The near-extinct corroboree frog population may soon be restored, thanks to a bold conservation project. Thousands of corroboree eggs will be chilled and released into safe, disease-free conditions. Thank the Melbourne Zoo for this important step in preserving these amphibians.
Endangered Insects could be brought back from the brink of extinction, thanks to three dogs and a group of dedicated researchers. The dogs were successfully trained to detect the insects in their natural habitat, garnering data that could effectively save the species. Support this important step towards conservation success.
The state of Bavaria is becoming more bee-friendly, after a circulated petition gained nearly two million signatures. Europe’s bee populations have been declining rapidly over the last few years due to overuse of pesticides and the disappearance of flowering meadows, problems that will soon be addressed. Thank Bavaria for taking a big step in bee preservation.
The lives of a black bear and her cubs were coldly snuffed away by a pair of poachers. Applaud the punishment of a family of hunters who ended the lives of another family.
The vaquita porpoise has been given a second chance thanks to the United States Court of Appeals. The judges ruled against lifting a ban on imported seafood obtained using gillnets, a fishing method that is extremely dangerous for sea mammals. Praise the judges for protecting this endangered species.
Roughly a year after being upgraded from endangered to vulnerable, kiwi birds will be reintroduced to the capital of New Zealand, where citizens have been vigilant in their efforts to trap the predators that drove the birds to near-extinction long ago. Sign this petition to thank the New Zealand government for making this step possible.
The endangered red wolf could have been driven to extinction by a rollback of protections, but a court ruled to stop that rollback and ensure the wolf’s protection. Support this stand for justice and the preservation of this iconic species.
The cruel slaughter of whales for profit will not be legalized, thanks to a recent vote. Applaud the International Whaling Commission (IWC) for its decision to uphold whale conservation.
After being stripped of their Endangered Species Act protections, grizzly bears in the Yellowstone region were being put even further at risk, as legal trophy hunts were scheduled to begin for the first time in four decades. Now, however, these hunts have been banned and protections reinstated in a huge victory for animal welfare. Support this win for compassion and preservation.
After three decades of near-extinction and a complete disappearance from the Holcinote Estate, 150 water voles are finally being released onto the property that was once their natural habitat, thanks to the National Trust. The return of this species has been in high demand for years. Sign this petition to thank the National Trust for bringing this species back.
Days before wild Yellowstone grizzly bears were set to be slaughtered, a restraining order has at least temporarily halted the deadly hunt. Support the groups who fought for this victory and encourage reinstated protections for the grizzly bear.
The image of a dead polar bear against a scenic Arctic backdrop sparked worldwide outrage. Urge Norway to better protect these endangered animals and their equally endangered habitats.
Several krill fishing giants have agreed to halt their fishing to aid in the creation of the world’s largest marine sanctuary, much to the joy of ocean conservationists. Krill are not only a vital food source to many seabirds and aquatic mammals, but they control the levels of carbon dioxide through their own feeding habits; more krill ensures a brighter future in many ways. Sign this petition to thank Aker ASA for being one of the companies to support this sanctuary.
Permits will no longer be issued in Washington authorizing the inhumane killing of black bears. Support this victory and encourage the discontinuance of any such permits in the future.
A bill has recently been proposed to stop the culling of wild horses in New South Wales, protecting thousands of these horses from unnecessary deaths. This bill has been very much needed for the past two years, as there are far more humane ways to control the brumbie population. Sign this petition to support the bill and ensure it becomes a law.
The United Kingdom is finally introducing a ban on the sale and trade of ivory, giving in to public pressure from environmentalists and conservationists. This ban has been a long time coming, due to the UK being one of the chief exporters of ivory and thousands of elephants dying for the trade. Sign this petition to thank the UK for taking a step towards giving elephants a brighter future.
Endangered salmon and orcas in the Puget Sound will be given a better chance at survival after the governor of Washington signed an executive order requiring their protection. Support this vital move for compassion and conservation.
A ban on the import of elephant trophies has been quietly lifted by the Trump administration. This is a huge blow to elephant conservation and makes the U.S. complicit in the cruel killing of innocent animals for profit. Demand that the ban on importing elephant trophies be preserved.
Eight people have been arrested and charged with the murder of an important elephant conservationist. Sign below to support that these killers are being brought to justice.
Montana’s Yellowstone grizzlies will be protected this year, as the state’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks department recommends a hunting ban. Support this humane decision to preserve this iconic species.