The use of hazardous pesticides is killing off bees and butterflies and disturbing the intricate harmony of the natural world. Demand measures be taken to safeguard and maintain the integrity of healthy ecosystems.
Eastern box turtles are often crushed to death while crossing busy roads. This has contributed to a mass decline in their population, putting them at risk of extinction. Call for action to protect these iconic reptiles.
The piping plovers’ nesting sites are constantly disrupted by unchecked beachgoers, driving them out of their habitat and closer to extinction. Take immediate action to protect these seabirds from a perilous and uncertain future.
Loggerhead sea turtles are forced out of their habitat by rampant coastal construction that also produces deadly plastic pollution. This species cannot be allowed to go extinct due to human greed. Take action now to protect this vital component of the ecosystem.
The eastern hellbender salamander may soon be gone forever due to water pollution. Demand prompt intervention to save this unique species.
Habitat degradation, climate change, and invasive species are all contributing to the pending extinction of brook trout. Demand leaders implement conservation measures to protect this species and their waterways.
Birds, bees, and butterflies are undergoing distressing declines due to detrimental pesticide use. Call for an urgent prohibition of the deadly chemicals and save these crucial pollinators.
Two non-aggressive dogs were reportedly shot and killed by police on a highway, their blood soaking the ground. Act now to stop preventable pet fatalities.
Atlantic sturgeons are dying due to overfishing and habitat destruction. They have survived for millions of years, and now human activity could kill them off. Demand comprehensive measures aimed at safeguarding and revitalizing this endangered species.
A helpless horse was apparently beaten, run over, then dragged behind a vehicle in a torturous ordeal captured on camera. Demand justice for this innocent animal.
A dog was hanged with a cord to coerce the poor animal’s owner, per reports. Ensure justice in this apparent case of horrific cruelty.
Several pet rabbits were reportedly killed by a man because he was “frustrated,” then left in a freezer. Demand justice for these apparent victims of sadistic cruelty.
The act of slaughtering wildlife for cash prizes may soon be abolished in another state. Applaud this incremental and important development for animal conservation efforts nationwide.
An innocent dog was allegedly physically abused while on a walk. Stand with us, urging a thorough investigation and justice for this alleged cruelty.
Nicklas, a beloved family cat, was reportedly attacked by a dog and stomped to death by a man on a bike. Demand justice for Nicklas.
A dog named Conrad was reportedly found with untreated broken bones, and starved until he ate rocks out of desperation. Demand justice for Conrad.
Six tiny puppies crying for help were apparently put in a bag and about to be thrown off the side of the road, but their alleged abuser may never face justice. Call for harsher legal penalties for pet abandonment.
A 12-year-old dog tragically died due to alleged abuse and neglect by her owner. Ensure a thorough investigation and prosecution to bring justice for this innocent pup.
There are only a couple hundred Florida panthers left in the wild due to habitat loss. They’re important parts of the ecosystem because they keep prey populations stabilized and support biodiversity. Demand the habitat of this essential species be protected.
Wild horses are being killed by the dozens on Nevada’s ranges under the guise of corralling and roundups. Demand the federal management agency responsible for this grossly mismanaged practice take a more humane and less deadly path forward.