
Horses Found Dead in Field With Puncture Wounds Deserve Justice

One horse was found dead in a field and another was found writhing in pain and was later euthanized. Both horses had puncture wounds above their right eyes. Demand justice for these animals.

Dogs Apparently Abandoned at Dump and Poisoned With Antifreeze Deserve Justice

One dog was apparently abandoned to die at a garbage dump and another was poisoned with anti-freeze. Demand justice for these animals.

Justice for Exhibition Animals Who Died Due to Alleged Neglect

An aquarium and a zoo were recently the sites of mass animal casualties. These supposed caretakers of animals need to be held accountable for reportedly failing to protect their now-dead charges. Demand justice and protection for animals at risk from careless profiteers.

Don’t Let Climate Threat Run Over Reindeer

The animals popularly known as reindeer are at dire risk of extinction due to largely human-caused threats. Support newly enhanced protections for this beautiful species.

Dog Apparently Punched and Kicked on Video Deserves Justice

A dog named Steeler was apparently kicked and punched by his caretaker in a sadistic attack caught on camera. Demand justice for Steeler.

Sick Chihuahua Callously Abandoned to Die Deserves Justice

A small dog was abandoned overnight and discovered in such poor shape that the animal had to be euthanized. Demand justice for the victim of this heinous crime.

Don’t Let Elon Musk Mutilate Monkey Brains

Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company is accused of cutting open lab monkeys’ skulls, resulting in their intense suffering and eventual death. Demand that Musk stop torturing animals for profit.

Success: Cruelty-Free Meat Alternatives Promoted by Major Food Agency

Lab-grown meat could save countless animals from slaughter while also appeasing those who eat meat. Applaud the move that made this promising process one step closer to reality.

Save Koalas and Gliders From Massive Coal Mine Expansion

Koalas, gliders, and other iconic and endangered wildlife could soon have their homes destroyed if the coal industry gets its way. Demand leaders stop catering to destructive special interests.

Find Assailant Who Viciously Killed and Skinned Dog

A dog was viciously killed and then skinned close to the scene of a high-profile multiple homicide. Demand authorities pursue this case to the fullest extent.

Turkeys Reportedly Stomped and Beaten to Death Deserve Justice

A farm stands accused of stomping, clubbing, and beating turkeys to death in the most inhumane ways imaginable. Demand a full investigation into these alleged brutal practices.

300 Dogs Reportedly Left to Suffer With Abusive Breeder Deserve Justice

Hundreds of dogs were reportedly crammed together at a facility accused of severe neglect and abuse. Authorities could have protected these animals, but apparently only abetted the situation. Help end what appears to be a cover-up of this troubling case.

Animals Caught in Raging Floods and Fires of the Climate Crisis Need Our Help

Extreme weather fueled by climate change has decimated wild animals and puts species at risk of extinction. Fight back against this global wildlife catastrophe.

No More ‘Slaps on the Wrist’ for Animal Abusers

Shocking cases of animal abuse and neglect go unpunished every day in America. Demand animal abusers face real and serious consequences for their actions.

Don’t Steal Safe and Healthy Animals for Display in Zoos

Zoos are a resource to see and learn about live animals from around the world, but they may not always have the animals’ best interest at heart. Demand zoos stop stealing otherwise safe and healthy animals from the wild.

Dog Beaten and Choked by Man on Video Deserves Justice

Video footage appears to show a practicing veterinarian viciously beating and choking his pet dog in a horrific incident shared on YouTube. Demand justice for this animal.

Don’t Let Snow Crab Disappear From Seas Forever

A fixture of the Alaskan seas is in danger due to climate change and overfishing. The snow crab could once again thrive if humans would maintain a hands-off approach. Demand leaders throw this at-risk animal a lifeline.

Kitten Reportedly Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit Deserves Justice

Phoenix, a newborn kitten, was reportedly thrown into a fire by his caretaker and left to suffer in agony. Urge the vigilant pursuit of justice in this horrific tragedy.

Dog Reportedly Stabbed by Man in Fit of Rage Deserves Justice

A man apparently stabbed his husky nearly to death for acting on a dog’s natural instincts. Demand justice for this animal reportedly brutally assaulted by his own caretaker.

Stop Asphyxiating and Cutting Apart Fish to Death

Fish are sentient beings who feel pain and fear when they are dragged from the water to asphyxiate to death or are cut apart while still alive. Demand an end to this cruelty now.

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