Monkeys Reportedly Left to Die in Oven-Hot Car Deserve Justice

Target: Jimmy Dunn, District Attorney General for Sevierville, TN

Goal: Seek justice for monkeys allegedly left to die excruciating deaths in lethally hot car.

While news of animal-related heat deaths tragically come every summer, the reports typically involve dogs. This distressing narrative changed at Tennessee’s Soaky Mountain Water Park, however. While individuals and families cooled off with watery rides inside the park, two monkeys were apparently suffocating in the parking lot.

Employees found two young marmoset monkeys, both just weeks old, in a car on the premises. One of the monkeys had died, while the other was urgently taken for treatment for severe dehydration. The outside temperatures on this day alone were around 87 degrees. Since the heat inside closed vehicles can feel 100-plus degrees in just half an hour, these monkeys likely endured agony. The owners of the vehicle, Indiana couple Nova Brettell and David Paul, have been charged with animal cruelty.

Sign the petition below to ensure these suspects are held fully accountable for this tragedy if they are deemed responsible.


Dear Mr. Dunn,

Water parks are supposed to be a source of care-free fun during hot summer days. The Soaky Mountain Water Park apparently became the scene of a horrible heat-related tragedy, however, when two young monkeys—one deceased—were discovered inside a blazing hot car. As these animals share such a close relationship with humans, imagine the torment and terror they must have experienced.

These living beings deserved better than to have their lives endangered or ended in such an excruciating and entirely preventable manner. When all current and potentially pending charges have been filed against the couple allegedly involved, please prosecute this egregious case to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Miriam Fischer


  1. As a retired humane officer, I am constantly appalled at the
    manner in which people treat animals. Why do they have them
    in the first place?!! Cruelty to animals deserves as
    severe punishment as cruelty to humans.

    Mollie McCurdy

    • I completely AGREE. I too am an animal lover.

    • marguerite white says:

      I cannot understand why they would go to a water park and leave the baby monkeys in the car instead of taking them where they were suppose to be going,why do people take animals to park a car somewhere and leave them,surely are they idiots there have been so many over the years about leaving animals in a hot car.Yet people still do it.It seems to me that when something is raised about anything to not do,people start doing it.

  2. Ban them from ever owning, living with, or being left alone with another animal. Remove their children from their custody! These are stupid and dangerous people who are a threat to animals and children. They must never be allowed to be around either ever again!


  4. It’s amazing how unfeelingly stupid some humans can be when it comes to animals. They say the animals that are living with them are family, but who would treat a human family member like that? Those people from Indiana need to be punished the same way they would be punished if those 2 monkeys were human.

  5. Why in the HELL would they do this to them? IDIOTS!!!!

  6. Heather DeMartino says:

    This is inhumane And needs to stop!!

  7. What torture they must have had to endure before dying. Ugh

  8. Why does so much more animal cruelty happen in Tennessee?! Don’t they have any laws against it? Here is a summary of one of their statutes:

    ” A person commits aggravated cruelty (a Class E felony) to animals when, with aggravated cruelty and with no justifiable purpose, he or she intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal. Exclusions include animal farming, research, veterinary practices, hunting, trapping, “dispatching” rabid animals or wild animals on one’s property, among other things….”

    This suggests there is the possibility of a JUSTIFIABLE purpose for inflicting CRUELTY on animals! And with all the exclusions, or LOOPHOLES it’s no wonder there is no penalty for animal cruelty in the state of Tennessee. In this situation I’m sure the people involved can justify their actions with their need to go to the waterpark!

    If you live in Tennessee, you can vote to change this sorry excuse for animal welfare!

    • Jon Richardson says:

      That’s total BS. Animal cruelty cases are rampant all over the USA and even worse south of the border like Mexico and all of South America. You don’t know what you’re talking about, stop generalizing. Animal cruelty is a felony now in all of the USA.

      • Nancy Lasley says:

        And Asia, the Middle East…unfortunately worldwide. The human species is a disaster, fortunately there are many animal lovers and true heroes that are working nonstop to change this epidemic and mindset. We all must do all we can to support these animal welfare missions.

      • Nancy Lasley says:

        No, it is not. And I have noticed FL, TX, OK and the Deep South are the worst.

  9. Nadine brundage says:

    Brainless, heartless, ignorant scum , these two should be locked in their hot car and left to suffer. Why were those monkeys in their possession to begin with? People who commit such horrific cruelty need to pay the consequences of their stupidity.

  10. Carolyn Dougjas says:

    The cruel owners need to be forced to spend a week in the hot car … not allowed out for ANYTHING….and pay an extremely hefty fine…

  11. Barb Garrison says:

    I feel so sorry for animals that are trapped in these hellish lives owned by ignorant, stupid, self centered, heartless people. Animals have no choice, no voice, no way out of a miserable life. It breaks my heart.

  12. Rachel Brown says:

    Why did they have these poor babies?? Is it legal to own monkeys?? Did they steal them?? Are they illegal wildlife smugglers?? If they bought them, they couldn’t have been cheap. Those people look like they’re inbred Midwest dumbasses, hate these types having any animals.

  13. Brainless Idiots!’

    They should have been LOCKED in that hot car!!

  14. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about the suffering these two baby monkeys endured. The public has been warned repeatedly about leaving children and pets in hot cars but some people just don’t get it, and as a result, innocent children and animals are left to suffer and to die painful deaths. Ms. Brettell and Mr. Paul need to be punished. Their behavior is inexcusable. While they were having fun at the water park, these innocent animals were suffering. RIP fur baby and to the monkey that survived, I wish you a speedy recover. I hope you both get justice.

  15. That person is an absolute idiot and shouldn’t ever be allowed to own any sort of animal! Lock them in the car and see how long they last!

  16. GHDP!!!💩💩💩

  17. Avatar photo Richard Hofman says:

    If the USA want to be a leader in animals advocacy then there has to be issued a law that forbids the private possession of wild animals!
    There is no other way but to stop human idiots to keep wild animals as pets or toys for playing!

  18. Elizabeth Ginn says:

    Low brain and no heart. Fine, prison and no animals of any kind for life IF they survive being locked in a hot car all day that is….ingrates

  19. Anne-Mari Gavin says:

    When are the law makers going to wake up and treat these animal abusers the same as they did the poor animals they abused or killed???

  20. Idiots! Human trash! They should not be allowed to walk on this earth!

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