Dog Reportedly Bludgeoned With Sledgehammer Deserves Justice

Target: Neal Pinkston, District Attorney General of Hamilton County, TN

Goal: Prosecute man accused of killing pet dog with sledgehammer to the fullest extent.

A defenseless dog was allegedly killed in a brutal act of animal cruelty. After noise complaints from a neighbor, police arrived at the residence of Michael Justin Wall. Outside, they made a grisly discovery. A deceased dog reportedly lay in a pool of blood, with a sledgehammer and a plastic bag beside him.

When the police questioned Wall, he reportedly confessed that he bludgeoned his pet repeatedly with a sledgehammer. Even more disturbing, he also apparently claimed that before this heinous act he had attempted to kill the dog with both a drug overdose and then by suffocating him with a plastic bag. Why did Wall supposedly say he subjected his own pet to such brutality? He allegedly told police the dog suffered from seizures.  The suspect was charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

This poor animal endured pure agony in his final moments, allegedly at the hands of the person he trusted most. Sign the petition below to demand a proper punishment if Wall is found guilty, either in a psychiatric facility or in jail.


Dear Mr. Pinkston,

The case of Michael Justin Wall seemingly demonstrates the unimaginable cruelty still perpetrated against vulnerable animals. Wall reportedly confessed to attempting to strangle and overdose his pet dog before bludgeoning the poor animal to death. The prosecutor’s office has charged him with aggravated animal cruelty.

This charge seemingly implies that you do not believe Wall is mentally unfit. A psychiatric evaluation could determine his fitness. Whatever his mental state, he needs to be held accountable if found guilty. Please pursue a punishment that reflects the gravity and horror of this alleged offense.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay


  1. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Neal Pinkston, District Attorney General of Hamilton County, TN: Why does this sickening behavior by a sick individual keep occurring in Tennessee? Because these terrible people are NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE. The LOCAL and STATE POLITITIANS DO NOT PUNISH THIS BAD BEHAVIOR. So just watch for it to continue. Shame on everyone who allows it.

  2. Do the same way and same experience the way this bastard do to this poor dog

  3. This vile mentally deranged dog killing scumbag must have the death penalty implemented.I am ready,willing and ale to help perform this procedure! A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential.



    • That district attorney should have that imbecils balls cut off with a serrated blade feed them to him while removing his knee caps without anesthesia. Psychiatric ward? Fk no he knew what he did that’s why he confessed. That’s the problem with our liberal laws the fkng criminal has more rights and sympathy that any victim. If that imbecile is considered sick then put his ass to sleep , case over no mess and no wasting tax payers hard earned money in defending inhumane imbecils.

  5. Evil! POS!

  6. colby lothbrok says:

    Hope he will die in a very slowly, painful way

  7. So sick and tired of people abusing and torturing pets and animals to death! Why is this happening?? BECAUSE THEIR NOT PUNISHED ENOUGH FOR IT TO STOP!!!!! THROW THE BOOK AT THESE THUGS SO THEY WOULD RATHER DIE THAN TO HURT ANOTHER ANIMAL !!! STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!

    • Amen to that brother. Let’s use these fkng waste of human cells and use them as target training, military or private training . Ruuuun you useless human then target his ass. Bring backbone glorious days of Sunday gladiator spectacular games as in the good old days of great Roman empire. Torture, kill human or other creature senseless then its the gladiator arena for you them and see just how tough they are and how big they think they have the family jewels

  8. jackie Pflucker says:

    Dear Mr. Pinkston,


    • Amen to that brother. Let’s use these fkng waste of human cells and use them as target training, military or private training . Ruuuun you useless human then target his ass. Bring backbone glorious days of Sunday gladiator spectacular games as in the good old days of great Roman empire. Torture, kill human or other creature senseless then its the gladiator arena for you them and see just how tough they are and how big they think they have the family jewels

  9. Myrna Burdick says:

    Mr. Pinkston, I hope the effect of this dog’s death strikes home for you and your state. Join the advanced states AND GET SOME HUMANE ANIMAL legislation. Animals are not possessions they should be part of a person’s family to be loved and cared for.
    You are not part of the third world -OR ARE YOU?

  10. Coward! Shame shame shame! You deserve the same treatment as you have done to this dog.

    • Bury that worthless maggot up to his waist then let the soldier ants have their feast slow and excruciatingly satisfying. Or just skinbhis ass and hang him upside down for a pack of those gorgeous hyenas to play with his balls. No mercy for him.

  11. If we could only do to these people what they do to innocent animals (and children) at least to some extent then maybe they would get the message and either never get an animal or think twice about being cruel. Sadly an eye for an eye might be what is needed to stop evil in this world.

  12. American+Girl says:

    Kill the coward

  13. Nadine Brundige says:

    This demented scum needs to be placed in the nearest mental institution. Do not let this creature walk among us, no one is safe. Justice for that innocent dog must be served.

  14. Over a year later, why the ever-loving FUCK is this guy allowed to roam free, posting happy Christmas selfies at home with his [probably equally shitty] wife and kids?!?!?!?!! Why isn’t this motherfucking in jail already?!?!?!!!!

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