Animal Welfare

Dog Whose Torture Was Apparently Filmed for Months Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly tortured on video for months, ultimately leading to the animal’s death. Demand a thorough response to what appears to be a sadistic act of cruelty.

Stop Violently Ripping Fur Off Live Goats to Make Cashmere Clothing

Chilling investigations into the cashmere industry reveal goats screaming in agony as their hair is violently pulled from their bodies, leaving them with bleeding wounds. Take a stand against this cruelty.

Seek Justice for Dogs Allegedly Frozen to Death in Cold Snap

Two dogs froze to death during a severe cold snap, according to investigators, highlighting the need for enforcement of animal cruelty laws. Demand accountability in this heartbreaking incident.

Shut Down Kennel Accused of Keeping Dogs in Deplorable Conditions

Scores of dogs were rescued from apparently unlivable conditions at a kennel. Don’t let any more animals suffer in the same way.

Justice for Over 150 Animals Reportedly Found Dead and Dying on Farm

Over 50 horses, a cow, and a dog were found dead on a property where 90 horses and other animals were rescued from squalor, according to authorities. Demand an appropriate response.

Stop the Rampant Killing of Rabbits on Island Sanctuary

Over 70 rabbits were killed in a series of violent incidents on “Rabbit Island.” Ensure the safety of these defenseless animals.

Over 27 Horses Seemingly Starved to Death Deserve Justice

Over 27 horses died after they were apparently deprived of food and water. Demand this case be taken seriously.

Find Answers About Fire That Killed Hundreds of Pet Shop Animals

A fire claimed the lives of hundreds of animals trapped in a pet store. Demand these innocent living beings not be forgotten by the legal system.

Shut Down Farm Where 127 Animals Reportedly Suffered From Parasites and Malnutrition

Animals at a farm were found suffering severe infections and malnutrition in unlivable conditions, according to authorities. Demand action.

Demand Accountability Over Puppies Allegedly Found Dead in Home

Multiple dead puppies were allegedly discovered during a domestic violence investigation. Demand justice and a full investigation.

Kitten Apparently Beaten and Maimed at Market Deserves Justice

A kitten was beaten and maimed at a local market, according to witnesses, raising urgent concerns about animal abuse. Demand justice and ensure accountability.

End Mass Fish Slaughter at Festival

An ice reportedly starves and slaughters hundreds of thousands of fish annually for entertainment. End these practices now.

Dogs Apparently Forced to Eat Each Other Due to Starvation Deserve Justice

Multiple dogs were reportedly starved and abandoned in a home, forcing them to consume a deceased dog to survive. Help ensure justice for these innocent animals.

Take Action After Camera Footage Shows Dog Assaulted in Broad Daylight

In a disturbing incident caught on camera, a man assaulted a loose dog, leaving witnesses desperate for justice. Help ensure perpetrators of animal cruelty are brought to account.

Stop Epidemic of Rabbit Abandonments

Several rabbits were abandoned in a nature park, leaving them vulnerable to starvation and putting the native ecosystem at risk. Investigate and enforce stricter measures to stop this from happening again.

Seek Justice for Dog Reportedly Beaten and Kicked

A German Shepherd was reportedly beaten and kicked in a shocking act apparently captured on video. Demand justice and stronger animal protection measures.

End Systemic Cruelty in Pig Slaughterhouses

Twenty dead piglets left by protesters outside a government building highlight cruelty in the slaughterhouse industry. Address systemic abuse and protect animal welfare.

Seek Justice for Puppy Reportedly Suffering Fractured Leg

A puppy reportedly suffered a fractured leg at the hands of the animal’s supposed caretaker. Ensure justice and prevent future cruelty.

Demand Justice for Dog Reportedly Struck With Thrown Bottle

A woman reportedly threw a water bottle at a small dog, leaving it stunned. Enforce stronger animal cruelty penalties to protect vulnerable animals from harm.

Horse Apparently Shown Being Sprayed With High-Pressure Hose Deserves Justice

Witnesses say a horse was sprayed with a high-pressure hose at a car wash, causing visible distress and the animal’s collapse. Ensure accountability and strengthen protections against animal cruelty.

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