Animal Conservation

Success: Endangered Species Once Again Federally Protected

The Trump administration removed a series of vital environmental protections and put endangered animals at risk of extinction. Thankfully, these species are now safe, and their welfare is guaranteed by law. Praise the judge responsible for protecting these animals.

End Cruel Shark Killing Tournaments

Each year, tens of thousands of sharks are murdered for fun during shark killing tournaments. This causes a drastic drop in their already dwindling population. Demand an end to these cruel competitions before more sharks disappear from our oceans.

Protect Wedge-Tailed Eagles From Drastic Drops in Population

Australia’s largest aerial predator has spent years as the prey of humans. These important birds now face an even bigger threat in unrelenting habitat loss. Demand this eco-diverse region safeguard one of its most iconic inhabitants.

Don’t Kill Wild Bears Because of Bad Housing Policies

Four black bears have been killed for entering a campground used as temporary housing for Anchorage’s unhoused population. Demand officials protect houseless community members and wildlife with effective housing policies.

Save Hippos From Extinction Due to Illegal Poaching

Innocent hippos are being pushed out of their homes and slaughtered for their skins. We must step in to save this species before it is too late. Demand hippos be protected from poaching and all threats that will lead to their extinction.

Stop Inhumane Slaughter of Innocent Wildlife in Government-Backed Culls

Over 1.75 million animals ranging from red-winged blackbirds and cormorants to the near extinct Mexican gray wolf have been killed in culls backed by U.S. Wildlife Services. Demand this federally funded agency find an alternative solution to protect agricultural output.

Stop Marine Habitats From Becoming World’s Trash Bin

Beaches the world over bear the scars of plastic pollution. Bottles, wrappers, and other trash kill countless marine animals every day. Demand global leaders commit to wide-scale plastic reduction.

Black Bear Mother Shot to Death Deserves Justice

Bobbi, a beloved black bear mother with two cubs, was fatally shot in a senseless act of violence. Demand justice for Bobbi.

Stop Plastic Pollution From Killing Elephants

Elephants are dying tragically after eating toxic plastic from landfills. Call for action to combat this deadly crisis.

Dolphins Impaled and Reportedly Fatally Harassed Deserve Justice

A pair of defenseless dolphins died in two unrelated acts of apparent animal cruelty. A stranded dolphin took her last breaths as bystanders seemingly harassed her, while an unknown assailant impaled a nursing mother dolphin. Urge the most severe punishment for all involved parties.

Stop Tires From Poisoning Streams and Killing Fish

The tires on automobiles are killing fish and other wildlife on a massive scale. Demand action to combat this threat to aquatic animals.

Stop Salmon Farmers From Hurting and Killing Seals

Seals are being harmed and killed so that humans can continue harvesting salmon. Urge Australia’s guardian of the environment to do her job and stop these needless and illegal deaths.

Stop Renting Out Endangered Koalas for Parties

Endangered koalas are being rented out for parties and other entertainment, garnering profit for the organizations that should be caring for them. Urge an end to this exploitation that harms the health and well-being of these at-risk animals.

Success: Bear Who Broke Into Homes for Food Saved From Euthanasia

The bear who broke into multiple California homes has been saved from euthanasia. DNA samples showed that he was not the sole culprit, and it is safe to relocate him to a different part of the forest once captured. Thank the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for investigating, listening to the public demands, and saving Hank the Tank.

Stop Legalized Slaughter of Wild Sheep

Rare wild sheep are being culled and endangered in the name of so-called biodiversity. Demand politicians who claim they care about conservation protect mouflon sheep back up their words with actions.

Success: Protection for Migratory Birds Restored

Ex-president Trump removed the laws protecting migratory birds in the United States. President Biden has reinstated these vital environmental protection laws and honored the 1916 treaty between Canada and the US. Thank the Biden administration for their dedication to conservation.

Success: Vital Protections for Wild Birds Restored

Countless migratory and endangered birds were put at risk by former President Trump. Now, the Biden administration has protected these vulnerable creatures once more. Sign this petition to praise Biden’s actions to defend migrating birds.

Success: Wolves Potentially Saved From Cruel and Horrific Death Due to Strychnine

The brutal and cruel killing of wolves with strychnine may soon be banned, thanks to Canada’s Health Ministry. Sign this petition to thank those undertaking this important battle and encourage further success.

Success: Protection Extended For Threatened Birds

A threatened bird species will not be stripped of protection in the state of Arizona, defying powerful interests that would happily see this animal go extinct. Praise this sound and compassionate decision to protect the yellow-billed cuckoo.

Success: Alleged Shark Fin Traffickers Busted

Twelve suspects who reportedly made millions from the illegal trafficking and killing of sharks and endangered marine life for their valuable fins and bladders are now facing charges, thanks to the efforts of federal authorities. Applaud the demise of an alleged mass trafficking enterprise.

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