Dog Reportedly Beaten and Run Over Deserves Justice

Target: Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Attorney John W. Peck

Goal: Put man in prison who reportedly physically assaulted a dog, ran the creature over with his truck, and left the animal to die.

Devin Jacob Eli Rugg was arrested and charged with two counts of animal cruelty after he allegedly abused a dog on the side of the road. He needs to spend the maximum amount of time in prison if he is found guilty to hopefully avoid another similar tragic situation in the future.

A lady told authorities that Rugg pulled off the side of the road and began screaming at the animal. She further went over to explore the area after the man left and reportedly found a pit-bull type dog profusely bleeding and crying on the road’s shoulder. Although the dog, later named Russell, was quickly taken to a local veterinarian to receive medical treatment, the animal is reportedly still in excruciating pain after being treated for multiple cuts, bone bruises, and pelvic fractures.

Pictures of where the alleged incident took place were posted on social media, and Rugg was apprehended soon afterwards. According to the person who was with Rugg during the incident, he said that he was going to kill Russell before he reportedly assaulted the animal and ran the creature over twice. Sign this petition to demand Rugg be given the strictest sentence under the law if it is found he hurt this innocent animal.


Dear County Attorney Peck,

An innocent dog was reportedly tortured, run over twice, and left to die. Devin Jacob Eli Rugg was arrested for the crime after news of the incident spread on social media. He needs to spend the most time behind bars possible if it is found he committed this horrific act to better ensure other animals will not endure the same fate.

A person called police after she allegedly saw the dog, now named Russell, fiercely being yelled at on the side of the road. After the man left, she checked the area and later told police that the animal was bleeding from all four limbs and yelping loudly. According to one witness, the animal was picked up as a stray, and Rugg threatened to kill the creature after getting into a heated fight with his girlfriend.

A local veterinarian reportedly treated Russell for severe injuries, including bruises on the animal’s bones, pelvic fractures, and numerous lacerations. For these reasons, we demand you seek the harshest legal sentence for Rugg if he is found guilty and that he be required to not only spend time in prison, but that he also be made to pay all pertinent fines relating to his charges, if it is found he committed this disgusting act of animal cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Iidar Sagdejev


  1. Such depravity! Poor puppy. Laws concerning animal cruelty and abuse are too weak and inconsequential. These vile monsters rarely serve a year if any at all. So many innocent cats tortured and killed and they rarely serve even a month especially if they’re black or an illegal alien from south of the USA. Lawyers make these monsters out to be the victims.
    These monsters deserve long sentences especially since felines & canines cannot defend themselves.
    So sickening this cruelty.

    • Agree with you Anita. This is why crime is going up against animals and humans. I am sick of it, i don’t care if you are black or what ever, you commit a crime you should be prosecuted. We are a civilized country, not Africa. This has to stop. I want them stop calling it animal abuse, or cruelty, its attempted murder!!

  2. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    This is a HEINOUS CRIME and the perpetrator must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for egregious animal abuse and attempt to KILL. If you own an animal, you have a moral and ethical obligation to surrender it to an organization or an individual that can if you’re unwilling or unable to properly care for it, or if you no longer want it. There is NO JUSTIFICATION in trying to kill it. This man should be MADE TO PAY ALL VET BILLS to restore this poor dog to full health, be BANNED from ever purchasing, owning, caring for or working with ANY animals ever again, and be remanded for psychiatric evaluation as he’s a danger to all living beings.

  3. Mike green says:

    Send me his address…

  4. Jane B. Todaro says:

    This man, or whatever he’s supposed to be, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He should also never be allowed near an animal ever again, or ever allowed to drive again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Debra Broach says:

