Keep Violent Abusers From Killing and Torturing Animals

Target: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Goal: Protect pets from falling victim to domestic violence.

A man in Tennessee allegedly beat a puppy in a bathtub so badly that blood splattered the walls. Meanwhile, an Ohio man is charged with poisoning a dog with narcotic drugs, ultimately leading to the animal’s death. What do these two suspects have in common? Like so many others, their arrests for animal cruelty were preceded by accusations of domestic violence.

In the former case, the accused—John Dudley, Jr.—reportedly threw his girlfriend against a wall and yelled at her “you want some?” when she tried to come to her pet’s aid. According to witnesses, he showed up at the residence the day following this incident and threatened to kill the woman and her family. The suspect involved in the drug overdose case—James Griffin, Jr.—apparently hurt the dog in retaliation against his mother, whom he had allegedly previously threatened. While both of these men face charges, their seeming victims might have been saved if laws were more stringent.

Anywhere from half to three-quarters of domestic violence victims claim pets were harmed or even killed by their abusers. In many cases, animals are used as sick leverage to control victims. Just like children, innocent pets trapped in violent households can suffer irreparable damage. Despite these troubling realities, many states have no laws on the books prohibiting pet ownership for someone convicted of domestic violence. In fact, 35 states do not even bar convicted animal abusers from adopting pets, much less domestic abusers.

This dangerous loophole needs national attention before more lives are needlessly lost. Sign the petition below to urge a federal law prohibiting individuals with an animal or domestic abuse conviction from securing pets.


Dear Speaker Pelosi,

Too many innocents are at the mercy of domestic abusers. Yet for one of these endangered groups, precious few legal protections are in place. Pets like cats and dogs reportedly become collateral damage in up to 75 percent of domestic violence cases. An abuser often knows how much a beloved animal means to an isolated victim. These animals are turned into targets for threats and assaults as a result.

We would not allow a person convicted of child abuse to adopt a child, yet in a surplus of states people who show themselves to be manipulative and dangerous abusers are allowed to keep animals. Even in cases of direct animal cruelty, convicted abusers can adopt pets in well over half of American states. If these at-risk animals ultimately die, we can lay part of the blame on laws that did not safeguard them.

Congress has demonstrated a willingness to tackle animal cruelty with measures like the PACT Act. Please take up the fight once more and close a lethal loophole that allows abusers unfettered access to potential future victims.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lachlan Ross


  1. Do I really need to say why? 🤦🏼‍♀️

  2. Paula Morgan says:

    I strongly believe that ALL states need to have the same laws in order to protect ALL victims of abuse. Domestic violence needs to be curtailed and stopped. Animals, children and women are all victims. Laws must be passed which make abuse of any kind an action which receives severe sentences. Only laws will help halt violent actions of abuse. We have no chance at all without making such actions punishable by severe laws in all states. Abuse has become common place. It needs to stop.

  3. All animal torturers and animal murderers must be put to death.
    These vile and evil psychopathic monsters from hell will continue torturing and murdering the precious and innocent animals if not erdicated from the planet. Kill them all!!!

  4. Shelly Blazich says:


    • Its not only men who do these things, i often read on here about women who leave animals to starve to death or ill treat them. When i was young i remember a nasty little girl harming a frog. Its something i still don’t like to think about, i often wish my parents had taken it to a vets to have it put out of its suffering. if i had been able to drive i would have had to help it. There are lots of cruel men but harmless and peaceful natured men like me are not popular with women at all, Women prefer thuggish men. I wouldn’t harm an animal for anything but i am the least popular person there is.

      • You’re correct in that women can be monsters too. (I’ve known too many myself) So the deliberate and stealthy “social conditioning” of people over 100s of years now has adversely affected both genders. That said, what SANE women really want is, yes, peaceable men by nature, but men who are also fierce Protectors as required, i.e. men who’ve embraced BOTH their feminine and masculine ENERGIES. (same goes for the best women!)

  5. Nanci Little says:

    Sadists are born that way, lacking mirror neurons which must be inherited.. or NOT.. from either parent.. Without mirror neurons (commonly referred to as the ’empathy gene’) a person has NO possibility of actually FEELING for anyone or anything but himself. Furthermore, sadists actually get a charge while inflicting terror or pain to anyone or anything that cannot fight back, endangering the health and welfare of any child, elderly or disabled person that comes under their control, and any helpless animal unlucky enough to cross their path. These people cannot be ‘changed’ nor ‘educated’… only made to FEAR the necessarily severe and quick criminal charges!

    We NEED the Animal Abusers’ Registry the FBI promised long ago.. so that, just like Child Molesters, no person moves next door to, or rents to or from, hires or works for, or socializes in any way UNKNOWINGLY with such a person!

    • You’re right, but those were merely more FAKE promises from totally corrupt agencies. You can’t put any faith in your actual jailers, who WANT more sadism in the world. All of these psychopaths are rampant now, AND are being ENCOURAGED to proliferate. Why do you think there’s been no action?

  6. Kill animal abusers!

  7. Each and every scumbag animal abuser globally must be put to death.

  8. No more delusional reliance upon utterly corrupt systems that will NEVER protect or provide for anyone. What’s needed is a good AX.

  9. Linda Cummings says:

    Ohio is a shit hole state when it comes to any animal protections. They still beleive the dark ages adage that animals are here soley to be used and abused by us.

  10. All scum bag animal abusers internationally must have the death penalty implemented. A slow and agonising death is essential.

  11. Paula Morgan says:

    To know an abuser is to know a coward. An abuser is a bully usually in adult clothes. The courts need to be addressed for all the harm abusers commit and get away with in the worst systems. First time offenders are let off and go right out and commit other atrocities. Anyone who commits abuse on an animal, a child, a woman, or on anyone needs to be held, by law, accountable!
    There are no reasons, no explanations, no excuses. Who does the crime must pay with years in prison, have their name known as an abuser. There may also be no companionship for abusers as they don’t know how to love a companion. The courts need to recognize this and not let these people out into society.

  12. I suggest these so called men, really BEAASTS be treated in the same manner that they abused the innocent animals. They know that the animals cannot defend themselves and so they continue to kill , take your life and your pets lives in your own hands and use what is ever necessary to keep safe and your pets, Shoot them in the leg or arm and call police.

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3919 Signatures

  • Astrid Van Steen
  • Sheila Anderson
  • Michelle Broskey
  • Lynne Cooper
  • Judy Swinney
  • Harald Sachsenröder
  • Caleb Crawford
  • Margaret Durbas
  • Andreea Picioroaga
  • Taylor Elrod
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