
Stop Torturing Domesticated Skunks By Removing Their Scent Glands

Domestic skunks are forced to undergo a de-glanding procedure, which strips them of their natural born defenses. Ban this cruel and unnecessary practice.

Provide Rabies Vaccines to Stop Mass Destruction of Dogs in Indonesia

Indonesia has killed thousands of dogs in an attempt to eradicate rabies because they don’t have sufficient vaccines. Encourage the U.S. to provide Indonesia with vaccines to save the lives of countless dogs.

Dog Covered in Feces With Maggot Infested Wounds and Forced to Breed Her Whole Life Deserves Justice

A small dog was found covered in maggot infested wounds and smelled of feces and urine. She had been forced to live her entire life in a cage to breed for the profit of her owner. Demand authorities find and arrest the person responsible for this nightmarish abuse.

Justice for Dogs and Cats Reportedly Trapped in Filthy, Unlivable “Rescue” Facility

An “animal rescue” organization reportedly kept helpless pets caged in filth behind closed doors. Ensure real justice for the victims.

Shut Down Attraction Where Ponies Reportedly Carry 100+ Pound Loads in Deadly Heat

Ponies are reportedly being forced to carry loads of over 100 pounds for hours at a time in 90-degree heat. Stop this alleged abuse of defenseless animals for profit.

Stop Torturing Dogs and Cats to Death in Gas Chambers

Dogs and cats at certain “kill shelters” are put to death in gas chambers, enduring up to 40 minutes of fear and torture before succumbing. Ban this horrifying practice for good.

Save Hippos From Extinction Due to Illegal Poaching

Innocent hippos are being pushed out of their homes and slaughtered for their skins. We must step in to save this species before it is too late. Demand hippos be protected from poaching and all threats that will lead to their extinction.

Stop Tearing Young Puppies and Kittens Away From Their Mothers Too Soon

Puppies and kittens are often torn from their mothers and siblings too early in life, resulting in lifelong emotional scars. Support a ban on selling animal babies.

Stop Dog Breed Bans From Killing Loving Pets

Countless innocent dogs are put to death due to bans on certain “dangerous” breeds. End this unfair practice today and save dogs’ lives.

Stop Inhumane Slaughter of Innocent Wildlife in Government-Backed Culls

Over 1.75 million animals ranging from red-winged blackbirds and cormorants to the near extinct Mexican gray wolf have been killed in culls backed by U.S. Wildlife Services. Demand this federally funded agency find an alternative solution to protect agricultural output.

Success: Animals Freed From Cruel Medical Testing Mandate

Hundreds of thousands of animals have been saved from cruel and unnecessary drug test research. Thank the U.S. House for ending the archaic mandate that all experimental drugs be tested on animals before they could be used on humans in clinical trials.

Stop Letting Poachers Off the Hook for Slaughtering Animals

Each year, hundreds of millions of animals are illegally killed, trapped, or trafficked as part of the global wildlife trade industry. In America, the penalty for poaching is typically only a fine of between $5,000 and $10,000 and a maximum sentence of up to two years in prison. Demand that lawmakers do more to dissuade poachers from killing innocent animals.

Expose Slaughterhouses That Slit Throats of Living Animals

Farm animals live with the stench of death hanging over them. Some face beatings with shovels and some have their throats slit while still alive. These abuses must be exposed for the world to see.

Costco: Stop Allegedly Keeping Chickens in Overcrowded Cages Filled With Feces and Corpses

Costco, one of the largest retail chains in the entire world, has been accused of abusing millions of chickens in the name of profit. These animals are reportedly forced to live in overcrowded sheds, crushed beneath their unnatural weights and unable to properly move, and they are apparently dying agonizing, premature deaths due to untreated illness, injury, and starvation. Demand Costco put an end to this alleged cruel practice.

Dogs Reportedly Starved in Death Cages Deserve Justice

Three dogs were found dead and decomposed inside a cage, apparent victims of reckless indifference on the part of their caretaker. Demand justice in this disturbing case.

‘Skeleton’ Dog Reportedly Starved to Death Deserves Justice

A defenseless dog was reduced to a literal “walking skeleton” by apparent starvation. Demand justice for this animal seemingly killed by reckless neglect.

Success: Justice Secured for Over 150 Abused Puppies and Horses

Justice has been served to the woman who neglected 135 dogs and 23 horses while operating a horrific underground puppy mill. Sign this petition to thank officials for prosecuting the abuser and encourage them to continue fighting for voiceless animals.

Cows Imprisoned and Impregnated With Metal Rods to Maintain Milk Supply for Humans Deserve Justice

Cows on corporate dairy farms are forced to endure endless amounts of suffering. They face constant physical abuse and are artificially impregnated year after year, until eventually being sent off to slaughter. Sign this petition urging Starbucks to stop seemingly endorsing dairy milk by upcharging non-dairy alternatives.

Stop Cruelly Boiling Crustaceans Alive

Boiling lobsters, crabs, crayfish, and other crustaceans alive is a cruelty that must end. They are sentient creatures and can feel pain in the same ways as mammals and other animals. Demand that animal welfare laws be changed to protect crustaceans.

Success: Greatest Show on Earth to Be Animal-Free and Cruelty-Free

The world’s most famous circus will reintroduce itself to audiences without the exploitation and potential abuse of innocent animals. Applaud the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for sparing elephants, tigers, and lions from a lifetime of misery.

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