Dozens of animals were reportedly left malnourished and neglected, with some already dead. Demand that the suspects in this case be stopped from inflicting further misery on any living beings.
Animals were reportedly found emaciated and forced to live among rotting corpses in a self-proclaimed sanctuary. Demand a decisive legal response.
A woman purportedly recorded over 150 videos of her sexually abusing her dog, using food to coerce the animal into explicit acts. Protect other vulnerable creatures from a similar fate.
Over 300 cats were allegedly found crammed into a single apartment, raising alarming concerns about neglect and sanitation. Demand swift action to ensure the wellbeing of these animals and maintain a safe environment for everyone involved.
Several horses were reportedly starved until they could no longer stand, leading to the death of some. Demand immediate and decisive legal action to protect these vulnerable animals and to secure justice for the lives lost.
Cruelty toward animals has reached alarming levels. Dedicated workers endure daily trauma while vulnerable animals suffer in silence. Demand urgent reforms.
Over 52 animals were trapped without food, water, or shelter in freezing conditions, according to authorities. Demand real accountability.
A man is accused of beating, choking, and throwing of his dogs. Demand a just response from local authorities.
Over 450 complaints of alleged torture and abuse flooded authorities in one year, signaling an alarming increase. Pets were hurled from high places and used as bait for fighting. Demand strong legal action to end this terrifying uptick in animal cruelty.
A dog was reportedly found starving in a plastic bin, left without basic sustenance or care. Demand immediate legal action to ensure this defenseless animal receives justice.
Two cats were reportedly found drowned in a water tank, suggesting a horrifying act of deliberate harm. Demand decisive legal action.
A dog was found dead and severely emaciated, the victim of deliberate starvation and neglect, according to witnesses. Demand strong legal action to ensure justice for this innocent animal.
Over 500 roosters were reportedly found with mutilated combs and wattles, prepared for violent cockfighting. Demand swift legal action to protect these vulnerable animals and ensure those responsible face consequences.
The heart-wrenching odyssey of a killer whale and her dead calf should be a call to action to keep the same fate from befalling an entire endangered species. Rescue southern resident killer whales from a bleak future.
Hundreds of animals were allegedly discovered languishing without proper food, water, and vital medical care, with some even found deceased. Demand strong legal action against those reportedly responsible for this large-scale neglect.
Two suspects are accused of terrorizing a fox and then attempting to kill the animal. Demand true accountability for wildlife crimes.
Over 54 animals, including sick cats and a turtle, were reportedly rescued from deplorable conditions in a home. Demand a thorough response from authorities.
Feral pigs were caught and brutally shot in a national park, despite being described as “relatively domesticated” and abandoned in a harsh environment. Call for more humane treatment of animals in similar situations.
Animals have been found with missing limbs, forced to attack each other, and languishing with inadequate veterinary care at SeaQuest Woodbridge, according to reports. Demand that authorities revoke permits for this controversial facility.
Eight dogs appear to have starved to death after being abandoned without food or water. Authorities report finding their skeletal remains. Demand accountability to ensure justice for these innocent animals.