Too often, rescued animals are returned to individuals who pose an immediate threat to them while much safer caretaking options exist. Demand the system look out for the best interests of these endangered animals.
The rewilding of the Galapagos Islands has helped restore plants, animals, and ecosystems previously thought lost. Applaud these successful efforts at reviving one of the world’s richest natural paradises.
A dog’s reported fatal stabbing and choking incited calls for stricter animal cruelty punishments in one state. Demand leaders listen to these public cries for justice.
The groundhog behind the famous holiday lives and existence of needless stress and exploitation throughout the year. Demand an end to this cruelty under the guise of entertainment.
A prominent European city has become ground zero for apparent animal cruelty that goes largely unpunished. Demand better from England’s capital.
Whales are dying in unprecedented numbers off and on the North Atlantic coast. Urge leaders not to be distracted by attacks on clean energy and to remain focused on the most critical threats to these animals.
Several mysterious events have befallen a popular Texas zoo, with the latest costing the life of a 35-year-old inhabitant. Demand justice for this fallen animal.
Kangaroos are being targeted for an unprecedented culling in a key Australian state. Demand a halt to this deadly practice that will provide another blow to a population still recovering from flooding impacts.
Three dogs died in nearly 100-degree heat, and another became severely sickened, due to alleged neglect by a member of the police force. Demand justice for these fallen animals.
Pearl, a teacup pig owned by a social media influencer was found abandoned in a field, sick with an infection and with her ears in tatters. Demand justice for Pearl.
The honeybees that keep our ecosystems functional have been struck by a deadly disease. Celebrate approval of a protective treatment that could save their lives and the balance of nature itself.
A pair of three-month-old puppies were hung from a tree and strangled to death. The person responsible is still at large and likely a danger to other animals. Demand justice for these innocent victims.
Biodiversity got a big win at a global conference, where Earth’s habitats and species received solid pledges of protection from 195 nations. Commend this hard-won agreement for Mother Nature.
An aquarium and a zoo were recently the sites of mass animal casualties. These supposed caretakers of animals need to be held accountable for reportedly failing to protect their now-dead charges. Demand justice and protection for animals at risk from careless profiteers.
The animals popularly known as reindeer are at dire risk of extinction due to largely human-caused threats. Support newly enhanced protections for this beautiful species.
A dog named Steeler was apparently kicked and punched by his caretaker in a sadistic attack caught on camera. Demand justice for Steeler.
A small dog was abandoned overnight and discovered in such poor shape that the animal had to be euthanized. Demand justice for the victim of this heinous crime.
Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company is accused of cutting open lab monkeys’ skulls, resulting in their intense suffering and eventual death. Demand that Musk stop torturing animals for profit.
Lab-grown meat could save countless animals from slaughter while also appeasing those who eat meat. Applaud the move that made this promising process one step closer to reality.
Koalas, gliders, and other iconic and endangered wildlife could soon have their homes destroyed if the coal industry gets its way. Demand leaders stop catering to destructive special interests.