Pets Allegedly Subjected to Abuse and Neglect Deserve Justice
Pet animals were reportedly placed in danger in two separate Houston cases. Demand legal retribution for all of the alleged victims.
Pet animals were reportedly placed in danger in two separate Houston cases. Demand legal retribution for all of the alleged victims.
Deer are being targeted and killed by governments for simply existing. And increasingly, non-targeted deer species are caught in the crosshairs too. Demand leaders stop using death as a solution to ecological problems.
Fowl and canines by the dozens allegedly endured severe and life-endangering neglect from a Florida couple. The charges against these suspects do not match the scope of the reported crimes. Call for true and robust justice.
A key member of aquatic ecosystems is being endangered by farmed invaders. Call for stronger protections for Iceland’s at-risk wild salmon population.
An outbreak of severe respiratory illness in dogs has many pet parents worried. They are receiving little in the way of concrete answers. Demand a better system for detecting and combating veterinary ailments.
Athena, a six-week-old kitten, was reportedly found covered in feces and sealed in a duct-taped container. Demand justice for Athena.
A dog met a horrific fate when he was apparently beaten to death with a shovel by a man who reportedly defended his actions by saying he “was tired.” Demand prosecutors seek justice for this innocent animal.
Abusers often target both animals and the people who love them. Demand stronger action in exploring the link between animal cruelty and domestic violence.
A proposed copper mine in Alaska could imperil critical salmon populations and scatter the world’s largest congregation of bald eagles. Demand leaders stop this chain reaction of ecological disaster before it starts.
One potential salvation for abandoned pets is failing because of lackadaisical leadership. Demand a stronger investment in shelter drop boxes.
An innocent puppy was reportedly shot in the face in his family’s own yard. An apparently vengeful neighbor is charged with the shooting. Demand justice now.
Endangered sea turtles and whales are just some of the species facing critical threats from the latest oil spill. Call for swift penalties for the responsible parties and stronger protections for vulnerable wildlife.
A woman allegedly subjected dozens of cats under her care to starvation and eventual death. Demand she be held accountable for these shocking acts of alleged cruelty if found guilty.
Special needs dogs were reportedly found with exposed ribs, raw sores, and immobile limbs, living in filth among the dead bodies of other victims. Demand justice.
An abandoned sheep forced into solitude at the bottom of a cliff now has a new home. Commend rescuers for saving this lonely animal.
A Vermont man allegedly killed a deer in a fit of anger and then let the animal suffer in agony for more than an hour. The legal system and lax state laws are currently protecting him. Demand justice in this horrific case.
A dog allegedly died desperate, starving, and thirsty trapped inside of a crate. Another dog reportedly narrowly escaped the same bleak fate. Call for true justice in this disturbing case.
When birds and buildings collide, tragedy too often results. Demand stronger protections for birds at risk from dangerous building designs.
Dozens of dogs and horses were allegedly severely neglected, leading to multiple reported deaths. Demand the twice-charged suspect face a full legal reckoning.
Hundreds of animals were found starving in filth, according to authorities, with as many as 100 tragically dying. Demand justice in this highly disturbing case.