    Well here we are again. Another useless psychopath who gets mad at a human and takes his anger out on a defenseless, innocent animal. Again, another piece of crap who will most likely get a measly slap on the wrist because of these stupid laws that are made by these …. EXTREMELY, DAM, STUPID lawmakers. I am appalled that we even have to sign a petition to get justice done. Action and justice should come natural without the public having to beg the law system to do something. I am highly disgusted with the law system and have been for decades. Now things are getting worse with these morons abusing and taking their anger out on these animals ….. yet still, nothing gets done. Also, the person who was with that evil piece of crap didn’t bother to stop him, from hurting that poor dog? Just wonderful!!!! Ok, let’s see the idiotic lawyer who pleads his case, the dufus judge who let’s him get off with a stupid, insulting fine, along with the traditional community service, which he probably won’t do anyway. He will be out on the streets to do it again, not to a human being, but to a unsuspecting, innocent animal who won’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his anger. Animals’ well being and safety is non existant anymore because,I will repeat it over and over, lawmakers simply don’t give a dam. The only thing for these cruel punks is street justice. I am totally against violence but for these pieces of crap, I am more than willing to make an exception. Street justice is a group of animal advocates/animal lovers banding together, finding punks like that and beating the crap out of them each and every time they go near and hurt an animal. That continues until the lawmakers get off their stupid lazy asses and make some decent laws to help and protect these precious animals that can’t help themselves and incidentally, aren’t allowed to defend themselves against humans without being labeled mean and aggressive, then getting euthanized for being so. UNBELIEVABLE! Dam humanity.

    • I do understand your frustration as I feel the same. You so right, if an animal attack a human because it feel treated, they get destroyed, but the human that attack an animal get free. It makes you wonder and it makes you furious.

    • I too abhor violence but more and more think of street justice because of the reasons you mentioned. Also are some of the judges voted in, in the US. If so that is a chance to make your voices heard.

  6. Please kill that cunt!!! He should never have been born

  7. Debra Goldstein Lustig says:


  8. What, in God’s name, did the puppy ever do for the psycho to beat and torment him???, I am so tired of hearing that the low lifes of the earth just get a slap on the wrist for animal abuse!!! Prosecute??? No, not enough… the scumbag needs to feel the same pain that he inflicted on the poor innocent pup! The laws definitely need to be harsher. I pray for healing for the puppy.

  9. puttem jail

  10. Will prosecutors actually manage to do their job and charge and prosecute this scumbag to the fullest? Plea deals are sooo easy, why work?

  11. What a crapy human being. It would be nice if we could to him what he did to that puppy. I hope he will be severely punished and ban to never have any animal in his care

  12. Gabriela Torres says:

    Attorney John W. Peck
    That human monster should be incarcerated for the rest of his miserable life – please don’t let him get away with murder, he doesn’t deserve any compassion on your part.
    Thank you!

  13. Milantia Roy says:

    I wonder who gave birth to that despicable being!

  14. sylvia vegas says:

    Let’s hope that this monsters’ girlfriend is no longer with him because she could be his next victim.

  15. Teresa Zamalloa says:

    Karma will get you bastard one way or the other! You’ll have to pay sooner or later.

  16. MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this extremely EVIL MONSTER!  I lack words to express my indignation and anger at this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED, SADISTIC and highly PSYCHOPATHIC evil Satan!  How can someone INFLICT such EXTREME SUFFERING on an innocent, and defenseless dog. The pain this dog went through is of DEVILISH DIMENSIONS!! This poor creature deserves JUSTICE.
    ANIMAL VIOLENCE shall be treated as any human violence. Animals SHALL NOT BE VICTIMS — and they deserve JUSTICE just like YOU and ME!

  17. MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this extremely EVIL MONSTER!  I lack words to express my indignation and anger at this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED, SADISTIC and highly PSYCHOPATHIC evil Satan!  How can someone INFLICT such EXTREME SUFFERING on an innocent, and defenseless dog. The pain this dog went through is of DEVILISH DIMENSIONS!! This poor creature deserves JUSTICE.
    ANIMAL VIOLENCE shall be treated as any human violence. Animals SHALL NOT BE VICTIMS — and they deserve JUSTICE just like YOU and ME!

  18. The same thing should be done to this sick ugly creep-jail is too good for him!!!

  19. Throw this disgusting human being in person for life and do what he has done to this poor innocent like guy.

  20. Bitte tötet diese elende Kreatur und befreit uns von diesem Basdart,er ist ein Monster dem gehört der Kopf ab.

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