Stop Gassing Chinchillas to Death for High Fashion

Target: Nicolae Ciuca, Romanian Prime Minister

Goal: Ban reportedly unethical and unnecessary animal fur farms throughout Romania.

A recent undercover investigation of 11 chinchilla fur farms in Romania has revealed—once again—the disturbing nature of animal breeding and use by the fashion industry. The animal welfare group that conducted this series of investigations reports severe breaches of Romanian law by the facilities in question. Hundreds of chinchillas were allegedly kept in a dark basement in filthy, barbed wire cages stacked one on top of the other. Females were reportedly constantly bred—remaining in what was described as permanent pregnancy cycles—and forced into a stiff neck brace that would prevent them from escaping during mating. Newborns allegedly struggled to walk against the harsh barbed wire, while older chinchillas frantically chewed at the cages as if to try and escape.

Chinchillas were allegedly illegally killed, as operators were reported to viciously break the sensitive animals’ necks. One farmer even apparently showed investigators a gas chamber—which he constructed out of a pressure cooker—that spews poisonous gas, killing the animals slowly and painfully. These abuses are seemingly common to most every fur farm across every nation, and we must do better to protect those targeted by the apparently cruel methods employed on these farms.

Sign this petition to demand Romania ban fur farms once and for all. Animal fur is not ours to wear.


Dear Prime Minister Circa,

An undercover investigation of 11 fur farms across Romania has revealed the seemingly horrific circumstances in which chinchillas are forced to live and die. Chinchillas were reportedly kept in a dark, dingy basement, shoved into tiny barbed wire cages that were rarely, if ever, cleaned. Newborns apparently struggled to walk, while females were allegedly restrained with neck braces to prevent them from escaping during repeated mating affairs. Investigators report multiple breaches of Romanian law, including illegally killing chinchillas by breaking their necks.

We are asking you, Mr. Circa, to ban fur farms throughout Romania and stop torturing innocent animals in the name of fashion.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Sarah Coelho


  1. I think a good start to make a big dent in this so-called trade is for normal people to ‘arm’ themselves with spray cans, visit these big could not give a fuck department stores and discreetly spray as many fur coats as possible. I’m sure this could. be done, especially at busy times.
    It may take a while, but if there are enough people who feel strong enough to do this, it may gradually start to make a small dent in the profits,
    Also do the same to the bastard woman out in the streets who have the audacity to wear them!
    No animal in this day and age should be murdered for profit although happening ‘right now’ all over the world.
    Just check online what greedy fucking humans are doing to gentle Pangolins for profit. Bastards all of them!! Stupid greedy humans are well on their way to fucking the world up completely!

  2. the only way to stop this is to stop the demand – as long as people are buying this disgusting so called ‘fashion item’, the poor animals will suffer.
    everywhere you turn, people are exploiting animals in the cruelest of ways, for money – from dog breeders, dog and cat meat farms, pangolins, donkeys, fur farms, and the list goes on and on – the only living being on this planet that is surely killing mother earth are despicable humans 🙁

  3. the only way to stop this is to stop the demand – as long as people are buying this disgusting so called ‘fashion item’, the poor animals will suffer.
    everywhere you turn, people are exploiting animals in the cruelest of ways, for money – from dog breeders, dog and cat meat farms, pangolins, donkeys, fur farms, and the list goes on and on – the only living being on this planet that is surely killing mother earth are despicable humans 🙁

  4. We MUST PROTECT our CHINCHILLAS — STOP the brutality — we do NOT NEED Animal FUR — we have FAUX FUR — STOP unconscionable, depraved CRUELTY & MURDER of Chinchillas — STOP the PSYCHOS — tormenting, abusing, bludgeoning innocent, vulnerable Animals must NEVER be accepted

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