Articles written by: Tiffany White

Punish Tiger King Successors Accused of Abusing and Exploiting Wild Cats

Dozens of wild animals were seized from the private zoo featured in the controversial series Tiger King, and the new owners now face accusations of trafficking and animal cruelty. Call for punishment that truly fits the alleged crimes.

Man Accused of Throwing Puppy Into Building He Lit on Fire Must be Punished

A 9-week-old puppy was burned alive when an arsonist threw her into the flames he lit, according to reports. Sign this petition to demand the stiffest punishment possible for this alleged crime.

Dog Reportedly Shot and Killed in Dispute Deserves Justice

A dog and his owner were reportedly shot in a dispute. Unfortunately, the dog did not survive the alleged attack. Sign this petition to ask for the strictest penalty under the law if the accused is found guilty.

Don’t Pay Hunters to Kill Reptile Species and Trample Protected Land

Snakes are being rounded up and killed in a cruel slaughter disguised as a friendly competition. In the process, hunters are invading protected habitats. Urge an end to this killing for sport.

Stop Agriculture Industry’s Free Pass for Animal Abuse

Abused and exploited livestock could soon be granted greater protections in Oregon. The agriculture industry may finally have to answer for its seemingly rampant cruelty. Demand needed action to shield farm animals from humanity’s worst impulses.

Save Songbirds From Deadly Epidemic

America’s songbirds are succumbing to a deadly mystery disease at an alarming rate. Act to save our birds while there’s still time.

Monkeys Reportedly Left to Die in Oven-Hot Car Deserve Justice

Two weeks-old monkeys were reportedly found baking to death in a hot car parked outside a water park. Demand they receive justice.

Find Killer Who Shot Seven Horses to Death

A serial killer of horses is at large and dangerous. Law enforcement is seemingly doing nothing. Demand justice for the victims of this animal murderer.

Justice for Service Dog Burned and Blinded in Alleged Acid Attack

Cruel sadists allegedly threw acid on a service dog, severely burning him and rendering him blind. Authorities seemingly turned a blind eye to this horrific act. Call for accountability and punishment for these apparent abusers.

Four Kittens Allegedly Beaten to Death by Teacher Deserve Justice

Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, and Parsnip: these names no longer just represent food; they embody four of the many vulnerable kittens apparently beaten to death by a teacher. Help provide these innocent animals with peace by ensuring future victims are protected from similar heart-wrenching deaths.

Success: Disgusting Dog Fighting Practice Targeted By Lawmakers

A particularly depraved form of dog fighting has been made a felony in New Jersey. Thank the leaders who took a stand against barbarity for profit.

Save Majestic Spotted Owls From Extinction

Spotted owls could soon become extinct in Canada without immediate intervention. Their habitats have been destroyed, driving their population down to a mere three wild inhabitants. Demand protections for these unique birds and the forests they call home.

Puppy Reportedly Subjected to Brutal Eye Maiming With Hot Kitchen Knife Needs Justice

A breeder reportedly cut into a puppy’s eye with a burning-hot kitchen knife, all without anesthesia. Help secure punishment for the people accused of maiming this young animal for life.

Kangaroo Apparently Run Over by Tractor Deserves Justice

A tractor driver appears to hunt, crush, and kill a kangaroo in a shocking incident caught on video. Demand justice for the victim of this apparent sadistic crime.

Justice for Goats Beheaded and Brutalized in ‘Satanic Ritual’

Over a dozen goats were beheaded and butchered in a sick act of mass animal cruelty, possibly tied to a satanic ritual. Urge authorities to fully investigate this case and find those responsible.

Stop Paying Horse “Rescuers” to Send Animals to Slaughter

Ranchers are being paid $1,000 for every wild horse they vow to protect, but are actually selling the horses to slaughterhouses. Demand an end to this fraudulent rescue program that pays to kill horses.

Stop Doping Horses for Fame and Greed

The Kentucky Derby was wrought with scandal when a racehorse tested positive for illegal drugs. This is only the latest in a long line of allegations that racehorses are routinely drugged and endangered for entertainment. Urge accountability in a sport fueled by the pain and sacrifice of young animals.

Ban Fake “Rescue” Videos That Endanger Animals for Profit

Helpless animals are put in life-threatening situations to stage viral “rescue” videos on social media. Urge Facebook to stop these deplorable acts witnessed by millions.

Save Livestock From Endless Torture and Tragic Death

Livestock could soon gain the same protections against neglect, abuse, and cruelty as traditional pets. Demand Colorado make welfare for all animals the law of the land.

Dog Allegedly Choked and Kicked on Video Deserves Justice

A sick act of alleged animal cruelty was caught on video for the world to see. A defenseless dog was apparently assaulted to such a degree that he needed medical treatment. Urge accountability for the accused abuser.

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