
Success: U.S. to Enact Near-Total Ivory Ban

elephant_by_william_warbyA near-total ivory ban will soon be taking effect in the U.S. Sign this petition to applaud the completion of these new laws and thank the U.S. government for fighting against poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

Success: Maryland Becomes First State to Ban Dangerous Pesticides

Honey_bee_on_a_dandelion_by_OrangeaurochsHarmful pesticides that have contributed to the deaths of countless bees will soon be outlawed in the state of Maryland. Thank the state’s legislators for enacting this progressive measure and demonstrating a commitment to protecting the nation’s rapidly dwindling bee populations.

Success: Justice Obtained for Murdered and Neglected Pit Bulls

pitbull_by_ildar_sagdejevTwo allegedly neglectful and abusive pit bull owners who left their pets to go hungry and suffer from parasites are behind bars pending charges. Celebrate the swift justice brought to these alleged animal abusers.

Success: Woman Who Abandoned Dog at Shelter Prosecuted

mzelle-laure-lab-mixA woman accused of cruelly abandoning her dog, resulting in its death, has been brought to justice. Commend the police department that filed a criminal complaint against this animal abuser.

Success: PetSmart Stops Supporting Abusive Animal Mill

PetSmart Mike MozartOver 100 animal welfare violations were discovered at one of PetSmart’s suppliers. Thankfully, PetSmart decided to end its business relations with the horrific animal mill. Sign this petition and thank PetSmart for making the compassionate choice.

Success: Animal Advocacy Groups Sue for Orca’s Freedom

Orca in Tank by XurbleAdvocacy groups are rallying to free an orca held captive for 45 years. The container used to hold her is too small to be legal. Applaud these groups’ efforts to return this suffering animal to the ocean.

Success: Retailer Commits to Stop Selling Eggs From Caged Hens

Chickens-in-battery-cages-by-MaqiA major food retailer has decided to ban eggs from caged hens, but these eggs will slowly phase out in the stores in the span of nine years. Sign this petition to thank the retailer for deciding to only sell cage-free eggs, but to also urge the company to immediately ban eggs from caged hens.

Success: Innocent Dog Not Euthanized

1023px-Alaskan_Malamute_Appanachi-By-MalamuteA dog wrongly accused of harassing a farmer’s sheep will not be euthanized. Thank the attorney general for helping to save this innocent animal.

Success: Killing Bulls Outlawed In Spanish Town

speared bull by Manuel González Olaechea y FrancoKilling bulls to celebrate an annual festival is now illegal in a town in Spain. Sign the petition to thank the local government officials for outlawing this cruel practice.

Success: Bull Stabbing Festival Banned

Bull jackmac34Every year during the Toro de la Vega festival, men on foot and horseback would chase, torture, stab, beat and kill a lone, innocent bull. Thankfully, the government has put an end to this atrocity and banned the festival. Sign this petition and thank the government for ending this barbaric event.

Success: Wild Horses Will Be Protected In Arizona

wild horses by John HarwoodWild horses in Arizona will no longer be removed from their natural habitat by federal agencies, thanks to a bill which recently passed the state legislature. Sign this petition to thank legislators for protecting the wild horse population.

Success: Greyhound Racing Ends in Arizona

greyhound by BergadderThe cruel practice of greyhound racing will end in Arizona thanks to a new bill. Sign the petition to support eradicating this inhumane sport.

Success: Lonely Chimp at Roadside Zoo Finally Retired to Sanctuary

Joe the chimpanzee has been stuck for years alone at a roadside zoo but now has finally been given the life he deserves. The chimpanzee now thrives at a sanctuary surrounded by nature and friends. Sign this petition to thank the zoo for finally retiring Joe from his life of imprisonment.

Success: Endangered Kakapo Parrot Sees Population Boom

kakapo-chicks-by-dianne-masonThe endangered Kakapo parrot’s numbers have increased 30 percent this year under the supervision of the New Zealand Department of Conservation. Applaud this increase in the Kakapo population as a win for animal conservation.

Success: Mexican Gray Wolves Protected From Extinction

gray-wolf-by-Eric-KilbyThe Mexican gray wolf will now be saved from extinction, thanks to a lawsuit requiring the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a plan. Applaud this win for animal conservation.

Success: Rhino Horn Trade Will Not Be Legalized

SONY DSCSouth Africa has decided not to propose an end to the ban on the international rhino horn trade, a move that would have left rhinos even more vulnerable to poachers. Sign this petition to applaud the country’s decision to maintain the ban, and urge further action to protect the rhino from extinction.

Success: Zookeeper Finally Charged With Animal Cruelty

An animal trainer and zookeeper was caught on tape whipping a tiger until the animal defecated in fear. After an investigation, this alleged animal abuser is now charged with five counts of animal cruelty. Sign this petition to thank all the efforts put forth to investigate this zookeeper and his alleged abuse toward animals.

Success: Dogs in Hot Cars May Now Be Rescued

car window dog w tonguePets and children left alone in hot cars may now be rescued in Florida. Thank the governor for making this much-needed adjustment to the law making it easier for good Samaritans to help animals and people in distress.

Success: Inhumane, Dangerous Poultry Plan Abandoned

chickens-by-gettyPlans for poultry deregulation were on the table in the United Kingdom. Thanks to the many voices protesting this dangerous decision, the government has decided to abandon this course of action. Applaud the success of ending the privatization of health standards in the poultry industry.

Success: Plan to Let Animal Agriculture Industry Self-Regulate Abandoned

Caged-chickens-by-Sangamithra Iyer and Wan ParkPlans to scrap current animal welfare regulations in the UK have been abandoned. Thank the government for repealing this dangerous proposal and urge them to strengthen welfare standards to ensure better protection for the millions of helpless animals who suffer in meat, dairy and egg production.

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