Target: Konda Surekha, Minister of Forest and Environment, Telangana, India
Goal: Ensure Rupavathi receives proper medical care and is not used in any processions.
Amid serious health concerns and an intervention from the Union government, elephant Rupavathi is being transported from Karnataka to Telangana for the Muharram and Bonalu processions in Hyderabad. Rupavathi was temporarily held en route after People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) highlighted her apparent ailments. PETA has offered a mechanical elephant as an alternative, emphasizing that Rupavathi shows signs of prolonged physical suffering and requires rehabilitation at a reputable sanctuary.
Veterinary experts informed PETA that Rupavathi is unfit for transportation and participation in events due to her arthritic forelimbs, blindness in one eye, and flattened foot pads, which increase her risk of slipping on city roads. Despite these concerns, officials have reportedly approved her transport to Hyderabad. The elephant’s journey began after Telangana Forest Minister Konda Surekha made arrangements to bring Rupavathi from the Sri Jagadguru Panchacharya Mandir Trust in Karnataka. Take action now.
Dear Konda Surekha,
I am writing to express my grave concern regarding the transportation and use of the ailing elephant Rupavathi for Muharram and Bonalu processions in Hyderabad. Veterinary assessments indicate that Rupavathi is suffering from severe health issues, including arthritis, blindness in one eye, and flattened foot pads, making her unfit for such strenuous activities.
Rupavathi’s participation in these events appears to not only pose a significant risk to her health and well-being, but to also endanger public safety. Elephants, when subjected to loud noises and chaotic environments, can become agitated and potentially harmful to themselves and others. Additionally, using animals in such processions is a violation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960.
I urge you to take immediate action to halt Rupavathi’s transport and ensure she receives the necessary medical care and rehabilitation at a reputable sanctuary. PETA’s offer to use a mechanical elephant instead provides a humane alternative that respects both animal welfare and cultural traditions.
Your prompt intervention is crucial in safeguarding Rupavathi’s health and preventing any further suffering. Let us uphold the principles of compassion and responsibility by ensuring that no animal is subjected to such distressing conditions.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Tilak Reddy
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH…. Aprille Gilmore
“ Please demand the elephant be released to a sanctuary immediately AND charge the owners with cruelty. All countries have weak animal cruelty laws but, India is famous for the horrendous way it treats animals. It is the only reason I will never go there. “ !!!!
What a shame that people in other countries don’t love their animals as much as we do this is a flagrant treatment to some poor elephant that can’t help itself. These people should be ashamed of their selves for being so selfish. God bless her.
Imagine if you were made to do this you cruel selfish people! Free this majestic creature from her suffering and allow her to live her remaining years stress free in a sanctuary that will give her love and hope in whatever life she has left. These things should be illegal and banned! Animals are vulnerable and voiceless, they can not get themselves out of these dire situations! Please do one selfless act of compassion and release her immediately to a sanctuary where she will live the life she deserves!
God did not create animals to be entertainment to rgreedy and cruel own and the sick people that attend these venues.
Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty
All wild animals should be IN THE WILD, NOT made to perform for the so-called human? race, human is not what many people are, they have no pity or feeling for these poor animals. Release this Elephant to a CARING AND LOVING SANCTURARY – NOW.
Rupavathi should be sent to a reputable sanctuary to receive proper medical care and rehabilitation pronto and never again forced into performing in processions!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Editor, you continue informing us about this type of scandals but you don’t tell us what you did in order to bring those involved to justice.
Exactly my views!
I have been submitting the very same thing. Never yet seen anything here appertaining to any of the ‘perps’ being prosecuted! So it looks like they are just set free or ignored so they can just carry on as normal! Now referring to the Elephant. As long as the animal can get up and move, these bastards just cannot give a toss as to what it is feeling! Poked with pointed sticks and electric prods is the ‘norm’ for these ‘non – caring pieces of crap just as long as the animal can move is all that matters.
If it dies through endless torture and misery, the pricks will JUST GET ANOTHER ONE! Collateral damage as it is only an animal so what!!
And I don’t expect there is any laws for animals as the ‘so-called country’s leader is I imagine, is too occupied with making pots of money, to care anyway.
Would be nice if these ‘mother-fucks could be given the same treatment!!! So yes, let’s have some information here as to what ( if anything) happens to the animal torturing and abusing arseholes who are portrayed on this site please!!!
Yes, this cruelty and abuse is heartbreaking and soul-destroying. And all of those abusing monsters should be stopped and dealt with severely.
Darn Indian pretending to be religious and fucking
God fearing !!! Doing allllll cruel things to animals!!!
I know!!! I lived there
India has a dismal record when it comes to human rights – so what hope do animals have in such an evil and wicked country? NONE. And if Rupavathi is retired to a sanctuary, it will only be because her usefulness to her abusers has ended. And then these evil Indians will just find another elephant to abuse. Evil people. Evil country.