentenced to jail for this inexcusable cruelty.

Dog Found Starving in ‘House of Horrors’ Deserves Justice

A woman is accused of starving and denying medical care to a dog named Nikki, in a shocking report of animal cruelty. Apparently, Nikki was found with zero body fat, weighing only 20 pounds, and one of her paws was only a stub. Demand justice for poor Nikki.

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