
Educational Series: Gentle Giraffes Are Being Driven Toward Extinction

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]By Nick Engelfried At up to almost nineteen feet tall and sometimes weighing well over 2,000 pounds, giraffes are among the most impressive and charismatic of African wildlife species. These immense animals share Africa’s savannas, woodlands, and even some desert areas with elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, […]

Punish Man Who Allegedly Stabbed and Disemboweled Dog

A dog was allegedly stabbed and disemboweled in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The suspect became violent while at home, police stated, and attacked both his acquaintance and his Yorkshire Terrier. Demand justice for this innocent dog.

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Cancel Chinese Dog Meat Festival

Despite countless petitions and protests from animal welfare activists, the Yulin dog meat festival is approaching for the ninth year in a row. This festival relies on the kidnapping, torture, and slaughter of up to 15,000 dogs per year, many of which are beloved pets. Sign this petition to cancel this inhumane festival for good.

Puppy Kicked to Death Deserves Justice

A puppy died after a group of children kicked her into the air like a football. Those responsible are still at large. Demand justice for this innocent puppy.

Educational Series: Imperiled, Amazing Reptiles Deserve Our Help

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]By Nick Engelfried With their scaly skin, penetrating gaze, and some species’ sharp claws or venomous fangs, reptiles may not be the world’s most cute or cuddly creatures. However, despite being radically different from the dogs, cats, and other mammals most of us are used […]

Punish Man Who Allegedly Beat Puppy to Death

A puppy was allegedly beaten over the head in a sad case of animal cruelty. The 4-month-old pit bull was reportedly left by the side of the road to die. Demand justice for this innocent puppy.

Halt Mass Execution of Stray Dogs

Imagine walking through a neighborhood and seeing dead dogs swinging from tree branches, or claw marks beside a freshly drug grave, or canine carcasses mixed in with the trash. For one Indian region, these stark images are reality. Demand an end to the allegedly sanctioned slaughter of stray dogs.

Educational Series: Help Stop Wild Animal Tragedies This Summer

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]By Nick Engelfried It’s the time of year when families across the nation get ready to participate in one of our country’s best summertime traditions: the summer vacation. Over the next few months thousands of people will take to the road to visit national and […]

Father Accused of Shooting Daughter’s Dogs Because She Didn’t Clean Dishes Must be Punished

Spanking, time-out, grounding…. murder: in the realm of parental punishments, the last should never be uttered in the same sentence. Yet an Oklahoma man allegedly used murder as a weapon by killing his daughter’s pet dogs. Demand justice for innocent animals caught in the crossfire of domestic disputes.

Dog Shot in Head and Left to Die Deserves Justice

Lagertha the dog nearly died after she was shot twice in the head and abandoned in the woods. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for Lagertha.

Educational Series: Animal Welfare Act Saves Creatures in Need

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]By Nick Engelfried On a summer evening in 1965, a Dalmatian named Pepper disappeared from the farm where she lived with her loving human family, the Lakavages. She was never to be seen again by the Lackavages, who had adopted her from a nearby kennel. […]

Punish Person Who Shot and Killed 10-Month-Old Kitten

A 10-month-old kitten was shot twice and later died from his injuries. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for this innocent kitten.

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Educational Series: Apes: Our Intelligent, Endangered Relative

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] They’re our closest living relatives of the animal world, some sharing almost 99% of our DNA. They are far more intelligent than scientists once realized, with elaborate social structures and family networks. They make sophisticated use of tools. And they are among the most […]

Trump Tricked Us – Oppose His Quiet Plan to Allow Trophy Hunting

A ban on the import of elephant trophies has been quietly lifted by the Trump administration. This is a huge blow to elephant conservation and makes the U.S. complicit in the cruel killing of innocent animals for profit. Demand that the ban on importing elephant trophies be preserved.

Wait, there’s one more step… Animal Shelter Meals Donated So Far – Visit Play4Paws to feed 8 more shelter animals right now In partnership with ForceChange and AnimalPetitions.org Please Also Share the Petition: [easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] More Petitions: [easy-social-share buttons=”twitter,facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]

End Cruel Factory Farming and Force-Feeding of Ducks and Geese for Popular Culinary Dish

Geese and ducks are being force-fed several times a day with a funnel shoved down their throats in order to make foie gras, a popular culinary dish of fattened liver. Sign this petition to demand that the United Kingdom include a ban on foie gras in its new animal welfare proposal.

Educational Series: Help Wildlife Survive in Your Yard

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] No matter where you live, you can help animals without travelling any farther than your own backyard, balcony, or windowsill. Making small changes to the ways we care for our homes and gardens can have a real effect on animals who live nearby–and this […]

Don’t Kill Homeless Dogs and Cats Before World Cup Event in Russia

Russia is planning on slaughtering thousands of stray dogs before it hosts the World Cup. Time is running out for these poor animals. Sign this petition to stop the planned extermination.

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