
Stop Testing Sunscreens on Defenseless Animals

Animals are being subjected to pain and distress thanks to outdated testing methods required for products like sunscreens. Urge the FDA to end its reliance on these cruel methods.

Take Action Against Widespread, Systemic Animal Cruelty Exposed in Videos

Disturbing videos appear to reveal a crab’s desperate struggle to escape plastic packaging, and pythons being sliced open. Call for a nationwide effort to curb such animal cruelty.

Investigate Cause of Horrific Fire That Killed Chickens, Rabbits, and Pig

A barn fire claimed the lives of defenseless animals including chickens, rabbits, and a pig. Demand accountability for this devastating incident.

Stop the Abuse of Circus Animals After Attack From Apparently Starving Lion

A circus performance turned tragic when a young lion attacked a man, apparently driven by extreme hunger and distress. Call for an end to the cruel treatment of animals in circuses.

End the Sadistic, Illegal Dogfighting Industry

Authorities uncovered 107 animals used for dogfighting on a single property, along with specialized tools of cruelty. Call for a crackdown on dogfighting operations.

Protect Pets From Rage-Filled Beatings and Stabbings

Protecting animals from mentally unstable or volatile individuals is crucial to preventing deadly acts of cruelty. Demand mandatory guidelines that enshrine these protections into the legal system.

Justice for Protected Duck Apparently Killed by Trump Jr. During Hunting Trip

A protected ruddy shelduck was apparently killed during Trump Jr.’s hunting trip to Italy. Authorities must investigate and ensure that those allegedly involved face appropriate legal consequences.

Oreo: Don’t Force Mice to Consume Human Feces and Glass Beads

The parent company of Oreo is reportedly forcing mice to consume human feces and other harmful substances before being killed. Demand an end to cruel animal experiments.

End Virginia’s Pet Overpopulation Crisis

An estimated 220,000 homeless pets are flooding Virginia shelters every year. Call on lawmakers to address this growing crisis.

Heroic Dog Apparently Set on Fire and Left to Die Deserves Justice

A puppy named Susie was set on fire at just ten weeks old, according to rescuers. Help prevent such cases of sadistic abuse.

Protect Rodeo Animals From Mistreatment and Dangerous Accidents

A horse crashed into a fence and collapsed at a rodeo event, endangering both the animal and his rider. Demand changes that will help keep animals safe.

Take a Stand Against Rising Animal Cruelty Epidemic

Animal abandonment and abuse reached a 12-year high, and cats and dogs are the ones who are paying the price. Demand stronger protections for these innocent creatures.

Cat Beheaded in Horrific Ritual Offering Deserves Justice

A cat’s severed head was discovered at a ritual offering site. Demand authorities investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Protect Wildlife After Young Coyote Was Stomped to Death

A young coyote was stomped to death by a group of young men in a shocking act of animal cruelty. Demand a full investigation and action to prevent such cruelty toward wild animals.

Justice for Puppy Apparently Hit Repeatedly on Video

A three-month-old poodle allegedly struck multiple times in an act recorded on video is now recovering under foster care. Demand justice for the puppy and ensure accountability for the suspected abuser.

Address Rash of Cases Where Animals Were Apparently Left in Deplorable Conditions

Disturbing allegations seem to reveal a shocking pattern of animals suffering without care or medical attention. Demand action to address this systemic failure.

Take Action for Puppy Left to Die Behind Dumpster

A shepherd mix was reportedly abandoned in a crate behind a dumpster, succumbing to severe neglect. Demand justice in this tragic case of alleged animal cruelty.

Hold SeaWorld Accountable for Alleged Animal Mistreatment

SeaWorld has been accused of mistreating marine animals with no accountability. Demand officials reject a recent legal settlement to seek justice.

End the Puppy Mill-Pet Store Pipeline

Puppies sold in pet stores with ties to puppy mills suffered and died from untreated illnesses and neglect, according to an investigation. Demand swift action to pass humane pet store legislation.

Don’t Let Egg Thieves Steal Wild Birds’ Future

As the scarcity of commercial eggs dominates headlines, a sophisticated criminal enterprise is working in the shadows to put wild bird eggs – and species – in peril. Demand a comprehensive international plan of action to stop global wild egg theft.

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