An elephant who has spent the past 25 years of her life confined in isolation and denied proper veterinary care was finally rescued and removed from her owner’s care. Sign this petition to thank the animal control officer responsible for intervening on behalf of Nosey the Elephant.
A chilling undercover video shot at a Florida dairy farm appears to show farm workers savagely beating cows with metal rods and kicking them in the head. Sign this petition to demand that this farm be shut down immediately if these allegations are proven to be true.
The back legs of a baby elephant are consumed in fire as she desperately runs to her mother, screaming in pain and fear. This was the scene captured by a photographer in India who witnessed an angry mob attacking a mother and child elephant with flaming tar balls and firecrackers. Demand authorities take immediate action to protect elephants.
A cat was discovered horribly mutilated after two rockets strapped to his or her back had exploded. This sickening act of abuse must not go unpunished. Demand that police find and severely punish whomever is responsible.
Dogs and boars are pit against each other and forced to fight to the death in rural Indonesian villages, a practice that is defended as a ‘tradition’ despite its horrific cruelty to the animals. Sign this petition to demand the country ban these fights now.
Luxury brand Gucci has promised to stop using animal fur in its products in a huge victory for animal welfare. Support this decision to stop supporting the fur industry and to instead stand for animal rights and human compassion.
Sea turtles are no longer moments away from extinction thanks to the efforts made by the United States and Mexican governments. However, their numbers are still dangerously low. Sign this petition to thank the government for saving this species and to encourage their continued efforts.
Snow leopard populations have increased, declassifying these beautiful animals from being endangered. Applaud that the conservation of snow leopards is heading in the right direction.
‘Art’ works depicting animal cruelty will be removed from the Guggenheim Museum’s exhibit following much controversy and outrage. Support the decision to remove the exploitative pieces.
A ban on foie gras in California has been reinstated by the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The production of foie gras is a cruel process that sees feeding tubes shoved down birds’ throats. Sign this petition in support of the ban and mandate.
In a critical victory for innocent pets, the California Senate has passed a bill to put a stop to mass breeding and deplorable puppy mills. Support this important and humane decision.
Puppy mills and other commercial breeders will no longer be able to supply pet shops in California with cruelly bred and raised animals. This is thanks to a recently passed bill that requires stores only sell animals from shelters and nonprofit rescues. Praise this compassionate decision, which will likely save the lives of countless animals and prevent cruelty.
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More animals will be protected from horrific cruelty, thanks to a new state law enforcing stricter punishments for animal abusers. Applaud this major victory for animal welfare.
Spain’s Balearic Islands have passed a law that prohibits harming or killing bulls during a bullfight. Support this push in the right direction toward ending this inhumane practice.
Horses in America will be protected from inhumane export and brutal slaughter for human consumption with the passing of new legislation. Sign below to support this move to protect these innocent animals.
Dogs finally have protection from heat-related deaths thanks to a new law in Pennsylvania. Too many animals die from being left in hot cars or tied to posts on hot days, but this law will help prevent future tragedies. Applaud the decision to offer stronger protection for dogs.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has legalized the use of wiretaps and surveillance video in capturing those involved in animal fighting rings. Sign this petition to praise New York for this decision.
A cub fathered by the famous Cecil the Lion, who made headlines following his murder in 2015, has now met the same tragic fate at the hands of hunters. Sign this petition to urge the government of Zimbabwe to do more to protect these majestic creatures.
A man who has pleaded guilty to torturing and killing over a dozen cats will now spend the next 16 years behind bars following a judge’s sentencing. Sign this petition to express your gratitude that justice has been finally been served for the cats of San Jose.
A young man who plead no contest to charges that he helped butcher and slay over a dozen protected albatrosses could now face the maximum possible penalty for his crimes during his upcoming sentencing. Far too often, cases of animal abuse are ignored or given leniency in the justice system. Sign this petition to voice your support for the prosecutor’s actions in this case.